Exactly!! At least being awake and having baby for company means I wont be bored! And yeah...its to do with not being able to get comfy in bed ever too whilst pregnant..amongst other things!

Urgh. 4-6 more weeks to go...I have to keep that in my head to keep me sane. I need to think of what I get at the end of all these rubbish pregnancy-related issues :)
...and Heartburn!!!! F ing heartburn. I've already had rennies tonight and the little sod is back!!!!! :(

Arrrggghhhh lol xxx
Aww girls, don't worry about the not sleeping once baby gets here. Really that stage flies by and baby could settle well at night. Both of mine slept through by 8 weeks. And as you say once your not pregnant you can at least get comfortable in bed to sleep. I am far more tired now than I was with any new born!!!! You just have to make sure not to do it all yourself! We are all lucky enough to have partners and its their babies too so let them do their fair share. My hubby has always been amazing and loves time to himself with baby too.

Sorry rambling again. Hope you have a good weekend JoeyJoJo. xx
Aww girls, don't worry about the not sleeping once baby gets here. Really that stage flies by and baby could settle well at night. Both of mine slept through by 8 weeks. And as you say once your not pregnant you can at least get comfortable in bed to sleep. I am far more tired now than I was with any new born!!!! You just have to make sure not to do it all yourself! We are all lucky enough to have partners and its their babies too so let them do their fair share. My hubby has always been amazing and loves time to himself with baby too.

Sorry rambling again. Hope you have a good weekend JoeyJoJo. xx

Thats it...theres too many factors contributing to my lack of sleep atm. At least once baby is here I can feed him, change him and then hopefully sleep *crosses fingers for a well behaved baby*

You have a good weekend too hun xxx
Sucks doesnt it :( im presuming labour/birth is only gunna make them 10x worse aswell :(

I had 1 (or what I could feel) before the baby then when he arrived I could feel maybe 2?! However over the last 3-4 weeks they have been worse and now they bleed every time it go for a poo and sometimes I cry and I'm shaking!!
Got a hospital appointment this week and going to mention it as I thought it might be connected to the episiotomy but I actually think it's just piles!! :-( gutted x
I had 1 (or what I could feel) before the baby then when he arrived I could feel maybe 2?! However over the last 3-4 weeks they have been worse and now they bleed every time it go for a poo and sometimes I cry and I'm shaking!!
Got a hospital appointment this week and going to mention it as I thought it might be connected to the episiotomy but I actually think it's just piles!! :-( gutted x

Yeah I already get the pain and bleeding when I 'go' so im really dreading them getting worse :( Arrrrrgghhhhh!!
Yeah I already get the pain and bleeding when I 'go' so im really dreading them getting worse :( Arrrrrgghhhhh!!

It might not get any worse then?? Before my labour I wasn't in pain at all, just the odd itch and on long car journeys I sometimes felt uncomfortable! ... But that was it! X
I saw this one on the Argos app which looks nice...I might buy it for a gift


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Hello my lovely x I hope you are well today?? xx

I went into hospital again with reduced movements late on Sunday and they put me on the monitor. Baby didnt move much and his heartrate dropped a couple of times so they moved me to a room on the labour ward. They had to monitor me further and told me that they needed to put a cannula in my hand in case baby didnt improve and they needed to rush me off for a c section or anything (scary).

Thankfully over the next few hours baby improved but they kept on monitoring him. Also realised that my heartrate was too high. Should be 60-80 beats per min but it was constantly 100+ beats per min so they were keeping an eye on that too.

During the day yesterday they continued to monitor me and baby...I had to have an ecg/heart test things which seemed to be fine, got a growth scan which showed theres enough water around baby etc etc, baby continued to move throughout the day so that was good, started to take antibiotics for an infection that I apparently have. My heartrate stayed high throughout yesterday and they think that is related to the infection so they are going to get me to come back in on Thursday to do some more checks.

I slept about one and a half hours in a 36 hour period and even though Ive now slept last night I still feel shattered and think it'll take me a while to recover lol

I think it just all took me by surprise because last time i went in with reduced movements it was a case of going on the monitor and baby went mental and it was all done with within a few hours. This time was there 24 hours and they were talking about it being the 2nd time ive come in with reduced movements and so they will need to keep a closer eye on me and possiblly set a date for induction earlier. Nothing seemed to come of that in the end (induction-wise), although i guess they might review on Thursday? Meh....

The cannula had to be taken out yesterday afternoon because my hand swelled up to 2 times its usual size lol I could barely move my fingers and my hand felt all solid was weird (picture below)

Looked through my notes a little while ago and apparently baby is 4/5 engaged.....yay!

God, that sounds so horrible and scary. Glad bubs is ok. You take it easy, especially if your own heart rate is playing silly sods!! xx
Thanks girls :) I am going to take it easy.....not long to go now anyways, getting excited! :D

I think if I go in once more with reduced movements, they're likely to just induce me. Am on the ball with paying attention to the movements...especially having stopped taking the aspirin from Sunday which makes me a bit nervous...and now taking antibiotics
That sounds awful Jo, glad you and baby are ok. It's that lack of control thing again - I know exactly what you mean from my experience with labour when things started to go wrong. You can't do anything but go with it cause you have to do the best for little one but it's terrifying at the same time! I hope your follow up goes well and there are no other issues to report. xxx
That sounds awful Jo, glad you and baby are ok. It's that lack of control thing again - I know exactly what you mean from my experience with labour when things started to go wrong. You can't do anything but go with it cause you have to do the best for little one but it's terrifying at the same time! I hope your follow up goes well and there are no other issues to report. xxx

Thanks Sarah :)

That is exactly it...lack of control and not knowing what to expect. It is definitely scary! I think it really shocked me how quickly things can change/progress doesn't really give you a chance to think about just have to go with it like you say!

I hope you and little one are doing well :D xxx
It shocked me too so defo getting my hospital bag and labour bag ready ASAP...

Hope you're feeling better chic .. xx

Im ok today thanks :)

Yeah, I had my hospital bag done and ready when I hit 30 weeks ish. It was one of those things I had been avoiding like the plague because I knew it was gunna be a nightmare to sort.....but I was really happy once it was sorted lol

I looked at different hospital bag lists on loads of different websites to make sure I didn't forget anything xxx