Jo's Journey - 175lbs to happiness...

Today I was woken at 6am by my husband going to work. He works 30 minutes away and doesn't have to be there till 7:30. Why leave at 6am you ask? Good question.

Me and my husband have some trust issues...he is a recovering alcoholic and without going into great detail he hasn't treated me very well. He cleaned up his act when our daughter was 2 months old because I refused to let him see her unless he was clean and sober. Then his sister died unexpectedly of believe it or not a drug overdose...he fell off the wagon and after an 8 month battle he hit rock bottom before he realised he had to change his ways and he will be one year sober on I know this is a milestone because to think what he was and where he is now its miraculous but when his sister died he was 14 months sober and he just went straight back to being who he was before and his mum is killing herself she's 5 and half stone she's refusing to eat she has COPD, insulin dependant diabetes and pancreatitis and I'm worried every day that something's going to happen to her and my hubbys going to fall off the wagon again and honestly if he does that will be the end of us not because I don't love him because I do I wouldn't have put up with this crap if I didn't but I don't have anymore fight left in me and my daughters at an age where she's starting to understand...when he's gone off on a bender before she hasn't noticed but now she will notice and she's starting school in September and I don't want them thinking my daughters in any danger (which she isn't btw) but you know how schools are nowadays they have to write down every cut and every bruise your child has and write down everything your child says to them because of course kids don't lie.

Anyway back to the original point I asked my hubby why he went to work so early and he said he didn't leave till 7 I said that was bull because he'd woken me and I looked at the clock he kept denying it then I lied to him and said look you woke me I got up went to the bathroom, sat on the bed looked at the clock and had a drink...he then said yeah I heard you get up and go to the bathroom...and there you go...caught him out because I didn't get out of bed and go to the bathroom...then he was quick to change the subject. I have no idea what he's up to but I know he's up to something and I know it's nothing good so now I'm sitting here my stomach in knots waiting for something bad to happen. I hate when you catch someone out and they continue to lie and you know they're lying it's soooo frustrating.

Anyway I don't know what it is I don't know whether it's my gain on Friday, this thing with my hubby or TOTM but I am just feeling really low and disconnected. I haven't been on here that much, I haven't been out other than with the hubby. And the visitor I was meant to have Thursday who didn't turn up and then who didn't turn up again on Saturday I really wanna tell her off and give her a peace of my mind because I am soooooooooooooooooo pissed off with her. I am fed up of her treating me like crap but I keep thinking of my daughter and her party and that if I scream at this person half my daughters guest list won't come because they're all so far up her arse it's a joke. So I'm sat biting my tongue and letting it all fester and it's getting me more and more frustrated. As I was typing this I decided to get it over with and rang her the self centred cow who never has her phone out of her hand isn't answering me. What a shock!! Finally got a hold of her and she's claiming her phones broken...'yeah but your legs aren't I live one minute around the corner'.

The other week I couldn't get to the supermarket to get weighed so quickly jumped on my mums scales and I was weighing heavier by 10lbs thought this was ridiculous so waited till the next day and went to supermarket and had only gained 1lb. However today my dad went to the doctors and got weighed as part of his MOT and took great pleasure in telling me the doctors scales were only 2lb off my mums (my dads a bit of a dick doesn't mind telling me I'm fat but won't praise me for losing it, so anything he can do to pull me down and he will) which means that either the doctors and my mums scales are wrong or the supermarkets is wrong. So now I'm wondering if I'm actually half a stone more than I think. Not a good thing feeling the way that I am this week. I honestly don't know what to do. The thing is the other week the supermarket scales were broken and I went to use the scales at the doctors and I didn't weigh the same because I'd loss but the loss wasn't as grand as 7lbs so it was an unrealistic loss is what I'm trying to say. I am sticking with the supermarket scales no matter what I started on them and I will continue on them but it just got me wondering that's all.

