Joodle and Dukan against the last 11 lbs!!!

Dukanista said:

Sorry, I should explain that this is in reference to the secret photos comment. Sounds suspiciously like blackmail, shower girl!
how exciting with the olympics coming up.... monday isnt coming fast enough for me :D
joodlebug, i loaded my pics into an album on my profile page. you have to set it to 'public', but only people who are logged in can view the album. go on, off with yer kit!
Hunni I'm glad your meeting with the 'suits' is over for you.....but I'm going to say 'TAKE ME TO THE CLEANERS' and report to HSE.

My hubby is a Health and Safety Advisor, very passionate about his job, I just read out your meeting post to him and his answer about the first bit was 'Bull....', we both reckon you should be reporting them to HSE, its your duty LOL. after all what happens if they do it again, its a good idea to claim the insurance but who is going to police them doign the job properly. The HSE will check up on them, and make sure they are compliant.

I didn't read all ofyour post properly cos wanted to post my answer, but the eating thing could be a knock on effective of how uspet and stressed you've been. Hopefully you'll be back on track soon hun xxx
Have to agree with Karin. It sounds like that's the only way they will do something about improving the safety.
Sorry, I should explain that this is in reference to the secret photos comment. Sounds suspiciously like blackmail, shower girl!

Glad you explained the 'ha'. I thought you had reverse Tourettes or something there for a minute.
how exciting with the olympics coming up.... monday isnt coming fast enough for me :D

Tell me about it Ellie! I appear to have utterly buried my weary, cynical self in favour of someone full of excitement and joyful pride. London's looking awesome, the atmosphere is buzzing and expectations are high. Hope we can show the world what we're made of. And let's see some world records smashed! Any sport will do.
Hunni I'm glad your meeting with the 'suits' is over for you.....but I'm going to say 'TAKE ME TO THE CLEANERS' and report to HSE.

My hubby is a Health and Safety Advisor, very passionate about his job, I just read out your meeting post to him and his answer about the first bit was 'Bull....', we both reckon you should be reporting them to HSE, its your duty LOL. after all what happens if they do it again, its a good idea to claim the insurance but who is going to police them doign the job properly. The HSE will check up on them, and make sure they are compliant.

I didn't read all ofyour post properly cos wanted to post my answer, but the eating thing could be a knock on effective of how uspet and stressed you've been. Hopefully you'll be back on track soon hun xxx

Mmm, thanks for this DF. I did think about reporting them but then thought I could make sure they'd put procedures in place and were running appropriate training myself. Maybe not though - I guess I need to think about this as I definitely do feel responsible for making sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. Thanks for the advice and to your hubby too. Jx
Cruise day 43 - PV day

So this morning my scales, in another act of wilful compliance with Dukan's law were reading 8.8.0 - i.e a pound off from yesterday and 1.6lb from Monday. Needless to say they will creep up again ahead of next Monday's weigh in. How do they know what to do to be most annoying, that's what I want to know!

Was great to be at Bodypump this morning, even though I was feeling utterly sleep deprived. Still not feeling the aches yet but know I'll wake up in agony!

B: 2 muffins, 150g rhubarb, 140g fromage frais, 1/2 pot WW strawberry yoghurt
L: 140g cottage cheese, tom yum soup with 12 prawns
S: 1 weight watchers strawberry tart yoghurt with 1 teaspoon protein powder
D: Tesco tuna nicoise salad (without the dressing, 80g tuna, 1/2 boiled egg, lettuce, 3 cherry toms, green beans), 120g muller light vanilla

Exercise: 1 hour body bump, 70 mins walking, 10 mins run
WW Pro points: 23

Big challenge this evening was going to a private viewing of the Titian exhibition where there was endless supplies of free wine and snacks. Did know I would resist but still a funny one - free alcohol has been very tricky to resist in the past!

Had my hair straightened before the exhibition as well. Have had it done several times now, always with one of those online deals you get, so it's £50-60 rather than over £100. Usually takes 1 1/2 hours max - this one took 3 hours!! Better last until my hair falls out quite frankly. Realised how tired I was while there however. After she put the gunk on she said it had to stay on for 20 mins. I fell asleep while sitting completely upright in the hairdresser's chair! Which probably means I should stop writing and go to sleep now, especially as it's a super early start tomorrow to go and watch the flame come through Islington. More interesting than usual way to start the day!

Also got my Weight Watchers weigh in tomorrow (don't ask me why I've kept at it while doing Dukan. Think I like the reassurance from the weigh ins). If I had gone this morning, I would probably have reached my weight watchers target weight but no doubt it will have crept up ready for tomorrow, blurgh.

Also tomorrow is the celebration in Hyde park for the flame's arrival. Have a ticket and am looking forward to it but will have to be super organised as food options will be trashy I reckon. Would also have liked to have been at TW and able to drink at it, especially as it's looking to hit 30C tomorrow, but not to be. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels etc.

Titian exhibition, Olympic flames, WW weigh-ins and posting at 2:00 am - darling, you are totally bonkers !! (but we like you) :D

P x
Your day sounds great :) sometimes wish I was back down in London again for how much there is to do there :)

hope you have a great day hun xxx
Can't wait....come on team GB or as trini would say #comeonteamGB
Trini got to keep up with you younguns lol x:cool:
Mmm, thanks for this DF. I did think about reporting them but then thought I could make sure they'd put procedures in place and were running appropriate training myself. Maybe not though - I guess I need to think about this as I definitely do feel responsible for making sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. Thanks for the advice and to your hubby too. Jx

You're welcome hun, from us both. Hubby says if you need any advice on regs or info he is willing to look it up for you, it might even be something he knows. He's a blimming walking encyclopedia when it comes to rules and regs. LOL.
We saw the flame back in June when it came through Hull, we watched the Hyde park arrival on tv and I had a lump in my throat. I do get choked up about anything LOL, can't wait to watch the opening ceremony tomorrow, we've got it programmed into the sky planner and will be sat watching with a nice drink and something yum!!

You lucky thing Jood being so close. Shout for us all hun LOL
Titian exhibition, Olympic flames, WW weigh-ins and posting at 2:00 am - darling, you are totally bonkers !! (but we like you) :D

P x

You know what? I'm just really terrible at putting myself to sleep! It's not remotely insomnia (sorry to those that are, but I'm usually asleep within 30 secs of turning out the light and hardly ever wake up in the night, don't hate me, I absolutely do appreciate it), it's just that there's so much fun stuff to do in life and I don't want to miss it. But these last few days have been a bit unusual what with the Olympics and work being ultra crazy so if I take time out to do something on the Olympics or to feed my minimins addiction, all I'm doing is increasing the time I have to spend finishing things later. Also getting near TW so wanting to focus on that and minimins advice. So I've been stupid and had just 3-4 hours sleep the last 3 nights. Will post quickly now then get to bed as I was dying today and have another early start tomorrow for All the Bells. All good though - don't want to miss this magical Olympic experience!

Hmmm, that doesn't really make me sound less bonkers, does it P...? :crazy: