January 2009 - Starters

Daisy i don't know if this helps but i was disappointed with my loss on the first week - lowest in the group. my llc told us all to weigh ourselves everyday and get used to the ups and downs and accept it as normal. she also said that it was important not to attach any emotion to our weight loss. it will go up and down and some weeks it will be very low and some weeks high. she said to accept it almost like just a factual thing - this is my loss this week rather then this is a a good/bad loss. i've been trying to put it into practise - although only on week 3 and it does seem to have changed my thinking. i know the fat is coming off and i can see that people had completely varying losses last week so it is going to be the same for me. also the exercise will help and i know that it is important not to go over the top and go out of ketosis but gentle exercise will build muscle and eventually make you leaner and fitter. i can tell this week that it might not be loads off the scales but i can fit into a pair of jeans that were too small just 3 weeks ago and now they are almost too big.

hope this helps - it gets me through the ups and downs so if it helps anyone else then it's worth it.

catgirl x
I just realised - It's day 26 for me and I'm more that a quarter of the way through Foundation. That feels significant somehow, even though I expect to go into Development and stay on abstinence for at least another four or five months.

I wanted to share a bit of a milestone that I hit last night. We went to a reasonable restaurant and I actually had the courage to say I was on a special diet and ask for one of the soup food packs to be made up for me. The meals that the family ordered looked fantastic, but I was quite happy with the soup and a glass of water. I ordered a coffee
to busy my hands while everyone else was still eating - to stop me being tempted to pick from the kids plates.

Actually, I'm amazed to say I'm not often tempted by food around me. When I am tempted I just think of how I will look and feel when I am a normal weight, and I want that sooo much more than the few mouthfuls of food. I know that 100% commitment to the programme will bring my achievement all the sooner. Lapsing isn't an option as I am scared that if I do lapse I will struggle to rebuild my belief that I CAN succeed this time and consequently fail to lose the weight yet again.

Hope you don't mind me sharing this with you. xx
t_i well done.
i had soup in a restaurent too, and coffee, and it was really ok.
its amazing to realise you don't need to stuff your face to have a nice time - and i was surprised how much everyone else ate!
daisy x
thanks for all your positive comments yesterday.
i am changing shape, and can fit clothes better - so i will just shut up about the scales - it doesn't actually matter what they say if i'm looking better does it!
daisy x
Like Em, I'm on here for the long haul to give and receive support, whether I go into RTM after Foundation or not (unlikely). I've been a member of the forum since it started in 2006, through fat and thin lol, so I'm not going anywhere because I've made so many good friends :)

It's funny about the scales isn't it Em, I've put mine away and only weigh for my own home weigh in at the beginning of the week. I'm not thinking about it inbetween either - very weird as I used to weigh every single day :)

Well done on cooking the brownies Louale :D I find the weekends tough too. All week at work I live for the weekend, but the weekend comes and I struggle. I think I need to find a way not to struggle because I'm aware that if I struggle now, how am I going to cope when food is reintroduced. I suppose I've still got a few more weeks with counselling to try and sort that out :)

Catgirl, what a fantastic post! I need to remember that because I have been really disappointed with my weight loss after my first week - 2 and 3lbs respectively. When it happens again I will need to put it in perspective, so thank you for that :D

TI, well done on your milestone. I had mine too this week and it's amazing how easy it is to do and how accommodating people are in restaurants. I did abstinence for 6 months last time and never once went out because I was too afraid to ask them to make up my soup, but this week I didn't have a choice being away with work. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner! I wasn't tempted at all by the food around me either. The worst bit was sitting opposite my boss (who is a bit of an animal the best of times) and watch him scoff his food :mad: Not pleasant :(
Have noticed how you notice how people eat now we don't actually do it too?? Some people are quite nauseating!!! :eatdrink023::yuk:

I know one of the things when we start again is to slow down and enjoy each piece of it, well if we keep a picture of those people, like your boss Westie, in our minds eye, it should certainly slow us down and think!!!!

Only 1lb for me this week, I didn’t think it would be good but it is downwards! :)
Dealing with hopes and disappointment.

