Jenny's moved on :)

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what does he need smacking in the head for this time? :p men! ;)
Basically.... Yes, I appear to have one thing on my mind at the moment... so what :p I text him last night when I was in town shopping and in an undies department and told him about some nice things that I was looking at, and got no reply, then this morning text him that if I was there he should have set his alarm early so I coulda sent him to work with a smile on his face, with a few kisses at the end of the text and 4 hours, FOUR HOURS later got a reply "Another time." ....
THEN! There was a mycitydeal for Aberdeen, at a restaurant we've been umming and ahhing about for a while, its 2 courses and drinks for 2 people, for £20, so I told him and said was he interested and got "yeah I guess"....

So 5pm tonight after work, I text him saying "Right thats it, officially the weekend so cheer up Grumpypants!" and he's JUST got back to me - Why am I a grumpypants?



Diet news - I was meant to be out tonight with the cocktail gang, which was a 3 course meal followed by drinks, which would have been cocktails.... The night got cancelled so I have scoffed an entire takeaway pizza at 32 points. It was bloody worth it :D

Have a great weekend people, if The Incredible Grump comes out of his mood, I'll go round. If not, I'll probably go round and argue with him. I'm feeling pretty OTT, I might go and get my stuff.... Hello PsychoJenny...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS - At work today, I went away from my desk in the middle of some paperwork, and came back to heaps of silver and gold stars chucked across it

It made my day :p


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i'd quite like to meet Psycho Jenny.. i think it would spice things up haha :D

and WTF is wrong with him? er hello, satisfaction on a f***ing silver platter.. and he says "Another time"?????

get him kicked into shape Jen, i'd make Matty wait a month if he turned me down :p
Jesus bejesus, he is a grumpy bod! I thought Rob was bad, although he can be pretty much like that. I would just ignore him if he was being like that, but I am pretty rubbish at tolerating stuff like that!

Have a great weekend xxx
I will try to be only Jen Pen at Glasgow :p However, as recent events have highlighted, I am prone to being volatile, so we'll see what happens :p
I might say I want to smack people in the head a lot but I'm not actually violent :) I once through a cherry mullerlight yogurt at an ex, but that's the extent of my violence. It was ace, it exploded right in his face :D Can't stand the smell of cherries now though, it just reminds me of the cretin.... In fact I'm not really fond of cherries at all to be honest. Nasty fruit. What's with the choke-on-me stones?!

Update on le Biker - I went into slightly irrational mode, having text him last night to say what time was I coming round at the weekend - lunchtime or teatime, and got no reply. So I phoned him, at 10ish, and said basically right fine, taking 2 and 2 and getting either 4 or 7 - I'm coming round tomorrow and I am either staying to watch X Factor or I am getting my stuff and taking it home, wtf am I doing. He said I was getting 7, and to quit overreacting, I told him to stop being an ar$ehole and after a bit of stretched chatter, I established that he was exhausted from a bad week at work. He was just going to bed at 10, that's not right for a friday from him. And he'd had a couple of drinks too, on his own. I don't like him doing that! So I said well what can I do to cheer you up, he said he was fine and to stop worrying, so I said what are we gonna do to cheer me up? And he said Oh. I thought you were ok now cos you stopped talking about stuff. No dear, that's me blocking it out and forcing an optimistic view on the world......
So we're going out for tea tonight :)

Im so glad that it is finally saturday :D
I'm going to Toys R Us to look at Lego....... x

oh yes.

Lego is da bomb. I was such a tomboy lol

Also if Chris did that to me he would get a right ear bashing, and a 'well pee off then you *explitives and swear words* and then he would grovel and buy me somthing. You need to get that man sortd jen ;)

this morning i said something about 'jenny from the forum' and mum wasnt listening and said 'what was that about jenny from the block?'
i now have jenny from the block in my head :p

who is the lego for Jen? x
Morning Jen - enjoy your lego mission - I loved lego when I was little and forced my son to love it when he was little too!

Enjoy your meal out tonight :D.

Hey Jenny! Lego indeed does rock, I was a total tomboy too Katie and demanded the sets of lego rather than the latest Barbie, me and my brother had ace times building houses and cars!

Kick him into touch, and yay on going out for a meal - Whereabouts are you going Jen?

:D Oh dear Jen why is BB in grumpypants mood then any idea ?
I have to say you have the patience of a saint cos after the first text there would have been no way he got another from me haha!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend
I'm sure men go through TOTM also! just in their own little ways! Hope he cheers up soon, for your sake lol :) hope you had fun looking for lego! i use to love the stuff building pirate ships haha :D enjoy your weekend xxx
Hey Jenny from the Aberdeenshire Block!!! hehe!!

How BB's out his mood...mine's is the same and has been for about a week...getting right on ma wick!!!!! I wanna go out tomoro and spend some cash and he'll be like..hmph!!!!! honest, that will be his actual answer!!!

Love love loed lego when i was and my wee bro were entertained for hours and hourse making wierd and wonderful things!

Have a great tea tonight chick..what ya havin??.xx

Well.... Everything's good up here!

We went to the cinema, to see that Will Ferrell film. It's pretty good, fair funny :) Then went to a chinesey thai place that may be an all you can eat place... I tried sushi :D And had teriyaki chicken, and some beef with noodles and mushrooms. And a strange pink star shaped dessert that I really didn't know what it was, with a slice of chocolate swiss roll.... It was good :D Then we went home to watch X Factor, and got an early-for-the-weekend night, on account of the Grand Prix being a 6am start.
Except I got a lay in, and woken up at half 10 with a bacon sandwich and a cuppa tea. He'd said he came in at 10:10, to tell me it was 10 10 10 10 10 10 or something, but I was fast asleep and he didn't want to wake me... Bless. So I have set a reminder on 11:11, 11.11.2011 just on the off chance that we haven't killed each other by then...

After the breakfast buttie, we went shopping. I know. We never do that... I took great offence twice, and went in a complete strop. The first was in the disney store, when there was a disney castle style door way into a mirrored room to the section with the princess dresses. I said it was ok, I wouldn't go through there if it would embarass him, and he said that I wouldn't fit anyway.... My head told me he was calling me fat, but he meant because the doorway only came up to my shoulder, and I'd basically have to crawl to get in :p
After I'd got over that strop, we were in a shop that had a faux-leopard fur jacket. He absolutely hates animal print, which pains me, we all know I like my occasional leopard accessories... So I naturally pointed out the jacket. He said it was vile and that I couldn't have it. Excuse me? I can't have it? So I tried it on... and he said "It looks even worse now"... So I very slowly took it off, painstakingly did up every button on the thing, hung it back up and said "right, done" and walked out the shop. He was like "You can keep looking if you like". Erm, NO. hah.

Anyway we're over that now.
After he bought KFC.

What can I say, I'm cheap :p

Then homemade salsa, chips and tea for supper while x factor was on. Interesting result..
And I got told that life would be very boring without me...


Pink & fluffy, and dreading work tomorrow...........

Will catch up soon, <3 u lots xx
Ah Jen - I do love being away from minis or a couple of days because you manage to hate BB, want to slap him, tell him he's a nobhead, make up and he does something utterly romantic and it's all pink and fluffy by the time I get back. Bless you!

Hope you're having a good Monday. I loved the 'stars on the desk' thing by the way. That's a lovely thing to do - my colleague bought me flowers the other day and they were in a glass on my desk. I could have cried!

Big hugs x
Thanks :D
Update on the worky situation - the temp that we wasted all last week training, didnt come back today, so up poop creek we go!

Hello overtime.....!!!

Tired - bed. Missed line dancing on account of overtime. Grumbles. :( x
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