Jenny's moved on :)

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Sorry to hear you sounding so down hun. Maybe the winter-blues has caught up with you, it'll be all that damn snow!

You've lost such a huge lot already - try not to let a tiny little gain worry you. If you'd lost 2lbs you'd probably feel it's only a small amount but suddenly when it goes the other way it seems loads, but it really isn't.

Sounds like a hug from the OH is in order! Well done for making the right decision not to binge. You're next WI and a loss will be with you before you know it. You've already proved you can do it.
Good luck with sticking to it, you're doing a great job!
Hey Jen, chin up hun!! Don't undo the good work you done last week. Yes the scales went the wrong way this week but if you remain good as gold this week just think how much the scales will go the right way!!! You can smash those 2 lbs and another 2 on top!!!!

Resist the ice cream and the chocolate!!!! You know you can do it!!!

Thank you all so much. I am binge free this evening, and I think I would have caved if it hadn't been for you lot.

I feel better this evening. I didn't get my mancuddle, he was going to his mum's and I didn't much feel in the mood to speak to her the mood I was in.

I double triple checked the NVs on the tin of light coconut milk that I had at home. No idea now where I got the 18.6 from.... The ACTUAL values for half a tin is 88cals and 5g sat fat... so that's only 2.5 points...
So I made the bloody curry :D And I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow, and I feel so much more satisfied than if I hadn't had it and left the tin of milk sat there!

So... this is what I had -
2 tbsp Thai Green Curry Paste - 2 pts
200mls LIGHT coconut milk - 2.5 pts
100g jasmine rice - 5 pts
One chicken breast - 2.5 pts
One red pepper
One small carrot
Total of 12 points, and easy enough to serve 2. So 6 points a serving.

General method, if you want a go - Chop the chicken and veg into thin strips, pieces. Cook the rice as per packet instructions, fry the chicken in frylight for about 5 minutes. Add the paste, and mix well, then chuck in the veg and add the milk. Stir, simmer for about 10 minutes til the sauce all goes green and yummy looking and serve with the rice. The paste is an asda one, its pretty good actually!!

I didn't get the icecream. I was good. :D Proud of me!
I'm gonna sit in tonight, and rigidly plan meals for the next couple of weeks. Fast start, so 22 points. I can do this, if I plan in some treats, like pizza one night, homemade chips instead of craving a visit to the chipper, and pudding a couple of times a week, I can keep that plan on me and look at it to see when my next treat is..

So todays meals

Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast [5]
Lunch - Tuna sandwich [4.5] cheese+chive snackajacks [2?] Maltesers [3.5]
Snack - WW Yogurt [1]
Tea - Thai Green Curry [6]
Snack - banana [1.5]

That's 23.5. Got 2.5 left technically. Hmmmmm

Off to watch a dvd and get some inspiration for healthy, low point meals!!!

Have a good evening, happy people :) xxx
Hey Jen, don't feel down about your 2lb gain, I bet it's gone plus some next WI.

Although I was quite disappointed with my 2lb loss for the whole of Feb, I know from when I did WW after having my son, nearly 20 years ago (yikes am I really that old?!), that after losing about 21lbs, I went for weeks without losing anything and was on the verge of giving up when all of a sudden I started losing again and ended up losing all the 3 stone I wanted to - can't explain it but I promise you it's true! It took me ages to lose - much longer than most of the others in the group but I managed to keep it off for several years so it is worth persevering.

You have done so well so don't give up now ;). Plus we need you to keep us motivated!! New month, new start - we can do it!

Have a great Wednesday.

It must be some kind of psychological thing. Since I know that I am focussing, I feel like I am hungry already. I'm not, I know I am not, but there's a little voice in my head saying "eat... eattttt!!!!" I am ignoring that. MP3 player going on, loud, to drown out the voices.. haha!

Breakfast - Beans + philly on toast [5]
Snack - 2 digestives [2]
Lunch - WW Tomato and Basil Chicken meal [4]
Snack - Yogurt [1]
Tea - Beef stir fry I think. Not sure what to do sauce wise. I have chow mein sauce, but I don't think that will go with beef so well. Might make my own...!!!!