As I'm writing this I can smell my dinner cooking and I didn't eat at lunch because I had to go to my mums to wait for the plumber and she didn't ask me until last minute so I didn't have chance to eat and wasn't going to attempt to find something healthy in my mums house, I had a packet of crisp which cost me 6.5 syns because I was starving but I'd put 6 syns aside for a curly wurly so I'll just substitute for the crisp. Tonight I am having pulled pork tortilla wraps...I can taste them now but before that I'm going upstairs on cross trainer so talk soon.
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I got a lay in lol. 8am wow!

I got up and went on the cross trainer and I've upped my time on the cross trainer to 10 minute sessions. This may not sound impressive to you but at my size currently 21.4 it is a lot plus the first day I got the cross trainer I tried to do ten minutes and it was torture but yesterday I did two ten minute sessions easily. So something's obviously working.

I'm in a bit of a better mood this morning don't know what was wrong with me yesterday but I was just on a low one. Today I've taken my 'angel' to town she ran into shops I didn't want to go into, ran out of shops without me, started paddying because she couldn't have anything (because she was being naughty), being rude to other people as well as me and then she ran across the road without me when I told her to stop. My child is 3 at the end of August so shouldn't the terrible twos be coming to an end? Because if they go on much longer I think I'm packing my bags. Roll on first day at school.

Today there's a SW meeting near me not the one I used to go to but a little further away only by about 5 minutes and I've been thinking about going since Friday and my gain. It may just be a blip and I know it's only Tuesday but I'm not feeling very confident about this weeks weigh in. I'm still 100% on plan but I was last week and look what happened the difference this week is I'm eating more to meet my syn allowance and it's just foreign to me that I have to eat more to lose weight so definitely expecting a gain this week.

Aww just been on SW website and they think I'll lose 4lbs this week. They have me hitting my first target 21.0 by Friday. Wishful thinking lol but nice of them to have faith in me lol.


I decided to update my stats (on the left) I know I have lost 17lbs but since returning (July 2014) I've only lost 8lbs and I want to concentrate on my loss since restarting so in my signature it doesn't say 17lbs lost in 24 weeks it now says 8lbs in 3 weeks which is much more impressive. It's just something I felt I had to do. I had a fresh start so that should include everything.

Right people I'm wondering if anyone here has the following slimming world books and what they think of them:

Fake aways
Little book of soups
Little book of light bites?

I'm asking as I bought the family feast one and was disappointed and have never used it in almost a year and don't want to waste money buying them but if the SW KFC was anything to go by I wouldn't mind the fake aways as this is the food the hubby enjoys. Thoughts if you have them please.

I just realised I over synd lol I worked out 9 syns for stir fry sauce and as I was cooking it realised I was only having half of it so is actually 4.5 now I'm debating whether to save syns for tomorrow at eds diner or to have something sweet tonight hmmm decisions decisions...I had a Jaffa cake lol was yummy.

The day and night went on, I went on the cross trainer and went to bed.
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hi, just reading your diary. well done on your loss so far. Fair play to you doing exercise every day, that is determination. I go to a group and to be honest I think I would have long given up sw if it wasn't for the group support. It's nice if you do have a bad week there is others to chat with and help etc.
hi, just reading your diary. well done on your loss so far. Fair play to you doing exercise every day, that is determination. I go to a group and to be honest I think I would have long given up sw if it wasn't for the group support. It's nice if you do have a bad week there is others to chat with and help etc.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate where you're coming from as far as group is concerned but I started at a group and had a horrible consultant and it just put me off going and starting a new group is just an uneasy feeling...yeah it might be brilliant and exactly what I need but also I may end up with another bad consultant and feel crap about going every week. So it's a difficult one. I've been thinking about it for a month now and still can't make a solid decision. I did say though if I have another gain on Friday I would join a group...may just see what happens on Friday. You watch this time next month I'll probably be raving about my new group lol
5:30am this kid gives an inch then takes a mile ridiculous. Dropped hubby off at work as I have my car back for the day lol then I came back and had croissant with jam for breakfast O-M-G it was amazing. Now I'm putting up with a very mardy little girl which is the last thing I need as I'm going out for the day so good luck me. I've been on the cross trainer and very soon I'm off to work then to Ed's Diner woohoo!

