Jilly's JUDDing & liking it!

Hi Jilly, sorry you've not been feeling well, vertigo is horrible my eldest son suffers with this occasionally. You're always so conscious of what you're doing and eating even if you're having a bad day so don't sorry too much. It's when you go into denial you need to worry!

As for the swimming yes I know it's daft and I'm so cross with myself for not going. I always feel like everyone is staring and it probably is all in my head, but I love swimming so I'm going to have to get over it.
So as I've been off work a few days (self certificated) I thought I had better go and see my GP, especially as still not feeling that well. Every time I think I have the Vertigo under 'control' I get another dizzy spell. Anyway see the GP yesterday, not my normal one (a good thing) and she thinks she picks up my heart missing the odd beat, so today I had a ECG, & tomorrow am I have bloods, then back to GP again on Thursday. It seems I might be 'stressed'.:(:confused: I'm usually the least 'stressed' person I know, but I guess there has been a lot going on recently!

:) On a brighter note 3lbs lost, so back on the downward trend with Xmas weight gone:D
Nice Up Day today with sausages, mash & onion gravy tonight, Yum Yum and a packet of maltesers....double yum yum!!!
Well done on the weight loss Jilly and I hope you feel better soon. Just to say that like you Im not a very stressy person but what I have learnt is that when my life is a bit complicated. shall we say, it has to come out somewhere..with me its heartburn and migraines. Take care and well done again!! xx
Vertigo is horrible :( Sounds like you are stressed. I hope you can find time to slow things down a bit for yourself. Good luck at with the GP and I hope your results come back O.K. Great weight loss this week. I'm on a UD too and seem to have found my stuffing my face mode again ;)
As for the swimming yes I know it's daft and I'm so cross with myself for not going. I always feel like everyone is staring and it probably is all in my head, but I love swimming so I'm going to have to get over it.[/QUOTE]

You aren't alone feeling like that Louise - I won't go near a pool. I wasn't keen when I was only 10 stone. Its the walk of shame from the changing room to the poolside I dread.
As for the swimming yes I know it's daft and I'm so cross with myself for not going. I always feel like everyone is staring and it probably is all in my head, but I love swimming so I'm going to have to get over it.

You aren't alone feeling like that Louise - I won't go near a pool. I wasn't keen when I was only 10 stone. Its the walk of shame from the changing room to the poolside I dread.[/QUOTE]

OMG 10st, if I waited to be that I'd never see a pool again LOL!! I swam this morning, surprisingly you don't seem to notice vertigo in the pool, why I don't know. maybe its because you feel 'swimming' anyway. I didn't really do many lengths, just chatting with my friends and treading water. It was nice and relaxing. As you say Jacci, it has to come out somewhere, I guess even the toughest of us have to 'crack' sometimes!
Well done on the loss! Just while you mention vertigo, I also found I didn't have it in the pool which was lovely. But (I'm not entirely sure) it seemed to make mine worse, since I stopped swimming it's calmed down a lot. I will have to start again to check whether or not the two are correlated but it's worth considering ear plugs if you're getting water in you ears (if you don't already).
Well done on the loss Jilly!

Get better soon :)

Well had my bloods done today and now just got to wait to hear from the Dr again tomorrow. Feeling better this afternoon but felt bad again this morning. Very strange goings on!
Still its not kept me from doing my DD. Usual menu of oatmeal, fish sticks and homemade soup. Had a gentle walk as well before lunch and did some housework. I'm feeling a bit guilty about being off work, but I'm never off sick and plenty of colleagues are off at the first sniffle.
Don't worry about being off work jilly it's obvious who is really ill and who has 'man flu' ;)

it has sounded like a stressful time for you lately, with hubby being ill and your job is a little stressful visiting poor old people

Well done on the loss woo!!!

Thanks Lou, you are right no point in feeling guilty and yes I also think that everything has perhaps got a bit much recently, the bad weather does not help either!
I notice that you have had a sneaky WI and that you are nearly back to pre Xmas weight, WTG, you will be pounds down by Easter..as will we all!!
I'm actually 2lbs DOWN on pre-Xmas weight! I'm only 0.2 lbs more than my lowest achieved on Dukan last year so hoping to smash this record next time I weigh in :D:D

Hope you start feeling a little better. As people said above, stress manifests itself in different ways in different people, I get horrific muscle tension in my shoulders and migraines (and the gum bit where my wisdom teeth were removed 16 years ago swell up?!!), my hubby gets a 'bad tummy', my neighbour always gets chest infections when she is stressed. Our body knows us better than we do!! I think it's the body's way of saying 'right lady - you need a day in bed'!!!

Lots of love xxx
Thanks all. I actually had a better day today. They are referring me to have one of those 24hr heart monitors to see what is happening. The GP did not ring today as planned regarding my sick not so I just told the receptionist that I wanted one as work had already covered my visits as they don't think I should be out on 'patch' until we know what is causing the dizziness, but I'm now pretty certain its stress because after I'd got 'wound' up about them not arranging it I had a dizzy spell. So I guess it is my body's way of saying 'chill'. So thats exactly what I am going to do, and until these spells stop they can damn well sign me off whatever they think!!

Anyway have not resorted to food as I have done so often in the past. Had a nice UP day but only had about 1600 cals, so pretty restrained for me. I'm expecting my weight will be an issue regarding their investigations!!!
Well done on restrained up day. I hope you take their advice and relax a little, stress can be a bizarre thing and manifest in some truly strange ways. Hope you feel a but better soon Jilly x