Jenny's moved on :)

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Hey Jen, good to see your on track this week. Should be agood weigh in on mon!!!.x
Haha, glad to bring a smile to people :D
He won't turn into a baddie, if he knows what's good for him :) mwahaha!!

It didn't even get to half 9 this morning and my boss was calling me about work stuff.. Eurgh. It's my last day off mate, gimme a break!

Anyway..... Funtimes ahead! I had a crap evening last night. First, I was talking to the bloke, and said I was going to get him a curly wurly but couldn't get a single one. He then said if I was going to buy him chocolate, to get him [long list of stuff] instead of a curly wurly. So I got stupidly upset with myself, thinking I don't know my own fella, which is complete nonsense but you know when you get that wonderful feeling of "can't do anything right"??? lol

THEN I was folding my laundry and realised that holy cow, my pants are HUGE. Like... I don't know what, but REALLY big. It upset me even more, I started crying JUST as mum walks into my room to ask if I want a cuppa. She works in Social Work and analyses everything and has now decided that I am depressed, as I have "too many bad days". She has seen me cry maybe, 3 times, in the last 6 weeks, mainly due to hormones, there was that huge fallout with the blokey, and then hormones again last night.

I'm not bloody depressed for heavens sake, I am way too stubborn for that. I have a fat ar$e. That's all...

She then attributed my "depression" to being unhappy in my relationship with Biker Boy, saying that I obviously didn't trust him enough to tell him I was upset, then when I said I did, and he knew, she was asking if he knows I'm upset, why isn't he speaking to me to cheer me up. Because I've just got off the phone to him, he said to stick on a dvd, get a cuppa, and relax, and told me that I am ace :)D) and that I do everything right as far as he is concerned.
Subtitle: Quit your whinging woman..!

Anyway, today is a new day :) I am going to trek to Argos to get Just Dance for the Wii.... Im not sure how the music will affect me, I prefer me heavier music to cheesey pop, but if I don't like it, there is always Ebay :p

On to the fun bit - THE FOOD!!

Breakfast - Special K. Had to be crafty this week, mum keeps eating it. So I got the apricot one cos she doesn't like fruit in her cereal. Evil or what?! :) [4]

Snack - Cheese on toast - One slice cheese, one slice of toast [2.5]

Lunch - Tescos Sweet Chilli Prawn Noodle Snack Pot thing - [4]

Tea - Beef stir fry - 150g beef, soy sauce, veggies and a packet of noodles - [6.5]

That's 17 points.

I thought I would bang all the information into MyFitnessPal and see what levels of sugar, fat, carbs etc I am having. This tells me that I am eating too few calories and too much protein, I should have a further 260 a day. According to WW I should be having a further 9 points a day, but I don't think I can manage that... Unless I end up snacking for the hell of it, rather than cos I am hungry...?

I might have the other panacotta thing after tea.. that's 3.5 so takes the total to 20.5

Have a good good day everyone :) I'm off to get dressed and head out ! x
Jen you certainly bring a smile to my face (in the nicest possible way)! Hormones and people who over analyse have a lot to answer for! I'm sure your mum only means well though but I know how annoying it can be - I have a friend who is a counsellor and I have to gently remind her that I am not a client sometimes!

Hope you have fun with the 'Just Dance'. Enjoy the last day of your holiday from work and have a great weekend.

Hahaha glad to hear it :D And so so well done for getting your January target, big pat on the back !

Oh well.... Not impressed with my day...! My dad went into the village before I got ready to go out, and said that the roads were trecherous. Again. Bloody snow! So I didn't risk it, had a lazy day instead. So no exercise for me! No Just Dance, no nowt. Ah well, I shall get it tomorrow instead, should I be able to get out..!
Part of me thinks it can't be that bad... its only about 4 cm deep... but Dad is a bit of a risktaker, so I'll listen... Sheesh.

Anyway.! The other disappointment was that sweet chilli prawn thing. :( I had been looking forward to that, and it was not as good as I had anticipated. It was ok... But I won't be having it again!

I've had rather a lot of digestive biccies today. I think we're on 6 so far. I'm not beating myself up over it, it's boredom and cabin fever :p

I've read as well that too much protein can lead to weight gain... so I might try and have a vegetarian[ish] diet for 4 days a week, and strictly limit my meat. Some people will think OMG how can you do that?! But I was vegetarian for 14 years til last year, so I should be ok... :)

And THEN! Dad made me feel bad about never eating with the family, and dished me up a huge portion of his beef casserole and dumplings and stuff. It was so tasty, I enjoyed it, but knowing what dad's like, that's about 12 points.. So I give up today :)

Soup + Porridge all next week, will get this chubb off... !
Saturday. Hurrah! I had a horrendous nightmare last night about getting attacked by chimps. I have no idea how that came about... I woke up all scared and stuff though. I get strange bad dreams sometimes. Wish I could de-code them, though... probably... best... not to...!


