Jezebella's Journal

Awww huggss to you hun xxx

hi there
can't remember about the trigger week, sorry - think i had lost it a bit by then tbh!

fingers crossed for the birth - we used to have 2 cat sisters who both gave birth the same night, 9 kittens between them, it was a long night!
one of them took on the job as mum and would constantly move them all about the house. the other one wasn't interested at all.

sadly i have had a txt off my ex husband tonight(who stil has one of them) to say she is dying, so i am going round tomorrow to say good bye to her. She has had a good innings - we got her in 1991, still sad tho.

daisy x
For some reason Jez, I hadn't twigged that Mrs Pumpkin Belly is a meezer! I am a sucker for kittens at the best of times but I really want another Siamese as ours is the funniest/most annoying/sweetest thing ever. I love them

Hope things have started moving...xx
Hi Jez, Hope you and Mrs Pumpkin Belly had a good night and some cutie furballs are safely arrived, or will do so today :).
She is keeping them inside!!!! I despair of ever seeing a kitten!!!! I think the best thing to do will be to head out for a bit this morning because this sitting here and just waiting now is driving me nuts! Pity I can't induce her. Today is day 67 which is quite late considering the average time for pregnancy is 63-65 days. I guess those little ones are just too snug in there and want to stay warm. Do they not know the fleeces and cat electric blanket (heat pad) I have purchased at exorbitant cost is here waiting for them????? I am going to give them a firm talking to now!!!

Jo yes she is a Caramel Tabby Point Siamese - what do you have? Her husband is a Classic Brown (black in reality) Oriental Spotted Tabby - so just waiting to see now what mix I get of Siamese and Orientals. Who did you get your current Siamese from?

Hugs to all

aww Jez, we all wished her to keep her legs crossed on Thursday and she listened! Now we need to wish them apart! lol xxx
Those little meezers will be worth the wait! Ours is a blue tortie - definitely lives up to her naughty tortie tag! We got her from Phuentae Siamese in Bingham near us, she's 5 now and will be 6 in February. She's the funniest little thing and has entertained my parents greatly today by brushing her own face!
I love tabby Siamese - told my OH about pumpkin belly and her soon to be fur kids and he looked at me as if to say, don't even think about asking for one! We've got 3 cats at the moment and I definitely want another siamese/oriental...

RTM Day 55 (Week 8)

*sigh* still no babies :( had a long chat with K this evening, the owner of Lily's husband, and she still thinks it all sounds normal and the babies should be here soon. I think if there is nothing by Monday morning I will be taking her off to the vet. She is still very restless so who knows? Also the babies are not moving much today which is a sign of imminent birth.

Food wise - went out early on to get cake boxes, and my sis wanted a trip to primark and ikea to pick up a few bits. I was expecting a 2 hour trip max = bloody 5 hours later!!!!! The traffic was murder. Food wise, black coffees in the morning and I took a bar and an apple with me out shopping - not expecting shopping to go on for too long. Thank god I did!!!! Had a starbucks latte in the shopping center and my apple, kept the bar in my bag as a just in case. Got home just after 2 and was pretty hungry. Weird as prior to eating the apple at 1pm I wasn't hungry, but 20 min after the apple I was starving! I was also in a flat panic that because I had decided to go out the birth would happen. The crawling traffic did nothing for my nerves!!! Had a Thai Chili soup for lunch then got stuck into the housework that I let slide yesterday. Late afternoon after chores were done, had a lovley cup of tea and 10g of grapes. For dinner I made the tagine, just did it a litle differently to normal. Pan seared the lamb cannon and made a separate tagine sauce sprinkled this with a bit of chopped date and apricot and had it with cous cous, roast roots and savoy. Felt quite full afterwards. Pud was the ever scrummy baked banana with pecan and rasin ad a splash of brandy to flambe/ Had this with banana custard Muller light. This is certainly my new favourite thing. Anyway off to catch a few hours kip....

food sounds lovely that you have made jez :)
lol i think you do need to help me getting off the quorn menu lol
No babies yet???....:(
RTM Day 56 (Week 8)

Wow tomorrow starts Week 9 - trigger week number 2!!! All a bit of a shock that it is going by so fast. Today was a really good day food wise for me again. The days off make it so much easier to control my intake and there is much less stress involved. Well apart from my total mental spazz about when this damn cat will sprog!!! She is now 4 days late!!! Vet visit if there is nothing by midday tomorrow I think. Having said that she seems serene and calm.

