Jezebella's Journal

Jez, I do hope the babies arrive very very soon. You must be very distracted. xx
Hey TI, thanks hun, am off to the vet shortly... she seems fine in herself still, but is now very overdue, so am rather concerned.

Will keep you all updated


Thanks for all your kind thoughts everyone. Took Lily to the Vet this morning and then back again this afternoon for an ultrasound. The vet cannot detect any heart beats :( Although we can see the babies in there. She will go in for a C section tomorrow, but the vet does not hold out much hope that any babies are alive. They were all fine and well on Saturday, so this is very odd. I am still praying for a small miracle that she either goes into labour tonight, or that there is at least one in there that is alive still. Even if the babies are dead, the bodies natural response would be to go into labour and expel them, and thus far still nothing and we are on day 70 which is very late. The vet did say she was not the best at reading ultrasounds but we tried for 30 odd minutes. I cannot find a reason why this would be. I am hugely devastated. Will let you know more when I know it.

Oh nooooooooooooooooooo Jezz. :( :( :( :( :( :(
That is just awful news - I so hope its a fluke and they are fine!!!! I will keep everything crossed tonight, and just be hopin and prayin those little babes are OK.

I am so sorry you have to go through this - how scary and stressful for you. :( :(

Keep us posted, please!!!

I know. I would be too, and I just knew you were. :( :(

I had a similar thing with my Boxer, Teddie - so I understand. :(

It is truly devestation news, if it turns out to be accurate. Lets just PRAY she could not read the scans well, and all will be fine. I will be on pins and needles waiting to here.

WIsh I could do something for you. :(
oh no hun thats not good news :(
like bl wish there was something i could do :(
Thanks darling, I just feel so stupid, everyone worrying and wondering, and now it all seems so pointless, the pictures, the diaries, everything. And I still don't know why and it all seems so pointless and cruel, because this was her one and only chance. Part of me deep inside believes I will still get babies, but perhaps I am just in denial.

Oh Jez :( I wish you all the best - be strong! In this situation it is also helpful to look at the positives... if Miss Lilly was unable to expel those babies and it had been left too late, you may have even lost her...

Unfortunately in many cases it is better for the cat to be neutered (I've been raised with a heavy influence of RSPCA doctrine... eek) - it makes the cat's life much more relaxed and stress free, and in many cases more healthy too...

*sending you lots of hugs* I really hope your little darling kitty will be ok. :hug99:
oh jez
am keeping everything crossed for you
daisy x
Oh Jez - sending big hugs to your and your lovely sis and to your beloved pus. Wishing you all well tonight and tomorrow. xx
Big hugs Jez. Wish there was something I could say to make it better. Will be thinking of you both tonight and tomorrow.
Have my food logged on food focus, so will do a proper journal tomorrow, a bit of a mess right now, on the good side I have not resorted to food or booze.

aww hun, I am sure you don't feel like either xxxxx
Dear Jez

My heart aches for you.I'm praying for a miracle too.