Breakfast - Toast and jam - [3]
Snack - Yogurt [1]
Lunch - Beef, Gravy, and a couple of potatoes [5.5]
Tea - No idea what I'm doing yet. Fancy some pasta though :)

I've already done my workout for the day :)

Have a good weekend, people. x

I feel a bit like :needhug: today :wave_cry:
Hugs all the way from Birmingham to you too!!

You've had a great start to the day getting your exercise in early and todays menu is looking good so think positive, you're doing great!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Thanks for the hugs... :) Means a lot

Revised Food Diary for today:

Breakfast - Toast [3]
Snack - Special K [4]
Lunch - Ham n Cheese Sandwich [4]
Snack - Yogurt [1]
Dinner - Beef stir fry with noodles [8]
Pudding - WW creamed Rice [1.5]

I'm completely hacked off today now. Struggling to keep my mouth shut or I'll end up p***ing everyone off. :cry:

I think I must get that PMS thing people talk about. How can I change that?!?! Biker Boy calls me Crazy Lady for a week a month. He gets just as moody, I don't have a crazy nickname for him...

Total points - 21.5

midnight rant...

I feel a bit better now. I managed to bite my tongue and not have a go at him for pulling a stupid stunt yesterday. I told him I was a bit unhappy with him. Well he could tell... But I didn't lose my temper. Proud of myself! Turns out he wasn't being moody today, he was hungover after a works lads night out...
He didn't speak to me all day throughout Friday, and all I got was a text at half 2 saying "night :) x" So he did let me know he was safe, thankfully.
Now, I'm not the kind of person to keep tabs on him, I trust him, and yada yada yada but come on. Apparently it was all last minute, and they didn't plan to go into town, and ... Excuses boyo. A text takes 2 minutes!

Anyway, rant over... We're ok :) We spoke, and it'll all blow over. I'll be seeing him on monday night, or should be. He's going karting with work people tomorrow. I don't begrudge him the time with his team, I really don't but I just would like him to want me to know. Take today for example, it got to 3pm? I text to say was he expecting me to come over for tea cos I didn't know.. And he wasn't, but then I feel like a stupid schoolgirl with a crush, chasing him when he's known all along that he's busy this weekend... It's just a bit annoying!!

Happy 18 month-iversary to us :) hahaha What a way to spend it...

I know... Meal plans for Sunday for moi! I will be picking.. I always do at home :sigh: so I will break it down to times...

8am - Special K [4]
10am - bacon butty [4]
12.30 [lunch] - Chicken mushroom and potato pie [5.5]
4pm - small stir fry - just leftover mixed veg and soy sauce [1]
6.30pm - Spaghetti Bolognese - Mum Style :) [6]
8.30pm - cuppa tea and 2 digestives :) [2]

Plus a couple of bits of fruit - banana, 2 kiwis.. [2.5]
and a yogurt [1]

Total - 26 bang on :)

And I got Just Dance... so I'll be giving that a go!
I get that from my bf! I get "sure we can go do something on wednesday" and then on tuesday i get the whole "i told you i was going out on wednesday!" like its my fault i think wrong!!! Men are just too much hassel. lol

I get alot of down days but thats what being unhappy with yourself and being woman is like!!! lol
Glad it isn't just me that feels like that! Bloody men... haha :)

Well, today is a new day! I overslept, it was ace, and have decided not to have the bacon sarnie, just the cereal.

As for my chocolate challenge, that's ticking along nicely. I do quite fancy a little something though, but I can postpone that til Friday. I think... lol!
Hey you are doing great with your no choc goal! What are you going to have on Friday? Cheer up and get dancing!

Hope you have a good day - back to work tomorrow isn't it (sorry for reminding you!!) so make the most of today.

Thanks Lesley :) I don't know what to have on friday.... I can spend all week day-dreaming about it haha! Maybe a galaxy ripple... I don't want to go too OTT..!

Yus, it is back to work on Monday... I don't mind, I feel more focussed on the healthy eating when I'm at work, and I have relaxed in my week off and enjoyed it, so I'm ready to go back. Though my opinion might change on monday when I actually get back...!

have a great Sunday! :) Blimey, it's gone 11 already... where did that go?! x
31.01.2010 - SUNDAY. BORED. !

