Karen's diary week 1


New Member
Good morning , I'm Karen and I'm starting ss today :) I've been trying to start for at least 6months now but kept failing I done lighter life in 2011 and lost 6 st in. 20 weeks so I know this is do able I've since put just over. 3 st back on but I've managed to refrain from being back to my heaviest of. 24 st so I suppose I'm proud of that ha, people used to say the second time in much harder and at the time I thought how is it possible to be harder than it is now but indeed they were telling the truth , however I need to do this I've set a mini goal of being 16 st in 10 weeks time I've no idea how close to this I can get but I'm of to turkey then and I'd just love to be slimmer than I am now so anything is a bonus , I've been reading everyone's diaries and they give me so much inspiration to get started its just my brain playing tricks on me , u know that I'll voice that argues with itself and tells you to do bad things when you don't want to lol anyway excuse my ramblings please feel free to comment I need all the support I can get , good luck every one x
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Good luck Karen! X