Karens Herbalife Diary- bad penny returns :D

ahh sonkie
thanks for keeping us updated :D

give Karen my love and tell her I'm thinking of her, thanks luvvie :p
ahhh thank u everyone for being lovely and leaving messages. have missed u all loads.

has been an eventful time whilst not online. those kidney stones were AWFUL! passed 4 of the buggers lol. i was home alone with my 2 year old so poor little aiden had to come in ambulance with me looking very confused but being very brave. unlike mummy. mummy screamed the ambulance down...

poor hubby had to deal with me in the hospital along with finding out about his dad. he has stage 3 multiple melonoma and starts chemo tomorrow. we will be travelloing out there asap. I am mortified...MORTIFIED to be having to travel out there before i have lost any decent amount of weight but of course, the circumstances far outweigh my objections. im just quietly dying inside about it while being outwardly encouraging that we need to be there asap. I am so worried about not fitting in the seat and needing the belt extension etc. im not going to even attempt to put the tray down...

also this week we had the anniversary of kevins mothers death. he also found out his sister in the states tried to commit suicide last sunday. he is having a pretty crappy time and i am powerless to help him really except to just be there when he wants to talk.

tomorrow is hubbys birthday and he isnt up to much celebrating. think i will take him to see a film or something just as distracting.

i still went along to bath. everything is so depressing here at the mo i needed the time out to get plastered and have a giggle. it helped tons. left a depressed house...had loads of fun and returned to a depressed house. been feeling a bit "flat" since i got home but thats to be expected i guess.

its not that i object to kevin feeling so down...in his shoes i would be far worse. i just feel powerless to help him and that is frustrating. i just want to "fix it" and i cant. i cannot stand to see him hurting so much and it chokes me up that i cant help.

on other news...i had gained weight in bath!!! not getting on scales again til next thursday as i need to wait to see a loss otherwise i will run out and eat something i shouldnt lol.

i am so pleased to be back :D xxxxxxxx
tomorrow is hubbys birthday and he isnt up to much celebrating. think i will take him to see a film or something just as distracting.
i am so pleased to be back :D xxxxxxxx

HMMMMMMM the something just as distracting has caught my eye....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol. no he isnt getting a birthday bang. we did that yesterday so thats this years quota filled!!
have just chatted with hubby and we are going to go to america in july. much later than we intended but its basically to not overwhelm his dad while he is going thru chemo.

we were chuffed to go in may cos his 2 brothers will be visiting as well. one of them is on a short visit back from iraq so kevin was keen to see him BUT with all them there, kev feels it may be a bit much for his dad and he is the main person in all this.

so i have 3 months to lose some weight. think i can manage about 7 stones by then??? i could go all "the biggest loser" stylie and train for 6 hours a day i guess.... umm...maybe not....

i will manage about 3 hours a day though. thats just some swimming and a couple of work out DVDs, yeah?? im serious that i need to get off at least 3 stones. i wont look so...bulky. well i will look bulky but not as bad. i may even manage to get the tray down over my lap on the flight if i really work at it...
oooo good luck cal and sonkie. let me know how it goes. xxxxxx
Hi Karen,

You had a tough time of it with the kidney stones, so glad your over it now.

Very sorry to hear Kevin's dad is not well and a very anxious time for all of you.

You well could have three stone off in three months if you stick with it. Seven stone in three months no way.

tommee has lost five stone in ten weeks on Lighter Life, but then men do lose much faster than women.

Lovely to see you back.

Love Mini xxx
Hi Mini, how are you?? hope everything is ticking along nicely. xxx

wow! well done tommee! im not even SSing anymore so dunno about the 3 stones in 3 months. I find herbalife easy to stick to but as this is only my 2nd week (3rd weigh-in tomorrow) i cant gauge how much i can lose as yet. need to complete at least 1st month before i get a decent idea. i reckon if i make really good choices and exercise like a loony i might manage 3 stones. that would be about 2stones lighter than my last flight and I didnt need an extension then (although i did notice no blood flowing around lower body for a few hours lol).

my FILs girlfriend had a gastric bypass a few days before FIL first started feeling unwell and shes lost 31lbs in her first month so thats fab for her. wow i cant even call her "GF" anymore as they are marrying on saturday!! A decision made after finding out how ill Frank is. I think its kinda sweet. Kevin doesnt get on with her and doesnt think its very sweet at all but they have been together for the last 15 or so years so hardly a whirlwind deal. wish we could be there!!
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: Hiya Karen,
good to see you're back online, is computer all fixed now???