Late breakfast today of my little "sunshine mix" some chopped banana with apple, raisin, raspberry and mandarin yoghurt. I adore this it has such amazing fruity flavours and just looks so pretty - it never fails to cheer me up. Spent the morning doing the usual washing and cleaning up- god it never seems to end, but it is so satisfying when it is all clean and tidy. Also glad that all the washing is up to date. Because it was chilly lunch needed to be hot. So a gorgeous stirfry with loads of low cal veg and the last of the fillet steak. Had it all proper chinese style in oriental bowl with chopsticks.

Had to go outside for a while today, just for the fresh air and a bit of a walk - also to load the car with the Xmas cakes my sister is taking to work for her clients. Was absolutely freezing upon return to the warmth of the house, so a cup of hot milky tea was called for. I spent the afternoon flipping through cookery books and magazines planning the meals for the Christmas period. RTM will be done by then so realistically I can eat what I want, but I want it to be healthy and light. Also I want to feed my family really healthily without them actually realising it. So have it all written out and planned now. Did feel a little peckish but think this is probably due to the weather as it was absolutely not real hunger. Yay me I resisted all temptation. Tonight was delish too, chicken breast with wholegrain mustard and a little extra light philly stuffing, ratatouille, the rest of the roasted root veg from last night and savoy and leek. I did not miss the carb at all - as this was day 7 so no carb day, and I really wondered if I would? Pud was a delightful little warm melange of peaches and plums with crazens and dried currants done in the oven with orange juice and cinnamon. Blackcurrant Jelly and a swirly whirly muller fat free with berries. Tomorrow brings a new excitement to my life porridge and cereals! Have my porridge all ready and am either going to have it with banana, rasin and a dollop of yoghurt or fruit compote. Porridge, as most of you know has never been my favourite thing, so it is totally weird that I am looking forward to it so much. I also have some cereal to try. I must read my big blue book to remind myself of what else is on offer for this week.

I am going to finish the evening off with a hot banana shake. I haven't had one for ages so can't wait for it - because they are gorgeous. Lucky me another day off tomorrow - hoping like hell for babies, but who knows.

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sounds good jez
wheres bl at, wanna ask her once she finished rtm or even during were you allowed cereal bars ie alpen or jordans or fruesli
Hey Jez, know what you mean re the porridge. I've never had it since I was a teenager. However the weeks leading up to it all I could think of was porridge with apple and cinnamon, and now I have it every day but with a different topping so I don't get bored. I love my porridge breakfast, it sets me up for the day and is so filling. Be aware though, you will need to drink more during the morning as it makes you bad thing to drink more. Good luck...:D
Thanks hun, am really, really looking forward to it. Especially as tomorrow is due to be chilly.

I am such a numpty, completely forgot to add pud to tonights RTM diary so will re edit and add!!

Too much fretting about babies methinks

PPPS: JoB, send me pix of your Siamese baby - dying to see :) Shall sit up for another 30 min with the Pumpkin Belly - more like small whale these days!!! Then head for bed.

porridge with apple and cinnamon oh my that sounds delish
Mmm, porrige is one thing I plan on making a regular breakfast after RTM, but making lovely fruit compots and using spices instead of the sugar, syrup and honey toppings of the past :eek:. Of course... my tastes may change and I am open to other breakfasts too including more eggs LOL.