It's now or never


Cheers Mel - although I got bored of shopping really quickly.

I had a quarter toasted bagel, on its own this morning, and was full most of the day. Then this evening had some ham and was stuffed. I feel really uncomfortably full right now, and can't think I have eaten much at all.

Either my son has shared his tummy bug with me, or my stomach has massively shrunk. I am quite off food! :p
Cheers Mel - although I got bored of shopping really quickly.

I had a quarter toasted bagel, on its own this morning, and was full most of the day. Then this evening had some ham and was stuffed. I feel really uncomfortably full right now, and can't think I have eaten much at all.

Either my son has shared his tummy bug with me, or my stomach has massively shrunk. I am quite off food! :p

Bored with shopping? Impossible! ;)

Let's hope it is the latter and not the former.
Well - good news and bad news.

The bad news is that in between being up with my poorly baby with a temp of 39.6 all night, I discovered I was off food thanks to major tummy bug, loads of trapped wind (so incredibly painful) and (TMI) at least 3 hours spent in the bathroom!

Anyway, the good news is that 3 hours of - erm- evac, has brought my weight back to pre-weekend weight so I feel back in the game!

Sitting on the sofa under a blanket with my little man, watching Mr Tumble. My stomach is gurgling away like a 90 year old plumbing system. Sofa day today!
It is a difficult way to lose weight -- but it worked. I hope everyone is better soon.
Well - stomach bug is clearing up but the cold and cough is kicking in. DS finally shot his temp down late last night but then was wide awake for hours.

I am spending the day in my 4 inch heels, tidying the dining room. Oh yes, in this house we dress up even to clean. LOL. Not really, just trying out my wedding shoes to see if I can cope!
Glad your feeling better :)

I read somewhere that wearing heels around the house gives you really shapely carves!
Well wearing heels certainly made the balls of my feet ache!
:break_diet: :break_diet: :break_diet:
What is wrong with me:mad:

Went a bit mad yesterday, had a binge. Weigh in tomorrow and it won't be pretty. :mad:

So cross with myself. I think I am losing the willpower.

Your so close to your goal, you can do it!
Better day yesterday. Better, not great. I nobbled through a few kit kats, my sweet tooth really kicked in.

Weigh in today, this will not be pretty.

I also bagged all my old clothes and took them to the cash4clothes people, so now I cannot get heavy again! And saw the GP about my asthma. When my son gets a cold, I have an almost allergic reaction to him and spent months wheezing and coughing. This time I wanted to head it off. Luckily the gp agreed so I have anti-bs, steroid pills, a new super Inhaler . . . I wondering any of this affects weight loss?

I did point out to the gp that I have done what I could to get healthy, lost almost 3 stone, stopped smoking, started inhalers as soon as DS got ill like I am meant to . . . Yay me!

So, off to weigh in and then DD nativity
Well DD's nativity involved a spaceship and aliens, she was a star and a wise king and there was a lot of singing. I only got to see about half of it as the rest of the time I was struggling to keep DS away from the stage!

Weigh in - 2lbs. Which - is not a great effort but will do for now. CDC agreed it is best to stay out of ketosis and just aim to maintain weight over xmas, as I will want to have a drink. I am not so well behaved that I can do SS over xmas . . . so, a few moderately naughty days ahead!

Anyway - official weight 10.9, my scales say 10.7 - aiming for 10 by mid-jan.
Well I have just been going through my big box, at the bottom of my wardrobe, of my old clothes I have been saving to fit in.

I have this beautiful purple basque top I bought a few years ago and could never zip up, I was just too chunky. Never ever had the chance to wear it. And guess what . . .

Its too big! lol Still, not so big I can't wear it though!

But - I also put on the skirt I wore when I turned 18 and scored my first bar job - it was definitely the skirt that got me the job! Anyway, it does up. OK - I am a different shape now, and no matter how much weight I lose my post-child tim is always going to be a bit loose I think. So, it is not really wearable. But it does up.

How exciting! :)
Fabulous news! X
Well - today has already been busy. DD is off to the pantomime with her school so had to shovel her along on time this morning. Then dropped DS of with the in laws, walked their dog for them in the snow, and now have the house to tidy and spare room to clear so my niece and nephew can get in the bed as they are staying over tonight. Chances are they won't be asleep before midnight, the kids will be pounding up and down all night.

So - also need to do some shopping for dinner and wrap the presents currently hidden in the dining room, and move them, so the kids can get in there to eat as there is not enough room for them all at the kitchen table, where my kids normally eat. Must get on - and instead and I am on here - lol.

Oh - and I need to do some shoe shopping - must find some new shoes to go with my new dress. I think OH is planning a surprise for New Year and I need my outfit ready. Can I wear long boots with this dress - Home | Damenmode | Coast

Right - off to start the clean up.
Are the tight or slouchy? I would say yes to both, just being nosy! If you dont know where your going its probably the best bet!

I do need some nice shoes as well - I want to take this dress on honeymoon with me too.
Excellent, very sophisticated Pre crimbo shoe shopping, what a treat!
i think if you wear a little black cardie with the frock, then boots are fine. I don't think bare arms and opaque black tights or black boots work very well as the over all look is unbalanced (if you have light skin).

But with a cardie? ace.
If not a cardie, then a wrap of some sort. Otherwise the boots might seem a little too casual for this dress.

Fab dress, though.

LOl to cleaning in heels -- I am sure you burn extra calories struggling to maintain your balance. And congrats on the 2 pounds off! Well done.

I love the space aliens nativity... I know people who think that Jesus was an alien.
Blimey, adding some food in makes a real fast difference :( I don't like the way the weight goes up so fast, although OH says it is just the weight of the food after drinking soup only, which weighs next to nothing. He says that if you eat a pound of food, that pound is sitting in your stomach so has to add to your weight. For some reason it sounds wrong to me.

Anyway, its quite off putting and i will be eating very sparsely over xmas!