Its such a long journey


Silver Member

My name is Mel and have been a yo yo dieter forever!

I'm 33 with 2 young girls and weigh 21.10 stones (or I did when i started SW last week). This time last year I was 6 stone lighter, and in the past year have piled it on.

I need to draw a line under it now, and am seeing a transitional life coach and joined SW. However, I'm seriously considering getting a gastric sleeve. Surgery doesn't quite sit well with me, but would love to be slim before my children are too old to enjoy me!

What do u guys think? 11 stone is such a lot! Can it actually be done with will power alone?

All help and support would be greatly recieved!

Mel x
Hi Mel, I'm currently doing Exante but yes it can be done by healthy eating, I've just seen the signature of Rainbow Rose who by healthy eating and willpower has gone from 20st 5lb to 14st 10lb - I really hope she won't mind me naming her on here but her stats were so impressive they stood out - so you too can do it.

My advice would be to look at it in sections as you're doing with your mini goals, break it up into doable chunks that you'll find easier to achieve and as you get near to a mini goal then set your next one.

Best of luck, please keep us posted x
Yes, it absolutely can be done! I started at 21.5 stone, and am currently at 15st 6lbs. I calorie count, and also take Orlistat on prescription (when I can get it, lol, it's currently out of stock fir the most part). I don't exercise due to a number of health issues, so do have to be vigilant about my diet, but I've found it fairly straightforward and have still been able to have days when I overeat, on special occasions, and still keep losing weight because I get straight back on track afterwards. I also only get weighed every 8 weeks, by my GP, and find that really helps - no stressing over meaningless temporary fluctuations from day to day/week to week! I've got another 3.5 stone to lose to get to a healthy BMI, but am hoping I'll get there, slowly but surely!

I hope you find a way that's good for you, as I have, and would definitely say give it a go on your own before taking the surgery route; I'm glad I did. xx
I'm calorie counting (1700 a day roughly) and trying to make healthy choices.
I started at 21st 13lb, and five weeks in I've lost 17lb.
Not as much as on a VLCD but I'm still eating well and can see myself keeping in up long tem
MissAmy said:
I'm calorie counting (1700 a day roughly) and trying to make healthy choices.
I started at 21st 13lb, and five weeks in I've lost 17lb.
Not as much as on a VLCD but I'm still eating well and can see myself keeping in up long tem

Yes, you can definitely keep that up long term, well done! I started off on 1800 a day, now it's 1400-1500 which is still very maintainable. xx
Hi Mel, welcome and yes it can be done, just need to focus on a bit at a time, I think the biggest mistake we make is to focus on our target weight it seems like an impossible amount to lose yet if you break it down it feels easier to reach the goals. I like many on here am doing it through healthy eating / calorie counting and increased exercise and I have lost 2 stone 7 lbs in 10 weeks through doing this so I feel its working, I just concentrate on getting through each day and then each week and its amazing how quickly the time goes past and you realise how far you have come already. I am sure you will find this part of minimins very helpful, we all either have a lot to lose or have lost a lot so we understand what it is like to have to face losing so much weight. Em xx
I'm sure it can be done. I think that 1978Emma is right - one day at a time is a good place to start, and the mini goals are also a good idea. Have you spoken to your doctor about the surgery option at all? Just so you have all the info :eek: I understand not wanting to go down that route - I thought about it for a long time and decided not to for all sorts of reasons, but mainly because I felt that I had to make gradual sustainable change to my lifestyle and this was more important to me than losing weight quickly. I don't know if it was the right decision, and everyone is different, but I did have a useful discussion with my GP whilst I was thinking about it. Good luck x