Step 1 Sole Source January 2015

Well done for staying strong night night allneedles!!
Omg girls had the worst day left th3 house 10 am didnt get in till 7 was swimming at waterworld 5 hours literally running round after my girl n 6 boys at the party all i took was salad got in at 7 nearly passing out had a bar and had a mouth pf pasta got so mad with myself luckily stopped bif could of ate the house this is tbe first time its happened because i felt so dizzy and ill like if i dont eat something im actually gonna pass out i mean u get hungry after n hour of swimmimg but we was therr all day i was running on empty anyway had so much protein wayyyy more than i should to try and get past it... but i figured thats better than eatin crap n having a bowl of pasta!! :/ had 3 bar's 2day which i didn't realise u wasnt meant to have together in 1 day?! Anyway i am putting today begind me now i hace rested but im flaked in bed think i over did it tbh.. go na have just shakes 2moro if poss i really feel so bad n angry with myself i could cry.. but genuinely needed to eat least i turned to tuna and quorn!! I am still in ketosis tho thank god so hopefully ifvi shake for timorrow may help

Sorry not seen ya posts 4 today literally not stopped.
Sorry for the rant just feel so guilty

Off 2 bed now in a huff
Think i may go back to ss after this week its 2 tempting 4 me!! Darn im so mad with myself
Aww Danni don't beat yourself up, that sounds a crazy busy day so I don't blame you! You have done perfectly so far and you will do the same from tomorrow and even still what you have had today isn't the worst thing ever! I guess the only thing for next time is to have like back up shakes in your bag just encase your ever out for longer than u plan, that's why I try and do! But hun be proud for what u done so far! I'm sure u didn't believe urself that u would stick to this, I know I didn't, and it's week 3 and u done great :) I can't imagine what it's like having a little one to run around for let alone loads of them so, well done u!!!!
I can imagine how u feel, I was like that after the meatball incident haha. U will 100% get a loss this week so try not to be too annoyed with yourself! I think step 2 is good for you coz then u can have your tuna and eggs etc, just maybe try and literally stick to them, and salad and veg etc and just keep telling yourself everything else is out of bounds for now!
Thx hun think i will.n i only expected to b few hours not all day will take spare next time :/
Don't worry i can't imagine it's done much harm at all, ur so on track and u have realised straight away so that's the really good thing out of it all xx
Started 5 jan 21 st 6. 1st week lost 14lb. Next weigh in monday
Wow fronnie that's a great loss so far!
Danni stop beating yourself up!!

A mouthful of pasta and a few bars in a day will not do you any harm.

You should be proud of yourself that you were desperate to eat and didn't!! I actually think this evening has been a massive achievement for you, not a failure. Just drink more water tomorrow and just have shakes and the worse you'll do is a teeny bit of water retention you'll shed within a few days.

You're doing such an amazing job.
Aww berry1 hope u managed to get some more sleep and feeling better
Skellybob don't beat yourself up! You had a tough day to get through. At least you didn't scoff a whole pizza and a tub of ice cream!! Today is another day. (((Hugs)))

my my son has his friend round to play Warhammer today. So that's the front room out of bounds as they will be spread across the whole floor. Will be posting my weekly photos later :)
Thanks jo a good sleep mde me feel better i could honestly of ate everything but like u said i supposw i stopped i feel very bloated now 3 bars is not good they bloat u up lol.. im due on too so thats not helping thanks for tge help tho i will try and be good 2day xx
So this is's not me, it's you...etc etc

Nah, not really, but I'm not really doing a vlcd anymore, I'm intermittently fasting with a low carb theme.

So I've decided to make it official by setting up a new diary in the fasting area... I felt SOOO bad just on packs. Horribly lacking in energy and diet obsessed I've felt so much better on 1200-1300 low carb the last 2 days, I've been exercising and doing the housework (finally!) and just much more positive.

I'd love to be at goal by Easter on a vlcd, but I don't actually need to be at goal til summer, and that's doable by a slower route.

I'm still going to use packs (I've got loads!) and I'm sort of doing what I'm doing now except my fasting days will be more spread out (at the moment I'm doing 4 at 600 cal followed by 3 at 1200ish, now I'm going to do alternate days at 600)

I totally admire those of you that can keep on with a vlcd on a long term basis, and wish huge amounts of weight loss for you!

I really hope you don't mind me lurking...I love the vibe on this thread, it's so amazing...I just feel like I'm cheating all the time at the mo when actually I'm eating so much better than I was.

Please do pop in and say hi...I'll post the link of my new diary as soon as I've set it up
So this is's not me, it's you...etc etc

Nah, not really, but I'm not really doing a vlcd anymore, I'm intermittently fasting with a low carb theme.

So I've decided to make it official by setting up a new diary in the fasting area... I felt SOOO bad just on packs. Horribly lacking in energy and diet obsessed I've felt so much better on 1200-1300 low carb the last 2 days, I've been exercising and doing the housework (finally!) and just much more positive.

I'd love to be at goal by Easter on a vlcd, but I don't actually need to be at goal til summer, and that's doable by a slower route.

I'm still going to use packs (I've got loads!) and I'm sort of doing what I'm doing now except my fasting days will be more spread out (at the moment I'm doing 4 at 600 cal followed by 3 at 1200ish, now I'm going to do alternate days at 600)

I totally admire those of you that can keep on with a vlcd on a long term basis, and wish huge amounts of weight loss for you!

I really hope you don't mind me lurking...I love the vibe on this thread, it's so amazing...I just feel like I'm cheating all the time at the mo when actually I'm eating so much better than I was.

Please do pop in and say hi...I'll post the link of my new diary as soon as I've set it up

I think this is fantastic! Fasting every other day sounds like a great idea and like it'll make you much happier. No point in feeling like you're cheating all the time when you can do another plan that suits you better.

Ill definitely want to subscribe to see how you're doing. Wish I had the self control to start a version of 5:2 myself! I think you'll still have great losses and if it takes a tiny bit longer but you're happier for it its the best decision you could have made.

Good luck and I'll be stalking :)

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Good luck Dietninja. You do what is best for you and I hope you still keep us up to date x
Good luck dietninja like everyone has said, so what's best for you, keep healthy and get to your goal :)
Good luck dietninja!! Im sure youll do fab on any of the diets u do yiu have the determination! Keep us uo 2 date :)) i think im.gonna go back to ss next week again its 2 tempting on ss+ for mw i need strict or nothing :/ im gonna do 5.2 to maintain so keep us informed:)) xx
Thanks hun just said below im gonna do the ss again just shakes and soups and poaa the odd bar its 2 tempting for me on this diet :/ or do ss and every 3rd week do ss+ for a break i think x