January 2009 - Starters

just got back - lost 2 since sat - so 3lb this week, 20lb in 5 weeks.

am feeling a bit happier - 3lbs a week would be fine every week!

well done other losers!

haven't got a new blender yet, i dug out my smoothie maker - gave it a VERY good clean, after reading PBs post the other day, and am using that for the moment. Its not as good and is very noisy, but will do til pay day!

daisy x
Wooo Hoooo!!!

As you know I've had a cr#ppy week, but getting better & slowly feeling more positive.

I have to say that LL is a completerevelation to me. Week 6 WI tonight and another amazing 7lbs loss!!!!

So that's Over 3 stone gone, AND I've dropped 2 shirt sizes (and 1 1/2" off collar) all in just over a month.

AND - that's over 50% of weight lost

Get in!

SIIM - wk 5 - 2.5lbs - 25lbs total -108lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 4, 4lb - 20.5lb total. 65lb total to lose
Sean(JSF) - wk 6 - 7lbs - 46lbs total 44lbs to lose

Foxtrot - 12th Jan - Week 4 - 1lb - 15.5lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan-wk5 -1.5-19lb-23lb to go
SexyBecks1 - wk 3 - 3lbs off - 21lbs total - 60lbs to loose
Sue_P - wk3 - 5lbs off - 11lbs total - 73 to loose
Susianna - wk5 - 1.8lb - Total 22lb - 68 to go
Daisydoll - wk 5 -3lb off -20lbs total - 33 to go lose
JessicaL - wk4 - 4lb off - 20lbs total - 46lb to go
Westiegirl - wk 5 - 9lbs off - 22lbs total - 47lbs to lose
thin_inside - wk 4 - 4.5lbs off - 25.5lbs total - 100lbs to lose

Pot - 267.5lb
well done Sean

for sticking with it despite having an emotional time. Not always easy I know.
Thinking of you and proud of youeven though I don't know you.
Hugs xxx
Well done everyone on your fabulous losses! and yes T_I the inchloss is so motivating!

Managed over the 10,000 steps today!
excellent loss - amazing your total!!!

SIIM well done on the 10,000 steps
daisy x
SIIM well done on the 10,000 steps
daisy x

Yes, well I have a small confession to make...you remember I said the pedometer didn't work properly on me? Doh! It was in miles mode all the time!:p:D
Lost 2lb this week. Actually not too bothered about a "Small" loss..at least its going there. Every little matters.

Although, found the group quite emotional this week. Only 4 turned up and it really throws me when people seem to drop off suddenly. I spoke a bit about my complete fear of failure in anything and everything I do, and then as I was getting rather upset at confronting the fact that I DO feel like a failure and go into everything I do expecting it, that I ended up shutting down a little. BUT the ladies that were there we ridiculously supportive and I know I will be able to share with them more next week if it comes up.

Onwards and downwards.
Yes, well I have a small confession to make...you remember I said the pedometer didn't work properly on me? Doh! It was in miles mode all the time!:p:D


Well done for reaching the 10,000!!! Fantastic! I'me just about doing the 6000 but the knee can still play up at the end of the day so I'm pleased I'm up to that much.

Well done on your loss Em. It's great you are confronting things and you are good with your group! :hug99:

I have my pastels class today so copious amounts of water and visits to the loo on the agenda!

I wish I'd taken out shares in Andrex :rolleyes:
Well done Em, a loss and confronting issues! I agree it is weird when people drop out, and you don't know if it's that week or forever. We've lost a couple of people too.

Foxtrot, You're doing brilliantly to do as much as you do so soon after your op. And artisitc endeavours too? I wish I could draw...

Everything aches and I have blisters, so I may do a mini walk today but no heroics.
Thanks Foxtrot and SIIM - I reacted badly, and still the doubts won't go away. I just feel confused and I know I need to stop telling myself what other people think of me, and that I will fail.

Wobble, wobble, wobble.
Em, just remember that this journey is not just one with your body, but your mind too. It is emotional - the fact that most of us have used food to some extent or other to mask emotions is obvious - otherwise why would we be following LL at all? Food is no longer "allowed" so you are exposed and therefore likely to feel vulnerable.

You are making progress, but if you've had years of doubting yourself, I doubt this will change overnight. I hope that doesn't sound depressing because it's not meant to, it's meant to express the fact that you shouldn't be so tough on yourself after only a few weeks on LL. The miracle is the weight falling off quickly, unfortunately the head stuff takes a lot more work!

You can't compare yourself to the other people in your group who have given up - you are not them - you are still there, still going and learning more each week.

Little by little you will (rightly) start to feel proud of your achievements :)
Nothing much to add really, but just a message of support to you, Emveg. It's so tough going through emotional stuff. Makes physical hunger pale in comparison. Stick with it and if nothing else, just keep downing those lovely shakes and soups! Going through this emotional stuff now is much better when in abstinence, because you are doing it as away from food as you could possibly be. It may make it easier for when you do have food because you are already dealing with the issue. Awareness often brings healing.
Thanks everyone. I'm been telling myself a lot the past few days - but in a positive way. When I'm thinking low, I remind myself of a success I have had that day. It is working - and as I am going away this weekend, I have around 4-5 hours in the car to really read through my foundation book, and my "Say Goodbye to Over-eating" by Gillian Riley (WHICH IS REALLY HELPING ME AND I RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE.)

I had an amazing evening. I went shopping, and 14 bottoms are etting more comfortable. BUT,...I've always been smaller on top than bottom. When I was a 22 on bottom I was a 18 on top. But now I am officially a 14 on bottom and 10/12 on top. I bought some size 10 tops today and they fit so well!!

Fantabulous!!! Do you mind me asking how much more weight you'd like to lose?
you are doing so well em!
how fab to be size 10s!
daisy x
get some new pics of you on emveg so we can see!
daisy x
Well...I wanted to finish this at around 9 1/2 - 10 stone, which still gives me at 2 stone at least to go. However I have decided to see where I am at the end of foundation. I know I'm saying I can get into 14s on the bottom but I still look as big there as I did 6 weeks ago - just excess hips have gone down where the trousers lay. I'm hoping my bum and legs will go down in the next 8 weeks, and then I think regardless off the weight I will be comfortable. Realistically I think it will be 28-30lb I want to lose rather than the 36 left on my ticker.

It has suprised me that I have got into these sizes so quickly..but I know it does not mean it is time for me to stop. I'm pretty sure I've reached my top size that I will stay. Even as a size 18 on top I was a 32" waist. Its just the tum below is, the boobs above it and the hips have caught up a little!
Wow a beautiful hour glass figure then!

I personally think that girls figures look so much better with curves than straight like a guys.. And I haven't actually met a guy yet who's ever disagreed with me on that! Ever!
I don't want to lose my curve. I just want to tone them down a bit!

I have just added a new photos in my progress album. Below are my belows one with a couple of the new.


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