Jane's Journey

That is so exciting Jane! You must be looking forward to your big day! I could not resist the scales for that long; it has become almost like a ritual for me. You will definitely be rewarded. Have you got your dress yet??
I have sleek it should be here in February enough time for any alterations to be done.

I'm a daily weigher too have been for a long time and I'm surprised at how liberating it feels putting them away hopefully a nice surprise on the 30th!
That is so exciting! I bet it looks amazing!

I can imagine it would feel quite liberating! I may have to consider it!! x
Good luck Jane, I'm sure you will do it. The next couple of months are going to fly by x
I survived the weekend yay! No slip ups no weighing plenty of exercise feeling determined....

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
Went to bed early last night as had a raging headache and woke up with it still. I get bad migraines from time to time and have some tablets prescribed for them. So I'm currently sitting at my desk feeling very spaced out but my head feels better:).

Treadmill last night and goals completed for the day. Glugging water today as I have been drinking 2.5l and think I need to up it a bit more.....
Migraines are so awful ain't they. Much better to be spaced out than living in a painful fog feeling totally drained & nauseous. My migraine is overdue but no doubt it will be here soon. Hope it doesn't hang around for long Jane.

Well done on the trteadmill x
Hi Jane, just caught up with your diary. Very exciting times for you! You are doing fantasically well and seem really motivated, well done. Hope you are feeling better, migraines are the worst.
How's your head today Jane x
Well done so far Jane and congrats on your wedding, you're going to be a slinky gorgeous bride with all the effort you're putting in. Don't forget to post a pic. :) good luck.
Thanks everyone! Head is feeling much better.

Another 100% done and dusted another 15 days to go and still not weighed....feeling looser around the middle yay!
Well done on another day completed. Feeling loose around the middle is such a good feeling :D x
Morning everyone! I bought a dress from Tesco in the sale 10 days ago when I got it home it was a little snug and I also realised they had left the electronic tag on doh! So I finally took it back yesterday for them to remove it and am wearing today for work and it fits lovely. Not bad for a fiver!
Morning everyone! I bought a dress from Tesco in the sale 10 days ago when I got it home it was a little snug and I also realised they had left the electronic tag on doh! So I finally took it back yesterday for them to remove it and am wearing today for work and it fits lovely. Not bad for a fiver!

You must feel great! Great motivator for you. :)
Thats a good deal you got there Jane. That didn't take long to fit into, well done x
2 weeks today until I weigh in and come to the end of my Exante journey. Hoping to be at goal or close to it. To be honest I will be chuffed to bits if I'm in the 11's! Then I'm going to 5:2 as a lifestyle change not a diet. I have loads of social events in February and thats what is spurring me on being 100% in January.
Another weekend to contend with tomorrow and hoping I sail through like last weekend I have my stepkids to be here so having 7 kids in the house should either make me very busy or very stressed lol hope its a good one!

Have a good day everyone!
Hi :) Huge well done on your weight loss so far. Great about feeling looser around the middle too :) Such a wonderful motivator and feel good factor when clothes fit. I have a bit more room in mine now since losing a little and it feels soooo good :) Hope you have a great weekend.
I don't think you will have time to stray of plan with 7 kids to entertain Jane :eek:.
Hope its a good weekend x
You've done so well. There's nothing like finding something fits, especially for a fiver!