Joined LLL after 12 weeks of abstinence on LL :)


Tiny dancer

Just wanted to say hi and that I'm joining you. I "transitioned" (as my LLC likes to call it) on Thursday night to LLL, after losing 2 stone on LL abstinence. I'm about 10lbs from goal now and wanted the challenge of losing weight *and* being responsible for making one meal a day.

So far it's lovely being able to have milk in my coffee, but I'm definitely not used to eating! It feels like so much - I get bloated after every meal (but in my defence I've only had 3 meals so far!).

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and I hope I can share in your journeys too.


- Bea
Well done. Being able to eat makes all the difference to me.I struggled with abstinence towards the end wasn`t ready for RTM so this seemed to be the way forward.Hope it works for you too x