Step 1 Sole Source January 2015

Yeah I must admit for me step 2 I don't absolutely follow by the book, I just have any small piece of meat/fish and salad/veg, like not anything processed like sausage or burger, just a piece of meat so although gammon isn't on the list it was the best thing I could eat out of choice at this place! If I'm eating at my mums or in laws I don't like to dictate what they cook so it's just how I manage it really and it's been fine for my losses! And that way I can have whatever meal they are cooking minus the carbs!!
I have been drinking water all month! This was my first diet coke, I didn't want to feel too much of a cheapskate :S so had the diet coke rather than the wine! And someone putting chips on my plate when I asked for no chips, is just cruel!!
That's great Pollyanna I bet you feel amazing! Next great step to spur u on!!
Yeah I must admit for me step 2 I don't absolutely follow by the book, I just have any small piece of meat/fish and salad/veg, like not anything processed like sausage or burger, just a piece of meat so although gammon isn't on the list it was the best thing I could eat out of choice at this place! If I'm eating at my mums or in laws I don't like to dictate what they cook so it's just how I manage it really and it's been fine for my losses! And that way I can have whatever meal they are cooking minus the carbs!!
I have been drinking water all month! This was my first diet coke, I didn't want to feel too much of a cheapskate :S so had the diet coke rather than the wine! And someone putting chips on my plate when I asked for no chips, is just cruel!!

I totally agree its best to adjust the plan to suit you best. There are some things that aren't allowed that while I understand why, I don't necessarily think they do any harm. Like I chew A LOT of chewing gum (not even sugar free) and it doesn't seem to be a problem for me. It'd be much more of a problem for me having disgusting breath ha.

I agree having any meat is probably fine and can't really affect losses.

The chips were SO mean!!
Yeah definitely!! Having chewing gum on this plan, or the bad diet we all had before this! In comparison a bit of gum is never gona do any damage! Hope everyone's looking forward to their weigh ins this week coming!
Def excited for everyone's weigh ins! There are loads of Monday ones I think?

Are you still feeling positive being on plan?
Im bloody dreading weigh in this week feel like ive ate 2 much! Coke zero really can we have ye?")
Yep coke zero is fine but I'd still keep it to a minimum as fizzy drinks can cause water retention and bloating.

No harm in trying it and seeing how it affects you though.

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I think the gum is just a precautions isnt it because it gets your gastric juices going which makes u hungry? But ive always been ok with it its never bothered me lol x
I think the gum is just a precautions isnt it because it gets your gastric juices going which makes u hungry? But ive always been ok with it its never bothered me lol x

I'm not sure why actually. That may well be the reason.

How you feeling tonight?

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There's so much controversial comments over coke zero
Ye im ok has a diki tummy again tho lol nlt good r u ok?? Other half going away tomorrow again thankfully its easier wen hes away!
When's your weigh in jo x
Ye im ok has a diki tummy again tho lol nlt good r u ok?? Other half going away tomorrow again thankfully its easier wen hes away!
When's your weigh in jo x

Oh thats not good :( Are you feeling less bloated than you were? I had it yesterday - another 4lbs down. What you hoping for this week??
Got my 2nd weigh in tomorrow . Hopefully another good week after week 1 losing 14lbs
Oh ye sorry im so rubbish at keeping up everyone's weigh ins confuse me its only ginas i remember as its same as mine lol. 4lbs is great r u chuffed :) ye less bloated my consultant failed to mention u can only have 1 bar a dsy unless there lemon bars which u can have 3 if u like so i miss ordered them which now i tgink will mess up my weigh in ive had loads but its not strict enough tbh looking weighin n cooking the small meal is a killer i just over eat n cant stop at my allowance which is rubbish x
Oh its annoying she didn't tell you that! If your weigh in isn't quite as much as you thought it'll only be down to water retention and you'll lose that soon enough. You going to start trying for SS?

Yeah I am pleased. I'm on about 650 cals a day now as I've added in extra chicken after getting that breakthrough bleed (which seems to have worked) so I imagine I'll go down to 3lbs max a week from now but I'd prefer that if it keeps my hormones in check!
Ye defo im due on not started yet though hoping itll hold off till weigh in lol i suppose if i get a couple pound a week better than nothing isnt it we expect to lose it so fast bit reality is itll come off as it pleases least wete trying x
Ye defo im due on not started yet though hoping itll hold off till weigh in lol i suppose if i get a couple pound a week better than nothing isnt it we expect to lose it so fast bit reality is itll come off as it pleases least wete trying x

Yeah as long as we stick to plan it'll have to come off, it just may not be in the exact pattern we want!! Won't always be the same week to week. Do you peek at the scales?
Hi all :) I've got my first official weigh in tomorrow, very excited!! It'll be 12 days since I started so hoping for a good loss. The last few days have been tough, I think a weigh in will help focus me again. I ran out of cambridge powder to make jelly during the week and that's my daily treat, struggling without it! But I'll stock up big time tomorrow. Well done Jo on your loss, 4lbs in a week is fab. And best of luck to anyone else weighing in tomorrow :)
Oh hello Soci!! Was wondering where you were! Looking forward to adding your great loss to the weight loss tracker :D
Good luck Soci to your weigh in tomorrow!
Danni I have my way in tues this week as I'm up London all day Wednesday, I have this makeup day with the girls, chances are we may go to a bar so iv decided il have vodka sodas, it's my first social plan all month and having no life has probs got me down as much as no food! Hubby does shifts so i feel like all iv done is be on my own! Not as confident with my loss this week and probably won't be so much for the rest of the week as my social plans have racked up as I have put them off all month! So going to make the best choices i can and keep u all updated as to how it affects my losses :)
I do get what u mean Danni about step 2, it's a bit like if u allow urself that little bit of food, sometimes it makes it harder to rein it in and stop at such a small amount! SS is so good to loose the big chunk of weight at the start but u do need to move up the steps to get ur body slowly used to food again and not pile on the weight! I struggle with SS mainly just not being able to have a life on it, at least step 2 allows you to have that tiny bit of food to have a meal, feel half normal to be able to join in with anyone! All our bodies respond to everything different so see how u feel and ur losses this week :)