Biker Boy is on holiday this week, and has a new playstation game. So he's well n truly in man world now, I've lost him all week... Boooo :(

And my colleague's fellas always meet them for lunch. This is crap!
Good job I'm busy, innit!
Do you mean: 'Yay! Loads of 'me' time?!' :D

No Hannah, i think Jen means oh holy crap don't let him buy walkie talkie's as well and play war games for hours with his buddies lol

I was like that last week Jen felt hungry 24/7 because I was trying to be clever and read up all about the RC paln all I kept thinking was about food lol
It's terrible, isn't it...Sometimes I feel like I am getting totally obsessed with food.... Never mind, gotta be obsessed with something!

I am looking forward to the me time, but then, he called to say he has ALREADY completed the game, was bored, and did I want to go round for tea... Answer no, I want to eat icecream and watch bridget jones in my PJs... :)

SO tea tonight was a beef stirfry, 6 points.
2 scoops of low cal icecream - 2 points
1 bag of maltesers - 3.5 points

23.5 points and I'm done. :)

Onto tomorrow!!! xxxx
Hope you've had a lovely evening Jen!!! We all need a bit of space sometimes.....xx
Very true Linz, very true.
I had a nice relaxing evening, actually. Just what I wanted!

Today, I had a rigid plan. Beans on toast for breakfast, followed by WW Risotto for lunch, and burgers n chips for tea. But...

Then I got to work, and my colleague, cos I had been pretty upset yesterday, had bought me a Galaxy Bubbles... :) Its 169 cals, and no sat fat value on the packet, so I am going for 4 points for this. It's smaller than a normal Galaxy but looks more melt-in-the-mouth...

Anyway, this added 4 points, I have re-evaluated my meal plan for the day. Plus there was no beans at home this morning. What kind of house has no beans, I mean, come on....

Breakfast - Bacon sandwich [4.5]
Lunch - WW Hearty Veggie Broth [2]
Snacks - Cheese&chive snackajacks [1] Galaxy [4] banana [1.5] creamed rice [1.5]
Tea - burger and chips, going to fry some onion in frylight too - [6.5]

Total - 21, leaves a couple for tonight.

Hope you are all having a good day. The sun appears to be shining for once in Aberdeen... Wonder how long that will last....... x
My guess is that the sunwon't last as long as the snow did!!! lol!!!

nah, hopefully it continues from now right thru spring and
Mmmm burgers and onions.

Have a good night chick. Glad to hear you are also a Bridget fan ;)
Food is looking yummy as always Jen and icecream and Bridget Jones, you just can't beat it :D

Aw a nice sunny Aberdeen, how I miss it so, used to love going down to the esplanade on a lovely sunny day :p

Have a lovely day

I have no idea what I have eaten today.

Breakfast was a bacon sanger - 4
Lunch was meant to be a chicken meal thing for 5 points
then was going to have my leftover thai curry for tea for 6 points.
With a couple of snacks in between..

Instead, I had my bacon sandwich, a hot cross bun, then when I got to work, I remember a bar of chocolate but can't remember what kind. Mccoys, then someone said they were going to the cafe for lunch, and were taking an order, so I had chilli chips and cheese. Then a galaxy caramel and a bag of maltesers. and a bottle of diet coke. Like the "diet" option makes a difference.
Then I stopped eating for 5 minutes, came home, and had my leftovers for tea. Now I have a cuppa here.

So apart from the six tonnes of chocolate and the crisps... I wasnt too bad.

We had a huge fall out last night. I promised myself I would never let a bloke drive me to binging again.

So after this cuppa, I'm going to clean my teeth, and read the new WW magazine for some inspiration :)

I'm not demotivated. I'm not beating myself up. I slipped up. I ate to a point where I actually felt sick, and that's been enough to put me off. I was nearly too ashamed to post this but no point hiding it...

Other than that, my day was good!!! :D Feeling pretty positive today!!!!
Wow Jen!!!! That was a marathon of eating today!!!! lol#

Back to it tomoro girl!!!!...xxxx
Ooops oh bummer well obviously its al bikerboys fault driving you to a binge lol
nearly wet meself at the diet coke point though hahahaha
ahhh well tomorrow is another day and for what its worth I envy the crisp bit too nothing quite like a packet of McCoys
Hey Jen diet coke - thats damage limitation for you! :D

Hope you got the required inspiration from the new WW mag and are back on track today.

Have a great weekend.

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