DAY FROM HELL: Whatever thing got out of my child's bed this morning needs an exorcism. She has been a pain in the arse all day. She screamed, paddied and tantrumed all the way to my cousins, to the shopping centre, around the shopping centre, through lunch, back to the car, through the supermarket, back to the car...she finally fell asleep and I was soooooooooo pissed off I actually sat in the car for 3 hours not to disturb her and she's woken up in the same damn mood. You can't say anything, do anything or even look at her without her kicking off. I love my child but I need a break from her after today she's all the hubbys tonight I don't want to see her or hear her again till the morning. I cannot express in words what she has been like today. There's evil in that child pure evil lol.

However my Eds diner was soooooooooooooo worth the syns I enjoyed every bite and every drop of their gorgeous milkshakes you know how you don't have something for a while and you know its good but when you have it again you don't remember it being THAT good. I would have quite happily just had the milkshake for dinner lol it was scrummy.

I am now sat waiting for the Tesco man to come deliver my shopping and then dinner on and cross trainer and bed.
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I can understand if you have had a bad consultant previously. Tbh I think that would put me off going to that group also. Sure see how you go this week like you said and decide then. You never know this new consultant in your area might be fantastic. Hope your having a nice day :)
I really like this, where did you buy it from? x

Ebay just put weight loss chalk board in search there's loads of different one this is just my taste
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The exorcism seems to have gone well I have a sort of normal child again this morning...I say sort of as she wasn't normal to begin with. She woke me up and I went on the cross trainer I need to do a little extra on the cross trainer today as I didn't do all my time on it yesterday I don't know what it was but my legs ached yesterday like a tired ache I went on for 5 minutes but barely got through that but this morning I'm fine so going to try make my time up today.

Big plans cousin not the same one as yesterday is coming round to help me paint my garden fence, furniture, decking and gate ready for my daughters birthday. I have tried to do it since moving in back in May but my daughter likes to 'help' the last time I attempted it I thought ok get her to use one of her paint brushes she had for arts and crafts she can't do too much damage with that...boy was I wrong lol. There was more paint on the floor than there was on the fence, she painted my dog who is white, as I went to get the hosepipe to clean the paint off the ground before it dried she grabbed my giant brush and painted my white PVC door lol so my cousin is coming to up the odds so that there's always one of us available to watch the child. Fingers crossed.

So tomorrow is weigh in. The one after the gain. The decider of whether I attend group or not. How am I feeling?

Not too great. Again I have been on plan 100% which apparently means nothing going on last weeks gain but this week I have met my syn allowance as part of my experiment I've also drank like a fish lol and done my exercise (granted got to do some catching up from yesterday but I will do it) so I've done everything right but I just feel a gain coming on maybe it's me not wanting to get my hopes up but with meeting my syns this week I've eaten a lot more than usual and stuff I wouldn't usually eat and how can I do that and lose weight? It's so confusing to me. Plus I believe it may be totm just around the corner and not quite sure how that works, do you weigh heavier leading up to it as well as during or is it just during when you weigh heavier? My pattern is I usually gain 3.5lbs on star week then lose 3.5lbs the next week but I have usually gone over my syns on sweet stuff and this time I haven't so who knows. However not confident about tomorrow.

Plus it's my monthly check list tomorrow - something I made for myself to keep on track - I've got to take an updated photo and I've got to take my measurements then I reflect on the month passed to see how I feel about myself and my loss/gain etc.

Feeling a little low as far as tomorrow is concerned but may be to do with totm may be to do with having my confidence knocked last week...we'll see tomorrow.

Ok so this morning I've been sat watching a girls SW diary on youtube and on one of her videos she had a week like me no understanding why but she gained a 1lb and she felt the same as I do about it but the following week she lost 6 1/2lbs not saying this will happen to me and only reason I'm mentioning it is because she went the complete other direction and only used 10 syns all week whereas I've used 105 syns this week because I had some people saying they lost more the more syns they used so it will be interesting tomorrow to see what happens and how my WI differs from hers and also going through her videos I really am getting pulled towards going to a group.

