Just needed to share with C/D and Low carb and all x

:gen126: Thankyou Guys!!!!!!

Well this is it, the day Ive been dreading.
Lowcarb goodies have been packed. check
Wee stix in bag. check
So regarding the diet, Im ready to rumble. Regarding everything else, Im pants..... I grumpy due to nerves, been snapping all morning and I cant help it. Feel so tearfull and going on my facebook this morning and all my friends sending well wishes, kisses and hugs to us sent me off......

So, this is it then!!! :wave_cry:

Im going to miss posting, as this has been like my ickle book that answers back which Im very greatfull for.....Its helped me ALOT... TY x

Take care Lovely`s

BRB (Friday)

Woofy and Wonderful Son X X X X
missing you already woofie xxx
I have thought this 2 or 3 times today myself.. its so quiet around here at the mo! lol. xx
Im back. It went well. We are home. Son is very sore but each day will get better. Didnt break the eating plan, very pleased with that

Woofy X
Good to have you back Woofy. Glad to hear all went well and that you little treasure is on the mend.

Well done on sticking to the diet. You must feel really proud of yourself.

It's been quiet without you!
Hooray you are back!! Its been far too quiet!!

So glad everything went well and very well done for sticking to it. Have a good nights rest and will catch up tomorrow. xx
Been thinking about you and the wee man, glad it all went ok chick. xxxxxxx
firstly . welcome back !!!!! its been awefull quiet here without you :D
2nd well done you , what an achievement sticking with it under pressure :happy096:, make sure you give yourself a good pat on the back and dont forget to reward yourself with a nice little non food treat , nice facial oooo or shoes or even a lovely long quiet bubble bath.
and finally but most importanatly , so glad it all went well big hugs to youre little man for being so brave and i hope hes on the mend soon
sue xxxx
Hi woofy, welcome back to you and your little man.
Didnt break the eating plan, very pleased with that

Got home and that went out the window :8855:Fell off the waggon and rolled down the hill. It was a planned munch, to eat a massive chinese and drink 2 bottles of red wine. Enjoyed it!!!!! Dont feel gilty at all :D

Son had a good night, looks very sore, looks like hes been in a fight with a boxer. He`s happy though, he didnt moan once, sooooooooo brave....

Its so nice to be home and to have my lapt top again. Thankyou for my messgaes and Lovely to hear ive been missed :) missed you 2 X

Tesco is due today, going to have a stab at Jim, Jims curry MMMmmmmm

Nice to be back!!!!!! Thankyou for the company on this journey, its the start of many....


*****IM BACK!!!!!!*****

ah woofy, such a brave little man, good for him love.
Hi Woofy

Healing thoughts and prayers are being sent for your son.

I would like to tell you about a beautiful friend of mine. She has been in and out of hospital all her life. She has fluid in her face and cysts. She is married now with a lovely husband and two beautiful children and she is one of the happiest people I know. She is so bubbly and full of life and I can't see anything wrong with her. To me she is my mate. My mate who has picked me up from being rock bottom and helped me to get my life back in order. I just wanted to share this with you.

My friend is beautiful in every way as is your precious son.

I call my friend an earth angel because that is what she is.
Sherby, If only the world was full of people like you and your Friend. Thankyou for sharing this with us. Just goes to show, theres is always hope.

Love and Light

Woofy X
Hi lovely`s
Just thought I would up date u on my Darling son... Its day 9 and hes doing so well. Back to GOSH 2m just to have a look, see how things are going. Hes happy and thats all that matters!!!!

Healing very well. Didnt swell up like a ballon too much..

So all in all this has gone very well....:D

Much love and lite for everyone x

Proud Mummy Woofy X
That's nice to hear woofy, I'm pleased for you both.
Ty Jim, Jim x x

Its a long road ahead but we have started.....1 Day at a time...

Woofy X