Karenlou's diary - Hello, I'm home!

am jealous as hell, have big pot of 0 point soup to graze on this eve its lovely but would rather have large glass or merlot-am a red fan too you see:D
Enjoy the pub Karen you deserve it. I think its the time of year everyoneis stressed at the moment. At least you made it up so thats good and a night out will sort you out.

A stoneis a good target befpre the wedding lets support you to getting there.

Take care

Well done you on sticking to the 3.5 wrap and resisting all other temptation. Doesnt it feel great to get compliments about your weight loss - certainly helps keep you motivated!

Dont worry too much bout your fall out with Keith - Enjoy the pub and remember the best bit about falling out is the making up ;)

Take care and good luck for your WI tomorrow xxx
Its definitely got something to do with the time of year - arguments seem to be rife at the moment.

Good for you on making up quickly - and being on your 100% days. x
hey Karen, hope you're feeling less moody today and that you have a nice day :) xxx good luck for WI!
Hey hun.... have things picked up mummy? x
Hi guys, didn't manage to get on here at all yesterday! Busy day at work and then Keith suggested we go and visit his mum and dad in the evening instead of sitting round doing nothing. Keith's mum showed me her wedding outfit which is lovely and gave us a cheque for a grand for a wedding present! Really overwhelmed - so nice of her - that will pay for the reception. My saree should arrive this coming week; I'm hoping it looks as nice as in the picture.

Bit disappointed diet-wise as I STS this week and I had expected better than that :( Fell off the wagon yesterday in response and ate a load of sweeties and two packets of quavers so went about 8 points over. Back on track today and intending to be 100% again and hope for it to show on the scales next week.

Thanks to everyone for your very supportive posts x
At least its STS - which is good.

That was lovely of your MIL to give you such a generous pressie. Nice relatives to have.:D

Getting exciting now - the final countdown!
Hungry today but doing a good job of sticking with it I think. Gone back to Core (or "Simply Filling" I suppose I should call it now) as I find it easier and I eat less rubbish on it.

Sorting out wedding menus and waiting for my saree to arrive so I can take it to the hairdressers and see what s/he can suggest for my awful hair!

Have taken a deep breath and put a pic up on my avatar - for those of you who might want to know what I look like for when we meet up in March ;)
Thanks Irene. Even more stressful as it appears that my mother has forgotten we're even getting married! I'm tempted not to remind her but then I had a dream last night that she turned up at the wedding like the evil fairy in Sleeping Beauty, furious at not having an invitation.
Now then Karen STS is fine next week off it comes especially as your determination will grow as the wedding gets even closer.

I've just posted on mine to say how lovely your pic looks, so I'm just reiterating that here. Hope the sari is every bit as lovely as the pic looked. How kind of your mother-in-law that will be very useful. What type of reception are you planning?

am loving the picture karen. a friend of mine got married in a saree and she lookd gorgeous and so will you
sts not so bad, i know its disappointing but i always try to consol myself that its better than a gain.
Bet you didnt do too much damage yest, 2 bags quavers only 3 pts, just how many sweeties did you eat:eek::D

Good luck for this week, dont let one bad day blow it like i ususally do
Thanks guys - Jane I'm embarrassed to say I had half a pound of dolly mixtures and black jacks. They were very nice but I need to find a better way of dealing with life's ups and downs than burying my face in a bag of sweets!

M, thanks for the nice comment on my avatar. We're having a small wedding at a hotel and the reception in the same place. There'll just be 25 of us and we're having a three-course lunch. The hotel have been lovely and, since we are small in number, have said we can have anything we want within reason, rather than having to stick to their set wedding menu so we've done a mix-and-match from their main restaurant menu and their Sunday lunch menu - Keith fancied roast beef and Yorkie puds :)

Keith's mum and dad are really pushing the boat out - they have booked a limo to take them to the wedding and back and are giving my son and his girlfriend a lift with them. We've decided to stay at the hotel the night before the wedding and the night of the wedding too. Keith has been instructed that, since all he has to do is decide what he is wearing (I had a dream that he turned up in a football shirt!) he can make sure there is a bottle of Pol Roger and two glasses waiting in the room for me on the Thursday!

Which reminds me, I must get the cake sorted! Marks and Spencers - great and not at all expensive, at least not in comparison with other people. The cake comes in white or ivory, iced but not decorated. I'm going to decorate it myself with ribbons and sugar bells.
Nice to see your face finally Karen :) The wedding sounds like it's going to be lovely, small weddings are nice! So close now you must be sooo excited!