Also I've decided to spend the day on the toilet lol...I've been up 3 1/2 hours and I've drank 4 pints of water...not intentionally I guess it's just something I do when I'm concentrating? who knows but I can't keep off the toilet lol it's unreal it's like there's nothing between my mouth and my hoohaa lol it's just going straight through.

I ran out of paint lol. Myself, my daughter and my cousin started the painting and ran out of paint we got 7 1/2 panels painted there's still 6 1/2 to go and decking and furniture but I think I know why we ran out...I was kind of in my own bubble while we were painting and when I looked up my daughter had paint all over herself, the ground, the concrete posts on the fence, the dog the kitchen floor...yes indoors name it and it was covered but still got a lot done so very grateful for my cousins help bless her. We then had to clean up after ourselves, wash the baby, wash the dog, wash the kitchen floor lol. And in the middle of all this I stopped and went on cross trainer for five minutes so another 10 minutes to go tonight and done for the week.

Oh yeah forgot to mention...remember the videos of the girls SW diary I mentioned earlier she was on about doing a £1 for a pound jar which I did have but I was putting it in those tin ones you have to use tin opener for and I lost count etc long story short I opened it and gave it my daughter for the seaside lol but this girl actually did a stone for a pound and she had these decorative stones she'd bought from a garden centre in some really nice jars she'd bought from TK Maxx one for pounds to lose and one for pounds lost anyway thought this was an amazing idea so have bought myself some marbles...ebay job though so not sure how big they are when they arrive I'm going to go and buy some jars from town or god bless Ikea lol and start my own so excited about that...this is how sad my life is lol excited about jars and marbles lol I just think it will be amazing to watch the marbles go down in one jar and up in the other I think it's good motivation.
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I usually feel really excited (Christmas morning feeling) to get on the scales every Friday but this morning I just didn't feel like that no doubt from my blow last week but I was completely negative and have been all week.

However I did lose 3lbs YAY :D and it sounds so stupid but I REALLY appreciate that loss after last week.

I have no idea what last week was about I don't know whether it was a totm gain, I don't know whether my body was working like a slot machine and I'd had two wins and it wasn't guna pay out last week...I don't know but I am so happy about my loss this week because had I gained again I would probably have had a good sob.

Anyway I'm now 1lb from my 1.5st award and 1.5lbs from my new stone bracket so I'm going to aim for 1.5lbs to be safe so I don't feel disheartened again if I don't reach my predicted loss and if I lose more it's just an added bonus.

I'm now up to 11lbs on my 2lb challenge with 3 WI's to go so feeling pretty confidant and there's a chance to exceed the 14lbs fingers crossed.

I guess SW was wrong as they had me losing 4lbs this week but they weren't far off I guess.

Today is also monthly check list day and new photo day so will post all that later when I've woken up.

I have just done my photo and measurements as I usually do on 1st of the month and I've lost a little in inches. - Photo diary

Hips - 0
Bust - 1
Waist - 3.5
Upper arm - 0
Thigh - 1

I'm just wondering if the loss on my hips will come gradually with weight loss it's just I'm a bit miffed that after 1st 6lbs I've only lost an inch on my hips. Just asking because I'm wondering whether the cross trainer is working on my hips or if I should find another exercise for my hips. Not quite sure what the cross trainer works on assumed it was legs, bum and arms but not lost on my arms either lol

Stats Updated

Ok hectic day sat on my daughters bed this morning and suddenly became determined to decorate it lol so went and got all the stuff and she now has a beautiful lilac wall lol its nowhere near finished but its starting to look a little more homely. We've been focusing on the garden as we're having my daughters birthday party in it...hopefully weather permitting. So the inside looks as though no one cares my hubbys started maggying everything but to me a home needs a little colour in so I'm going to work my way through it room by room and give it my own personal touch.

Other than that I've been on cross trainer, cooked tea and put baby to bed. Now im sat on my lonesome as hubbys in bed with a migraine. Not long out of bed myself I don't think.


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Yayy congrats on your loss. 3lbs is a fab loss you should be proud of yourself. I'm not doing any exercise really so I can't help on that but give it time and the inches will start fading off you. It does take a while to notice in your clothes etc
Well done on your loss :) x

Thank you.

