January 2009 - Starters

well done for losing kids and becoming obese folks!

if you stumbled onto this forum by mistake you would think we were a right load of nutters!!!

i'm weighing my 3 tonight when they get back from school too
daisy x

Hmm I see what you mean...I blame all this nutrition, it's dangerous you know!
Well done Jessica :D

Em, how ignorant is OH's sister :eek::eek::eek: What a shocking thing to say. I'm so pleased you handled it so well, shows how far you've come on this journey ;)

Welcome home Sharon, I'll see you later :D

Sukhi, last time I really struggled towards the end - the last stone was tough and I too was thinking about food all the time. I can't give you any specific pearls of wisdom as to why I managed to stick it out until I got to goal - I guess I just wanted to get to a weight I'd never been in all my adult life - to prove to myself something. Have you spoken to your LLC about how you feel? She will have seen this a thousand times and no doubt will be better qualified to help you. Sorry I'm not much more help :(

Thanks for the advice.
my LC is usually avoiding talking about the issue in group and it is very hard to see her in person. She is very busy and TBH doesn't care. Doesn't help. Does it?:confused:
Sansukh, you have done so well, 28lb so far if my adding up is right ... 2 whole stone, if you can acheive that then you can do this and carry on to where you want to be. Only you can make the decision to how much you want to lose but once you know then we are all hear to support you as you continue....good luck and hope things look a bit clearer tomorro

Thanks sussiana,
You are right have lost 8lb and have decided going to stick with this till I am in the range of my BMI. which means I still have 2 more stones to go.
I've just realised, I have rep points from people, (thanks very much, I'm flattererd, :eek:) and you have put your names after them. I have given out rep points but not put my name after. So if you don't know who those comments are from, it could have been me and sorry for being a numpty in not understanding the system properly!!

I wish I could see who I sent to 'coz it keeps telling me I've got to spread it around a bit and I lose track. Does this semi starving thing affect your brain cells too? I think I'm becoming perimenopausal which tends to eat brain cells as well. :rolleyes:
3lb off for me this week. BMI down to 40.1 - so will have to leave my departure from the morbidly obese category until next week. Still, it's something to aim for ;)

Daisydoll - wk 6 -3lb off -23bs total - 30 to go lose
Emveg - W6 - 4lb off - 29lb lost - 29lb to lose.

Foxtrot - Week 6 - 4.5lb - ....23lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk7 -1.5lbs -- 23.5lb -- 18.5lb to go.
JazzyB W6 -4lb off 28.4lbs lost 13lb to go
JessicaL - wk6 - 3lb off - 26lbs total - 40lb to go
Louale - W7 - 4lbs off - 31total - 62lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 6, 3lb - 27.5lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 7 - 5lbs - 51lbs total 39lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 5 - 1lb off - 25lbs total - 56lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 7 - 2.5lbs - 33.5lbs total -99.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk7 - 3.6lb- Total 29lb - 61 to go
thin_inside - wk 6 - 3lbs off - 30.5lbs total - 93.5lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 7 - 3lbs off - 27lbs total - 42lbs to lose
Well done t_i! and you will be in that obese category for sure next week so you can look forward to it.
I have the same with moving to overweight category, I just missed it last week and hope to get it this week.

Sansukh, glad you're feeling more positive. Take it one day at a time and the weeks and the weight loss will take care of themselves!

I'm also thinking of changing my target. I'm thinking I'll lose about 1.5stone more on foundation (over 7 weeks). My original goal was 11.5 to 12 stone. But if I was 11st it would place me squarely in the middle of the normal category, not *just* into it. That would mean I need to lose another 3 stone complete. (*gulp*) So I think I am going to complete foundation, then go to LLL to lose that last stone and a half (or whatever), I think it'll be a better plan for me at that stage.

Oh, and Welcome new people!
Daisydoll - wk 6 -3lb off -23bs total - 30 to go lose
Emveg - W6 - 4lb off - 29lb lost - 29lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 6 - 4.5lb - ....23lb from 56 lb to lose

JaneyB-5th Jan -wk7 -1.5lbs -- 23.5lb -- 18.5lb to go.
JazzyB W6 -4lb off 28.4lbs lost 13lb to go
JessicaL - wk6 - 3lb off - 26lbs total - 40lb to go
Louale - W7 - 4lbs off - 31total - 62lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 6, 3lb - 27.5lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 7 - 5lbs - 51lbs total 39lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 6 - 16lb off - 27lbs total - 54lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 7 - 2.5lbs - 33.5lbs total -99.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk7 - 3.6lb- Total 29lb - 61 to go
thin_inside - wk 6 - 3lbs off - 30.5lbs total - 93.5lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 7 - 3lbs off - 27lbs total - 42lbs to lose
Hi everyone. Had my WI last night and i had lost 2.2lbs - I guess it had to slow down sooner or later though. Well done everyone else though for their great weight losses again this week!
I have lost a total of 30. something lbs in 8 weeks though so I am cool about it.