Great attitude Catgirl, brilliant milestone t_i! Foxtrot, you're doing so well overall, and yes it is downwards! WG I know you're here whatever you weigh, you're a founding member and we appreciate your experience.
Daisy (and anyone else), I've been reading a book this weekend called "Embracing Uncertainty" by Susan Jeffers (she did "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway). She says that by trying to control the future we set ourselves up for failure, by hoping we are at risk of being disappointed. Instead of saying "I hope I lose xlbs, I want to fit the dress by ___", we should try "I wonder if..."

Other tools/affirmations to use are:

It's all happening perfectly.
I will_____...or I won't.
I won't worry about it today. I'll worry about it tomorrow (of course, tomorrow never comes!
Un-set your heart.
Whatever happens, I'll handle it.
I can learn from this.
Be a hero.
Act as if.
Savour the moment.

I haven't finished the book so there's probably more where that came from (actually one of these bargain book places, it was £2.99) But as something of an all-or-nothing perfectionist and control freak, I can see what she's getting at.
Just a quick note - I've revised and reduced my goals in my signature because I think they were maybe too ambitious and I was (see above LOL) setting myself up for disappointment potentially with half a dozen goals. These are more in line with the LL principle of a stone a month, so I wonder when I will achieve them.
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Just had a mini meltdown in the supermarket. First time I've found food shopping a struggle, and ended up ramming a rude, ignorant idiots trolley. Oops.

I am quite proud though - which may not make sense. But, I found it quite hard and this morning - just good old bursting into tears kind! But, even though I've been telling myself its feeling hard, I never once thought "I can't do this." it was "This is hard but I'm getting through it - 9 1/2 weeks to go and you might be there".

Now - I've found a 6+ mile walk which I am going to take the dog on in a minute - come back and do my core and strength bits and bobs, and then I am tidying the bathroom, throwing away 90% of the clothes I hate and are too big (I've been the same size since I was 13) and have nice relaxing bath.

I'm doing it - because food does not control me - and I want to have a life!
Like SIIM, I'm going to change some of my mini goals too, well the 28lbs by valentines day. I think I'll be almost there, but I think I've done so well to stick to LL 100% and I don't want to get to Valentine's day and have to say that I failed, when I haven't really!

Good on you Em, you'll be ready for an early night by the time you've finished that lot LOL

I've just come back from a children's party and DH and my eldest son have gone out for a P***a (Italina food lol). Just had my tomato soup.

Louale x
Well - it took me two hours and I got lost in the vast amount of snow covered fields but I did my walk. Got back feeling very nasty with huge hunger pangs (didn't take water) but have had a nice relax and a savoury drink and feeling much better!

Although - I'm sure none of you are as stupid as me, but it really is best not to drastically increase that quickly!!!
Lol! I did something similar EmVeg. went from no walking, to last week doing a 3.5hr walk in the snow. Oddly I felt ok after it!
Well done you though for getting out and upping the exercise! :D
Woo I'm not the only one who didn't think about doing it!

I've been doing my rebounder all bar one day this week, and my core/strength as well... but I'm so desperate to be fit that I want to get on with it - but I think I need to understand its just not possible for right now!

Moi aussi Westie !!
You see, I knew we were on the same wavelength.
Have a good week Jan starters. xxx
Arrrgghhhh! My stomach is so bad! It hurts, this is the first proper hunger pains I've felt since starting. Its even hurting my damn back. Sorry to moan but this is one of those pains you can't just forget.
Hi everyone, just popping on for 5 minutes and then I'm off to pack for my trip tomorrow.

Just want to wish you all luck for your weigh-ins this week - I probably wont get to a computer to check how you all did until Thursday night.

Hope you feel better soon Em - you didnt overdo the water when you got back did you? Maybe you could have a savoury drink - they kind of feel like an extra meal to me.
husband has just sent my tea flying onto the floor and has broken my new £40 whisk in the process.
he's such a clumsy f**kwit!
am soooooo pissed off
daisy x
Oh no Daisy!! :(! can it not be fixed??