It's the little things...


Recovering Cookie Addict
Hi Everyone

I just thought I'd share this you all, it's an interesting development for me.

You know how we've had the discussions about how losing weight isn't the answer to all your problems etc but how it can greatly affect your self confidence and THAT can have a huge impact on whatever it is that's holding you back? Well, over the last week or so I find myself gravitating to the shops to buy pampering things for myself - things I never used to bother with. Oh, it's nothing big, I can't afford a new wardrobe yet but have been buying new makeup, nail polish, and last week I had my hair dyed a bit funky. I take the time to put makeup on and straighten my hair before I go out (whereas before I never would have been that bothered and I only ever wore makeup to parties). The thing that makes this interesting, at least for me anyway, is that although I'm still very overweight and have a long way to go, the weight I have lost so far is the difference between me accepting the person I now see in the mirror and the denial I had before (when I refused to even own a mirror only a couple of months ago), I never could relate to the person staring back at me when I was at my heaviest, that wasn't *me*. I feel more confident and I feel more and more like my old self (or should I say my *young* self lol) every day and finally I have the confidence to show it.

Sure, I'm a long way off yet, I still have *issues* but I can honestly say for the first time in a very long time I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Losing this weight is definitely the right thing for me and am so glad I was able to get back on track after the few days I slipped off track last week with my dad's funeral and such. It has renewed my focus and determination.

Sorry for the blethering post but I just wanted to share that, it's a huge thing for me and it makes me soooo happy :) Absolutely cannot wait for weigh in tomorrow :D
What a fantastic post Cookeh. Learning to accept and like yourself is a massive step and it is great that you are reaching that point. All the best for tomorrow love.

Its amazing how much the weight we lose changes us. I feel so much more confident and like you am gravitating to wearing more make up, nail polish etc. Like you say Cookeh its the little things and its the things that "normal" sized people seem to take for granted. Although I still have a long way to go too I feel so much more normal sized and I love looking at my body (not the head/hair so much lol ) in the mirror or even in the glass in the corridor outside my office at work - especially when its dark - I just love seeing the change in my body in my reflection lol.

I think its brilliant :D :D
Cookeh, as ever, you observe things very well. You are soooo right on the nail. It is all about being able to hold ourselves in regard. No matter what size we are, we all have a tipping point at which we no longer like/love what we see in the mirror.
It is so great to care about ourselves that way again. Long may it continue.
Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I'm feeling ever more positive today now that I broke a few minigoals this weigh in and am back in the 14s again \o/ Wewt!! Can't believe it!!
Fantastic loss this week Cookeh - well done lovie!!
