Is this to much food


Hi I'm new to the diet so on induction this is what I've eaten today is it to much food.
Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with 1 cherry Tom 2 mushrooms and 30g slice cheddar
Lunch: handful lettuce, tbsp mayo, 2 small pork chops
Dinner: 2 chicken thighs,handful salad leaves, 1 tbsp mayo
Also had 2 cups coffee with 1 tbsp cream in each of them, feel stuffed, so prob is to much food.
I think you will be fine i'm sure i eat more i seem to be constantly grazing, there are lots of people on this site who really know this diet , i am sure some advice will come through . Good luck.

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Everyone different - doesn't look like too much to me. Try to eat until satisfied not stuffed - you can always save leftovers for yummy snacks:)
is that an army number as your screen name?