Yayy congrats on your loss. 3lbs is a fab loss you should be proud of yourself. I'm not doing any exercise really so I can't help on that but give it time and the inches will start fading off you. It does take a while to notice in your clothes etc

Thank you and I agree it will show eventually I'm just impatient.
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Normal day so far up at 7am on cross had breakfast, got myself and the child ready went to drop her off at my mums and came to work.

Now here's something...exciting? karmic? I don't know the word anyway I'm sure I've mentioned that I first started SW at group and my consultant was horrible and I left well I just went on SW website to put in my body magic and saw an advert for half price membership for group so clicked put in my address and the list popped up was looking to see which was a convenient time for me and suddenly noticed my old group...but something was different. The shedevil is gone...tje horrible consultant is no longer running that now I'm debating whether to go back or not cos I liked my people in group just not hmmm things might change soon...


Well todays been an odd one been very busy and I've temporarily adopted 3 kittens. The gentleman who had them was mistreating them so I've taken them in to rehouse them been a while since I had a kitten they're sooooo cute. I've already named them Mickey, Diva and Dolly that's a bad sign me naming them lol.

I'm now waiting for my dinner to cook having steak, chips and mushrooms mmm yum. I am hopefully then going on cross trainer I say hopefully because my hubby is complaining of a headache again so he may end up in bed before I get on cross trainer.

I will post kitten pictures in a minute.


Will post kitten no.3 when she lets me take her photo lol
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Normal day today up early, on the cross trainer, breakfast, out to work, came home, went to mums for dinner, then took a ride to the garden centre as hubby finished my daughters little wendy house area she's got her wendy house on a small bit of decking then he's made a small picket fence and made her some flower boxes so we've been to buy her some pansies to put in them (they won't last lol) just up to me now to paint it all up by her birthday on 23rd before people come to her party.

Got to go on cross trainer again and cook tea for us all then guna chill and finally get cosy in my bed for a well needed goodnights sleep.

Few more kitten pix just because they're cute lol


Fawn: Mickey (blue eyes)
Brown: Diva (has attitude)
Ginger face: Dolly (Dolly mixtures as she's brown, white and ginger)
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Those kittens are so sweet!
Good for you with your cross trainer. I went to the gym yesterday for my 1st session and nearly died after 15 mins on it! It never used to be that difficult!hope my stamina increases soon :eek:
Those kittens are so sweet!
Good for you with your cross trainer. I went to the gym yesterday for my 1st session and nearly died after 15 mins on it! It never used to be that difficult!hope my stamina increases soon :eek:

I know they are...I hope I rehome them soon because I'm falling in love with them lol

I'm still a bit too self conscious for the gym I stop on the cross trainer if my hubby comes in the room so not quite gym ready yet lol but good for you and it will get easier trust me I'm 9.5st heavier than you and when I started I couldn't do it without sweating, huffing and puffing and now I do it without breaking a sweat and even increased my time on it next is to increase the intensity going to try that from Friday when I gain my bronze body magic award. Good luck to you at the gym and with your weight loss. I see from your signature you've lost 3lbs congrats.
Its far too easy to fall in love with kittens :DI have 2 rescue cats and each time we went to look i wanted to take them all home, but only got 1 each time. My younger cat looks like she is made up of spare parts from all the other cats, she is very strangley proportioned, and to top it all off she has really long fluffy hair. She is mad as a box of frogs! Had her a year in a couple of weeks. I love them both to bits, they are my babies.

I was a bit self conscious at the gym, but i just plugged my ipod in and zoned out. Didnt go today but am going with my mum 2mo after work. I wouldnt like to excercise in front of my bf as he is really in to his cycling, like 100 miles in a day sometimes, so you can imagine how fit and healthy he is! I feel like a big flump next to him! Lol. Maybe next spring i will get a bike and go along with him sometimes, not 100 miles though!

Thanks for the congrats on my loss, i hope you get a good one this week and that you get your 1 1/2 award!
image.jpg Here she is the fluffy monster! Hope this works, not posted a pic before?!