Journey to 12.4


Gold Member
Hello, I've been over on the Exante forum for the last few weeks and have lost just over 18lbs on 32 days of a mix of Exante and S & S.

I was initially doing a challenge to get as much off for my wedding anniversary on 06/05/2012 and then thought I'd go back to my old faithful calorie counting, but I've found S & S so easy in comparison to any of the other VLCD's I've decided to keep going and try and get to a new target weight of 12.4.

My top weight, about 8 years ago was somewhere over 24 1/2 stone, never quite sure exactly how much over as my scales only went up to 23.8!!. I lost over 11st counting calories and maintained my weight for more than 5 years until I moved country to Abu Dhabi and managed to pile on 3 Pizza stones, which is now almost gone.

I've never been 12 stone anything in my adult life, so this is a big challenge for me and hoping to get there for around the end of June.

So far I've had my good days and bad days, mostly I find the biggest challenge is the lack of socialising, but as I keep telling myself, it's not forever, it's just for a wee while.

I've found the support on the forums invaluable so far and it's great to know there is always someone here to talk me down from the roof, when I need it.
Wow - amazing journey (as they say on all the reality shows lol!) well done you - welcome to the S&S forum - I'm new here although a few will know me from the SW and WW forums! I'm just on day 3 of my first VLCD and not finding it too bad so far! :0
LOL Debs, well done for getting started, I'm just back on the wagon after my anniversary at the weekend, so hoping the part pounds drop off quickly this week and any more that want to go with them!!

Was very glad to be back on my packs on Sunday feeling like a whale and not planning a break until June again.

Good luck on your journey, 'tis tough but we'll get there