Wow you've had a rough ride of late... glad you enjoyed your weekend away, time to recharge the old batteries :p

ooh and not going to america till July, you can make a big dent, in your weightloss by then girl, but you MUST stick to it! You've got a good incentive there , think of that whenever you're tempted to come of the plan :) Tell me more about your herbal life experience, don't think there's anyone else on it on here.. I'm not thinking of doing it, just interested, or maybe nosey lol

Catch ya later have one minute to get to school!!

Back soon
Hiya Karen

Lovely to see your smiling face back on here again :)

Sounds like you & yours are going through a right old tough time, it's so hard when you can't do anything to help someone you love when they're hurting so much, just continue to support him as best you can.

All the best with your Herbalife, do let us know how you get on, do you expect to lose a similar amount to that on SS? If so then 3 stones is definately do-able, but you have to stick to it! As already said, your trip in July is a great incentive though.

Take care
Hey Karen I have been "thinking " of going back swimming.......(gulp) Its just thev thought of stripping off and getting into the pool and out again.
Hey karen xxxx

Lovely to see you back, sorry about your father in law, thats bad news!!
sonkie has been keeping us up to date with all the goings on
glad that the kidney stones are passed'ouch'

3 months is long enough to loose a good bit of weight
I too have lost 5 stones and 3 pounds in 10 weeks
[i think i must be built like a man lol]
are you going to do cd again or stick wiht herblife...how is hl anyway

nat xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nat, you are doing so ruddy well! im really pleased to hear it. u must feel great. went into ur gallery hoping to see some before and during pics but only found ur kiddies. as gorgeous as they r, was hoping to see some of ur amazing progress so get snapping and uploading! lol

Geri, herbalife is a bit like slimfast in the sense you have 2 drinks a day and a main meal but its packed with loads of vitamins and such. also take a vitamin tablet 3 times a day and with my main meal I have something called "fibrebond" which is a tablet that binds the fat and passes it thru u. without the orange leaking effects of xenical lol. on top of that, when i am exercising I take something called "lift off" that dissolves in water which replenishes and keeps me going. am able to work out for longer. THEN, I also have 3 or 4 cups of "Thermojectics" which is basically green tea with caffine added for energy and something else that makes ur metabolism go into overdrive. Finally, still drinking my 3 litres of water a day and dont drink tea or coffe at all when at home anymore. only drink water and thermo so thats fab.

its an incredibly easy diet and i have never felt so well (minus the kidney stones, of course!!). I know thats mainly due to being buzzed out of my mind of caffine half the time which for me is a down side. broke my caffine addiction entirely when on CD but now hooked again. its nice though cos i dont get the caffine crash and i feel healthy. hope that clears up what herbalife is all about lol. they do lots of different tablets so can adapt it for dieting or body building or just for extra vitamins etc. I know a lot of athletes use herbalife products. my herbalife dealer reckons i will easily lose 1 stone a month and I have lost 11lbs in last 3 weeks so thats cool.

MD, I am really hoping i can make a good loss before stepping on that plane lol. definately a good incentive. u r right, i can only "be there" if and when hubby needs me. he seemed a bit more chirpy today as we woke him up with pressies and cards and brekky in bed. watched him scoffing amaple and pecan danish with coffee while i had my shake lol. am going to take him off to the cinema tonight and maybe a meal after. he has to be up at 5.30am for work tomorrow so may have to just forget the meal and feed him before we go.

Hubby is having to stay late a work tonight with an "attractive" girl. :mad: he asked me if it was normal for people to send a photo in with their CV. my reply was that only if they were good looking and hoping that swayed the decision to get hired LOL. anyways, this "girl" was the reason he asked. she got hired to help with the security network and her and hubby have to stay behind after work alone. had to impress on him that she is NOT his gift. to which he slapped his thigh and said "damn". me thinks he wants a slap for his main gift. :) actually thinking on it, she could be the reason he was so chirpy today LOL. wow...am i having an insecure day??? not like me at all!

