i'v some confessions.

Please don't beat yourself up about it, looking at your weight loss you're at target so deserve a treat every now and again, draw a line under it and try to get back on the wagon! Phone and see if you can get into class tonight there might still be room :)
I feel for you Fern. Hope your situation improves. Hard though it is, your mum has to make her own mistakes and you have to step back, let her make those mistakes and be there to help her pick up the pieces later if necessary.

Why oh why do we always turn to food (and/or drink!) for comfort? A tip I used to give staff - when I had some - to ease stress was to try to do something every day just for yourself. Whether your stress is at work or at home, take time out, even if it's just to paint your toenails or have a bath, do a workout - you never regret exercise.

Big hugs
Hi guys. So its wednesday today.

i let myself slip again last night and feel a bit poo again, but iv comprimised with myself. Im going to go to group tonight. But i will NOT weigh in. I do not want to know.

Hear me out on this one - im not running away from it,
Right now, i feel very emotionaly up and down, and feel that rather than facing the music as it were, and then doing somthing about it, i am more likly to feel more dissapointed myself and continue to self sabotage. I'm removing the pressure this week. and i am starting again, afresh, new to slimmingworld, like its my first week and i only have a couple of pounds to lose. Like its all new to me. Last week i was 10 stone 2, which is target +1, becuase i stayed the same. If i can wiegh in next weeek and just be 100% at target, il be estatic. i'm gunna assume i gained about 2-3 lbs. this could be over estimating, but knowing my body and what i have eaten its more than likley.

So. Im going to start all over again this week. no pressure. Just excitment to be good to me, and 100% faithful to myself.

do you all think this is a good tactic or no?

I think its a good idea to be honest. You are under a lot of stress at the moment to taking the pressure off where SW is concerned is sensible.

You are best taking each area of your life in managable pieces as they will be easier to deal with which is what you are doing.