Is week 4 harder? or is it me?


Staying on plan!
I sailed through wks 1,2 and 3 without a thought of going off plan, or anything.
Towards the end of wk 3 CD managed to make me "come on" after 7 yrs of having the injection to avoid it lol.
But week 4 has been hell!!!!!!!!!
I feel sick most of the time, when i walk around it feels like my insides are all made of jelly and wobble about, which makes me feel sicker. And its reduced me to tears on more than one occaision. (which just isnt me)
Also as on another thread I could go back to bed at any time of the day, I feel really exhausted, and yet i'm barely doing anything.
I dont crave food or anything, but I am really getting fed up of feeling like this.

Anyone else found wk 4 like this, or is it just me???
Thanks Dancing. That was what i was hoping to hear. I'll keep going!
u can do it ceekay x
Thanks hun. Am doing my best to work through it.