Just out of hospital


Full Member
I had an emergency operation on Friday and am in lots of pain today :-( I am drinking a lot of water and know I have to increase my protein to aid recovery, but I have no appetite what so ever. Had a shake this morning but that is all I can tolerate. Can anyone suggest a protein I can eat that won't over face me, that's obviously low in carbs, fat, sugar etc!! Chicken/turkey is making me a bit sickly.
Thanks x
Having a shake if you aren't hungry is a good idea, but please remember you aren't supposed to continue with Step 1 or 2 (and possibly higher) for about 3 months. Your body will need time to recover.

I hope you feel better soon. I always head for soup when ill, it seems to be the answer to everything.
Start taking arnica tablets they aid recover quickly. I had a root canal and was in the same position as you. I couldn't eat as the pain was bad. A few shake for a few days won't hurt as when you feel better you can up your protein and carbs to aid recovery.