Lovely to see you hear honey. I'm glad you're feeling better and like Sammie said, I bet your hubby/family are so proud of you :) You're doing an amazing job!!!

Wow!! Well done on the 29lb loss! That's amazing!! :)

Hope you're ok sweet xxxx
Heeeey :)

Im good. First night with baby last night as hubby went back to work today. Joshua just wants to cuddle at night and wont go to sleep unless he is being cuddled so its a little difficult as it means I cant really sleep...or do anything really lol

Caught up on some sleep this afternoon/evening as my mum and hubby looked after him. Joshua has just had his bath (screamed the place down) and im prepping for another night up with him :)

Hope all you lovely ladies are ok :D
Hey lovely, really good to hear from you.Your little man is sooooooo gorgeous.
I'm so sorry that the start has been a bit rubbish for you, it is very true that it does become easier, just take one day at a time. Your pics show how happy you and hubby are.
I'm struggling with feeling guilty towards my oldest kids (my 3 year old is really out of sorts). I know it's still early days and it won't be like this forever, give it a week and it'll be like she's always been here for them, but my god I feel guilty.
if it's any consolation I would love to post on here more often, but at the moment I'm lucky if I get a shower by 2pm. As you know I now have five and I still struggle at times. Just go with it, your doing a fab job, Joshua is gorgeous and looks so content and that's down to you being a fab mummy. X
Hiya :)

Just thought I'd come on and update as I have a spare few minutes

Joshua has been ill. He struggles to breathe because his nose is blocked/running..I feel so sorry for him. Because of this....he has only wanted to sleep laying on me which means I havnt really slept for the last few days *yawns*

I have a spare few minutes because im at hospital because I think my episiotomy wound is infected :( My GP doesnt have out of hours so im having to wait here to be checked and get antibiotics. The wound makes me really nervous because of the area its constantly paranoid that the wound is going to have to be re stitched or something and that it will hurt like hell :( I also find myself wondering if things will ever be/feel nornal 'down there' again. I know that dtd is off the cards for quite sometime as the wound down there just makes me too nervous

I have also found myself wondering recently how women have ao many children and look after the babies them self with no help etc. The sleep deprivation is absolutely unreal and if it werent for my mum n hubby looking after baby during the day so I can get a few hours then I dont think I would be coping at all

In all honesty...the sleep deprivation and how traumatic labour was etc etc has put me off having anymore babies. I dont know whether im just not cut out for it all or if its that other women get more help than it seems
Sorry you are having such a ruff time of it at the moment I really hope Joshua gets better soon and you get more sleep plus I really hope that you have not got an infection and if you have you manage to get your antibiotics and start to feel better soon xxx
Awwwww I know all of which u talk about.

My episiotomy did get infected...will talk to you more about it if u want. Don't wanna bore others with it.

I totally get the sleep thing although Stevie wasn't ill like Joshua he had a few little hic ups.

You WILL get there and u will feel better in every way xxx
Im still at the hospital waiting for someone to have a look at my episiotomy..everything takes soooo looonnggg! Am hoping they just send me back home with some antibiotics and tell me that it is infected BUT that its the best looking wound they have ever seen and everything will be absolutely fine :D Wishful thinking?!

Looked at my notes from the labour this morning and it said episiotomy and tear...didnt realise I tore too?! I think I may not have realised about the infection because I get hubby to check the wound (as I cant bear to look) but he hadnt checked it for a few days....oops :(

Joshua sometimes sleeps in bed with us and gets put in the middle. He ends up shuffling over to either me or hubby and above photo shows how close he likes to be lol
Fingers crossed they tell you that you have a lovely wound and pack you off with pills!!
Sorry Joshua has been ill and that you're having a rough time. I also know when Cole feels crappy because he'll only settle on our chests too. I've just been lucky that he likes his sleep (so far...). Big hugs to you both, hope you're both better soon xx