There were only 7 of us at our group last night and I was one of only 2 there that havent cheated yet!! I thought that was pretty amazing! Who would have thought I would be one of the ones with will power ??!!

The funny comments have started coming in now too - someone picked up my bar at work the other morning and said "oh yr doing this are you....does it work?" And she is a good friend of mine :). She asked me for details the following day though so I think she wants to do it now!!
Good on your will power! As it sould be too. Surely your friend can see that it works??!!
Good morning everyone.

I have finally found my motivation. I don't know where it had bogged off to over the past few weeks but it is back. When I got back from my group last night it was just like my motivation appeared from no where. I am feeling fanstastic and am starting to believe again that I can do this. I did loose 2lb this week which I was a little dissapointed with but it is better than last week.

I tried the porridge last night and it is lovely. Still not sweet enough for me so i disolved a few sweetners in the water before mixing and that made it nicer.

Both myself and my LLC are arranging for us to do the race for life at York Racecourse in June. She has even offered to sort out the transoport (with it being 45mins drive from Leeds) and maybe some LL t-shirts too. If any of you guys would like to join us you would be more than welcome. It is at 14:30 on Sunday 28th June. Let me know if you any of you are interested.

Anyway, there are some fantastic losses again this week. Keep up the good work. Good luck to all with WI tonight x x
That's wonderful Becks! And a great goal to aim for too!
Well done Sexybecs!!
Thanks Foxtrot - yes I think she did notice - she just isnt very tactful. When I told her about the LLC saying I should start writing my story for the magazine (some hope!!), but I didnt know what to write, she said "just say you were a fat cow and now yr not!!". I didnt take offence - but do you see what I mean by tactless!! She is a lot bigger than I was before anyway so you have to see the funny side!!!
Daisydoll - wk 7 -4lb off -27bs total - 26 to go
Emveg - W6 - 4lb off - 29lb lost - 29lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 6 - 4.5lb - ....23lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk7 -1.5lbs -- 23.5lb -- 18.5lb to go.

JazzyB W6 -4lb off 28.4lbs lost 13lb to go
JessicaL - wk6 - 3lb off - 26lbs total - 40lb to go
Louale - W7 - 4lbs off - 31total - 62lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 6, 3lb - 27.5lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 7 - 5lbs - 51lbs total 39lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 6 - 16lb off - 27lbs total - 54lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 7 - 2.5lbs - 33.5lbs total -99.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk7 - 3.6lb- Total 29lb - 61 to go
thin_inside - wk 6 - 3lbs off - 30.5lbs total - 93.5lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 7 - 3lbs off - 27lbs total - 42lbs to lose
Becks - Brilliant that you have your motivation back. What was the topic at the meeting? Obviously something triggered a focus for you. Onward and downward :).

The Race for Life is a good target. I did it a couple of years ago at half run and half walk. I would like to be able to run the whole way. Are you planning to run the whole 5k?
Becks - glad to see the motivation is back. I'm sure it will - but long may it continue! Race for Life is definately a good goal to be going for. I know I want to this year because I was too embaressed to try last year. It makes me sad that the weight held me back from doing a fun run to make money for charity!

Oh - and I lost 5lb this week - I made LLC check twice I was so shocked. Had myself a geed up for a 2lber!

Daisydoll - wk 7 -4lb off -27bs total - 26 to go
Emveg - W6 - 4lb off - 34lb lost - 24lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 6 - 4.5lb - ....23lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk7 -1.5lbs -- 23.5lb -- 18.5lb to go.
JazzyB W6 -4lb off 28.4lbs lost 13lb to go

JessicaL - wk6 - 3lb off - 26lbs total - 40lb to go
Louale - W7 - 4lbs off - 31total - 62lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 6, 3lb - 27.5lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 7 - 5lbs - 51lbs total 39lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 6 - 16lb off - 27lbs total - 54lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 7 - 2.5lbs - 33.5lbs total -99.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk7 - 3.6lb- Total 29lb - 61 to go
thin_inside - wk 6 - 3lbs off - 30.5lbs total - 93.5lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 7 - 3lbs off - 27lbs total - 42lbs to lose
Nope - well I don't think so! I definately haven't exercised as I plan. (Though I am determined to pck this up again - 3 weeks make or break a habit!)
well done, great loss em - you are doing so well
daisy x