Karenlou's diary - Hello, I'm home!

Hey, I killed my own diary thread! Must be a boring title ;)

Well, good news on WI - I have lost 2lbs of the three I put on, so fingers crossed I will be back in credit next week.

Just been to Frankie and Bennys though and had a really hungry day today - so back on the straight and narrow tomorrow.

My kitchen is finally being fitted this weekend so I should be able to cook at Widgy House soon - hooray!
Well done on the 2lb off - thats brill.

New kitchen - ooh - how exciting - gourmet meals all round then ?....
Oh that great 2lbs off and a new kitchen on the horizon.

I like the proposal, the concept of invisibility is very key within all disability research and your concept is one that will be interesting to see develop. How long until you hear if its been accepted? Thats always a nerve racking time.

Good luck

Hey Karen! Congrats on the loss i'm sure you will be in credit next week.

I think your title for your PHD is a really good one! Sooo much you can really sink your teeth into. It seems there would be a lot of room for progression and development on it too which is good really as like you say you may be spending 5 years on it :D.

I hope you hear back soon and it is good news.

Take care and have a good day tomorrow xxx

Just stopping by to say hello - hope you had a fab weekend x
Hi all. Yes, I had a very nice weekend thank-you, being lazy for once which was lovely.

My kitchen is all but fitted (one little cosmetic job to be done but fully functioning) so we're about to start the rounds of dinner parties. The house is so tiny, we can't have a house warming as there just wouldn't be room, so we're going to have friends over for dinner in shifts between now and Christmas :)

How long until you hear if its been accepted? Thats always a nerve racking time.

Interviews are on 7 September so I should know in the next week if I have been shortlisted I guess. My biggest concern at the moment is what my boss will say in my reference as she has some concerns about me doing the PhD becuase I've been off sick with anxiety more than once and she's not sure I can manage the workload.
well done on your loss hope you have a nice week x x
Fingers crossed you hear back soon my dear. xxx

Just stopping by to say hello

Have a great day xx
Well there is no reason you wont cope with the workload when your meds are sorted - just because your body doesnt make enough of the right chemicals does not mean the right drugs wont sort you out
if you think you can do it then you can - lets hope she doesnt mention anything about that aspect and IF she does make sure you have a ready answer for interview so you can put their minds at rest :):)

have a great day
Morning all. I'm meant to be cleaning up at Widgy House but I'm skiving a little bit and surfing the net instead as the vacuum cleaner is evil and does not wish to actually pick up any dirt or fluff. K says try emptying the bag... I know, but it feels like too much effort, I'll do it later.

I'm not sure where I am diet-wise. I ate nearly an entire packet of hob nobs yesterday and then didn't want my dinner. I suppose it's better than eating the hob nobs and eating dinner as well!

I'm going to make every effort to eat healthily today. Once the house is cleaned up we're going to christen the kitchen and eat here - I thought I'd get candles and make it a romantic meal "a deux" before we start the social whirl with all the people who want to come and see the house.
Morning Karen

I'm in a quandry with diet too this week - did really well last week despite birthday & going out - this week - well it has totally gone to pot.........

Have meal out tmoz then lunch on thursday then friend here all bh with more meals out & drinking - maybe back to work on Tue & a new month will be the key - then its only 15 weeks to xmas.......
Oh jeez is it really on 15 weeks. I have to get my butt in gear for my xmas challenge then!

Anywho well done on your loss this week Karen and I have to say the title of your PHD sounds very impressive! Hope the interview goes well and enjoy the christening of the kitchening, although that does sound a little bit wrong ;)

Have a lovely day
