Just cant eat my packs just now


Gold Member
Ive been feeling ill for the past 2 days and just cant get my packs down at all. Yesterday I had a shake and soup and maybe 1/3 of my bar. Today Ive had a vanilla latte and quite honestly the thought of any shakes or bars makes me feel worse. Since Im trying to get back into ketosis I dont want to risk anything so ended up having a tin of tuna - I dont even particularly like tuna lol - but thought since its high in protein its probably not too bad a choice.

Ive pretty much given up on my wi this week, between being off plan a day and now not eating enough I dont know what the result will be.

Im drinking plenty. Will not eating my packs affect my route back to ketosis and is there anything else anyone can suggest I do to minimise damage til I feel better.
Sorry youre not feeling well. I have no idea what not eating will do to ketosis, but you do need enough nutrients, especially when youre ill. I know its hard, but do try to get the packs down you if you can. Hope you feel better soon xx
How about making the packs thinner? They'll be easier to down then? Or what about hot chocolate? That seems more like a normal drink than as a shake?

Hope you feel better soon xx
sorry your feeling ill:patback:

Maybe having protein would be a good idea so at least your tummy is feeling F**D:)

Hope you feel better soon xx
maybe worth trying one of the "recipes" with packs? like the thick custard or something similar, just a thought that maybe if theres less to eat you can get it down the old hatch quicker! good luck and get well soon x
As long as the food you are eating is high in protein and very low in carb you will still be in ketosis, I think it will just mean that you are having more in the way of calories than you with the shakes etc.. I think you are better eating low carb high protein food than not having anything at all as that would put you into starvation mode.

I have had a few times that I have been in circumstances where I have unwillingly had to eat and I made sure it was something like chicken breast or lean meat and green salad and it didn't take me out of ketosis. It's like your having a little atkins break!

Anyway. Hope you feel much better

Hi im not sure about the ketosis thing but i just wanted to say hope you feel better soon x
Hi Star, sorry you're not feeling too good.

I would suggest drinking plenty of fluids, small amounts of protein, or some of the suggestions above should not affect ketosis. I would think you should still be in ketosis, unless you have eaten something high carb, or such.

In my opinion, get yourself better, then think about the programme again.

Get well soon!!
I saw one suggestion where you can bake a pack into a muffin, that might be worth a try, would be nice with a hot drink.

To stay in ketosis, eat protein, any will do and you could have a little salad with it too. Any low carb diet will get you into ketosis, the Atkins section may give you some ideas on what you could eat.

Hope you feel better soon!
Hey there - sorry you're still feeling poop

I would try to avoid potatoes, pasta and rice. Chicken and veggies /salad would be ideal (try to avoid those with high sugar content such as carrots, sweetcorn etc)

The most important thing is to get better as quickly as possible so if Campbells chicken soup does the trick then have it ;)

Hope you feel better soon

Thanks :)

Have had one very diluted shake today. Mum came over today with a bag of shopping for me.. all plain chicken, salmon, tuna and things high in protein bless her. Along with magazines, a book, new Pjs and various other things lol

Im going to have another shake later and maybe some fish. Im still sticking to around 600 cals a day - just wish I could get back into ketosis.

What I really want is soup and toast or an omelette but Ill stick with tuna or something lol
A plain omlette would be okay if thats what you fancy - I see eggs are an option on CD SS+
Your mum sounds like a star!!! Sticking to protein as much as possible will keep you on the straight and narrow but if you fall off the wagon don't beat yourself up-you have a perfectly good excuse! Hope you're feeling better soon. Dieting is no fun when poorly.
Hope you feel better soon Starlight.

And as has already been said if you stick with high protein, low carb foods you shouldnt have any problems with ketosis.
Mum came over today with a bag of shopping for me.. all plain chicken, salmon, tuna and things high in protein bless her. Along with magazines, a book, new Pjs and various other things lol

Aren't mums great! Wishing you well very soon. x :)
Hope you feel better soon x
ps will your Mum adopt me as I've got a cold ;)

me too she sounds great. i suppose thats what mums should be like eh.