Is it normal


Gold Member
For you to be more wiped out with a cold whilst on this diet? I've got a cold hence the post lol but feel completely wiped out in fact have spent all of today in bed asleep just wondered whether this was usual or whether i'm a complete wuss lol xx
It could be down to CD, after all your body hasnt got as many cals to burn up, thats why youve slept a lot, but then it could be just a rather nasty bug thats got to you, have you tried the water flavourings warm with fizzy water and paracetomol, thats what used to bring me round x
I dont have the water flavourings but i did buy some srpite zero that i might have warmed....bin having paracetamol every 4 hours lol i think maybe i did too much exercise the last 2 days and thankyou for replying :-D am hoping to feel 100% better tomorrow