09:30 Breakfast - 5.5

Special K [4]
Banana [1.5]

Cuppa tea [0]

11:30 - 5.5
Beans on toast - [4]
1 slice low low cheese - [1.5]

13:00 - 3
1 scoop vanilla ice cream [1]
1 digestive biscuit [1]
1 dollop of toffee sauce [1]

stir fry veggies [0]
yogurt [1]

~18:00 - 7
WW Chicken Potato & Mushroom pie [5.5]
120g of new potatoes - [1.5]

WW Creamed Rice [1.5]

Toast and jam - [2.5]

[TOTAL 26 - Bang on]

I have been bored today.. hence the lots of picking... think I will be done soon! haha

Loads on this week... Hope I can stick to it :)
Keep smiling, all !! Have a good GOOD week!! x
Hey Jen, hope you had a good weekend and good luck tomoz for w/i!!!xxx
Cheers Linz!


Happy February everyone!


Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast - [5]
Lunch - Low Fat Chicken Supernoodles - Points?
Snack - Special K [4]
Tea - Pasta, Ham and red sauce [5]

Hopefully the Supernoodles are less than 6 points. that'll leave me 5 for treats!

Wee tiny update from Moi! Struggling to get back in the routine of not eating all day as I am back at work... Lots of little bits n pieces...

06:00 Poached eggs on toast [5]
10:00 Special K [4]
11:00 banana [1.5] and 25g of dried apricots - Eurgh.! [0.5]
13:00 Supernoodles [5]
14:00 cuppa [0]
15:20 another 25g of dried apricots... getting desperately hungry now... [0.5]
17:00 2 ryvita and 1 WW cheese Triangle [1.5]


I know, I'm whinging about being hungry when I have 8 points left. Thing is, I'm making tea for the fella, and I don't know what to do yet. I think pasta and ham in a generic tomato based sauce. So that'd be about 5.

Really... I want chicken kiev and chips.. haha. Or a visit to KFC. I have to stop doing that though. Have to concentrate or I'll never lose the lard... !

Last night we had a packet of that fresh pasta tortellini type stuff, it had red peppers, chilli and tomatos in it. With a tub of dolmio sauce. It was REALLY tasty, and using the NVs, was only 4.5 points each. Obviously, Biker Boy had a ton of cheese on his, and a heap of toast... but I was happy with just the pasta! I had intended to cook some pasta from scratch but it was gone 7 by the time we both left work, and we were both beat. In bed by half 10, straight to sleep unfortunately, how boring...!

I popped by WI yesterday, and have put on 2lbs. I'm ok with that! Puts me at a slight disadvantage for the Feb challenge, already starting on a minus... oops. But still within reach :D


Breakfast - Special K and SKIMMED MILK :O - [3.5]
Snack - banana [1.5]
Snack - 2 Ryvita, 1 cheese triangle and 2 slices of ham [2.5]
Lunch - Soup [1.5] and a sandwich [5]
Tea - probably a ready meal I think. There's a chicken and potato something in the freezer I think. I think it's [4.5] or something.

That's [18.5] in total. What else can I scoff...

I'm completely uninspired by food today... I wanted beans on toast for breakfast but there was no bread. Hmph!
Have faith in you shifting those 2 lbs plus a wee bit extra this week!!!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!xxx
I have faith in me too, for once!

Lunchtime update on today's food - I should probably try and update this at the end of the day, rather than do a running commentary throughout the day... oops!

Breakfast - Special K + skimmed milk [3.5]
Snack - banana [1.5]
Lunch - 2 x Brown roll + 2 slices of ham [6]
Bottle of diet coke + lime [0]
WW Chicken Noodle Soup [0.5]

Snack at 3 will be 2 WW oat digestives [1.5]
Tea - WW Bolognese bake and a garlic ciabatta... MM HMM, I am so looking forward to that!! 5.5 and 3.5 = [9]

That's 22 so far. I might be having tea out tomorrow night, so may save the rest? Who knows... :)

Biker Boy was asking all about WW last night. It was quite possibly the cutest thing in the world!

"So.. it's not red and green food anymore then?"
"No dear.."
"Oh. When did that change?"
"about 3 months ago"
"... oh. Oh ok. Explain it to me then"
[so I did...]
"How the hell is an egg the same as a banana?!"

Hahaha... :heartpump: him..!!
Haha bless Biker Boy.

You can make pasta from scratch? That's impressive. I think it's one thing I will never bother with.. that and puff pastry :)
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