Jonsgirl's Atkins daily blah blah

Thanks Emma,

my chicken curry recipe is really simple. I fry the chicken and whatever veg I want (sometimes put in spring onions or mushrooms but sometimes just do chicken on its own) , when nearly cooked I stir in a little low carb curry powder or paste until it coats the chicken then I add a couple of tablespoons of cream and a bit of water to thin it down - I usually serve it with egg fried cauliflour rice.

Its comes out really nice - I have it at least once a week.
Thanks Hun I'll 100% be trying that sounds lovely x
Thanks all,

well I feel much better today but am shattered was up super early yesterday to go to my meeting and today we had to leave the house at 7am to get hubby to hospital for 8am so we were up at 6 again. I am so NOT a morning person!!!

I took him in and stayed with him until they took him down to theatre then I went to work - well I went to a meeting then used my car as an office for a couple of hours and made a few calls. Then got a call at about 1pm to say I could come back to the hospital. The op appears to have gone well but we'll know more next week when the biopsy results come in.

He's home now - walking like a little old man and acting like a dying swan while stuffing boiled sweets into his mouth like there's no tomorrow - he's really happy because he's off work for three weeks and the discharge nurse said he wasnt allowed to do anything strenuous "not even lift a kettle" - grrrrrrr! i have a feeling he's going to milk this for all it's worth. He's not that ill though because as soon as we got home he wanted to go to tesco's because he fancied something nice for his tea. He filled the basket with enough cr*p to last him a week but he can eat it on his own - I'm not even tempted I have some lovely chorizo style sausages for tea.

So foodwise today will be:

b: black decaf coffee.
l: frankfurter sausage.
d: chorizo style sausages and stuffed mushroom.

hope your all well!
walking like a little old man and acting like a dying swan while stuffing boiled sweets into his mouth like there's no tomorrow...i have a feeling he's going to milk this for all it's worth.

ROFL - although I can't say I blame him, scissors near the family jewels equals a stressful time and requires commensurate support :D

So how was your day, sweetie?
Hi JG, glad the op is all over. Annoying giving any leaway to men about not lifting kettles though :eek:
Hope all well and great you are managing to avoid rubbish shopping baskets!
Hi all,

Yes I am good thanks. Had another early start today as I had to take little one to school as hubby can't drive for a while. I'm such a slow starter in the mornings (AKA lazy lol) so I'm really tired.

i was working from home today so had a relatively easy day and finished about half one. They owed me lots of hours back anyway from the twelve hour day I did on Wednesday.

we had a call from the hospital this afternoon to say the results of hubby's op show it's been a a success so we can start the ball rolling with our IVF in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited.

we decided that deserved a celebration so we ordered a takeaway - mine was fairly legal though I had a chicken kebab (just the meat and salad and some mayo)

So foodwise has been:

b: black decaf coffee.
l: chorizo style sausage.
d: spicy chicken, Salad, mayo.

hope your all good xx
we had a call from the hospital this afternoon to say the results of hubby's op show it's been a a success so we can start the ball rolling with our IVF in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited.

YAYE!!!! That is brilliant news, the next chapter in this exciting book begins xxxx
Happy Saturday everyone!! This one has been a long time coming.

just weighed in and I have lost 2 1/2 pounds, which is a blooming miracle considering I am TOTM - I'm normally happy with a STS this week so I'm absolutely thrilled.

got to be careful today as we have our nephews birthday party so no doubt people will be trying to force cake down my throat all day. MUST. BE. STRONG!!!
Well done on the 2.5 lbs x. Have a great day at the part and say no to the cake!
Hiya!!! Just catching up on the diary!! Well done in you losses and awesome news on hubby's op- so excited for you!!! Xx
Hi ya, trying your curry recipie tonight am I'm actually so excited! I'll let you know how I get on x
Well I am back from the party! And I am pleased to announce that I stayed strong - not a crumb of cake passed my lips (nor a sausage roll, or a sandwich or a chicken nugget or a chip or any of the other things they served that I really like) I'm not going to say I wasn't tempted because I really was and it looked so nice but I didn't eat it.

I waited until I got home and then had some leftover chicken. Very very proud of myself.
Thanks busy x
Thanks vicky x
Not much going on here today - hubby is still suffering from the effects of the anaesthetic and is really sleepy.

I got up with little one this morning at 7 am then nipped back to bed and the next thing I know hubby is nudging me and saying "did you know it was half past ten?" Oops! Hubby is one of those annoying people that can't lay in bed he has to get up as soon as he wakes up so is normally up by 8 am at the latest on a weekend - which is why I know he's still not right.

Hubby wanted to get out of the house so we decided to go out and do a bit of shopping and grab some lunch. We found a nice pub and I was on the verge of ordering a chicken salad but decided I couldn't face another one as that's generally what I order when we eat out and I'm getting a bit bored of them now. Ordered a mixed grill instead and it was amazing - steak, gammon, chicken, sausage, bacon, fried egg, mushrooms and I swopped the chips for salad - mmmmm meat overload! I really enjoyed it but I am absolutely stuffed - now having a chill out night in front of the telly. What a crazy rock n roll lifestyle I lead :)

hope you're all having a good weekend x