Irene, thanks for popping into diary :D was fab to meet you saturday. u have talked me into wanting to come to brum in september. think u converted a few to making the journey actually lol. i loved ur accent. can listen to that all day :D

sonkie, if u wanna go back to swimming, im game for it. i really want to start swimming regularly like we were before. did us both the world of good and i reckon it'd get those lbs falling off us!!

Im off to buy hubby a few more pessies. want to get him a new gym bag as his one is rubbish (and a lil smelly!) and get myself a new thingy...step counter pedo thingy so i can join in on dizzys challenge :D

have a fab day everyone xxx
well the pedometer was a fat waste of time. keeps resetting itself :mad: I know i did at least 5000 steps yesterday but thats being conservative as there was chunks of time inbetween that it went unchecked and had gone back to zero. grrr!!

hubby loved his prezzies and enjoyed his birthday loads. we went to the cinema and as we were approaching the doors, who should start shouting at us from behind? our good friends and herbalife dealers, Rob and Kath. talk about coincidence!! so we ended up watching "unknown" which was a good film. a group of blokes wake up in a sealed warehouse and all have lost their memories so they have to work out who they r and why they r there. some of them are kidnappers and some of them are kidnapped but they dont know who are the victims and who are the baddies.

Then lastnight my kids all went to stay at my sisters for the night. was hoping to get hubby to take me out but he has had a tough long week at work and wanted to chill out so we got a lil drinky-poos in and chilled watching that will farrell racing comedy on box office.

So Im sitting here in my PJs, childless, hubbiless (hes had to go into work this morning...bless!) and relaxed :D am about to do a work out DVD....just waking up properly first and catching up on my beloved minimins :D

Im hoping to drag sonkie on a 3 mile walk as well but she doesnt seem to have surfaced yet. then I am going to pop to gym before collecting my kiddies. My sister lives right next to my gym and she has the little ones so seems like a good opportunity to get some work done on bingo wings lol.

I am committed to the idea of getting 3 hours of working out fitted in to each day. Surely in a few weeks time i will be enjoying it and used to it entirely?? Am hoping it will become second nature and help get the lbs falling off :D

This is gonna go on for a long while but wanted to write about something that happened with my kids recently, my son has been bullied a couple of times by some older kids who live in the street (aged from 11 to 14) and each time i go around to their parents they dont seem bothered!! there have been a couple of times they get mouthy with my 6 yr old as well!! I swear if my kids were bullying younger children i would take it very seriously but some parents dont really give a crap as long as their children are out of the house. makes me so so mad. anyways, my herbalife friends, their children are good friends with my children. their eldest boy is 8 and in the year below my eldest son. their younger son is only 5 and in the year below my daughter so the are all good friends.

a week or so ago, a group of these older kids (about 6 of them) cornered my 9 yr old and the 8 yr old friend and were threatening them with sticks and stones. they had just smashed up the 5 yr olds bike as well!! my friend rob saw this and watched for a minute to get a good idea of what was going on and he stepped in when our kids started getting hit with the stones and sticks. then he went round to each of the parents. they werent bothered about what their kids were doing (as usual) and so rob called the police. the community police officer is taking it quite seriously im pleased to say and has been to each of the thugs homes. he has promised the little sods that he will be back for them each or any time they do something to the younger children.

Im really pleased about this as there are a lot of nice, young children in the street and i dont want to stop my kids from playing out as the good kids are by far bigger in numbers than the older thugs and i feel they would be missing out. last summer i made sure i took them out all the time so they were away from the nasty kids but i cant be out all day everyday and now the weather is nice they want to be out a lot with all the friends that are calling at the house for them.

it seems the parents of the good little kids are showing a bit of a united front now which is great. I make a point to get to know the parents of children who are spending time with my kids and making sure we exchange fone numbers etc. makes me feel more secure that the kids are safer and I know a bit about what they r upto!! last year i felt like the only parent who wanted to be involved and was constantly worried about where they kids were. this was because the parents of the good kids only started letting their children play out in the street towards the end of last summer and so we were just getting to know eachother but this year we all know who is who and are standing up for the kids which is fab! i feel a lot more relaxed about the kids enjoying their summer in the street.

Im pleased to say the older kids wont even LOOK at our children now and avoid them! yay!! i sincerely hope it lasts. I can see the green the kids play on from my patio and have a good view from the front of the house when they are playing on the street. when they r out of sight from our house, they are playing in full view of rob and kaths house so i know they are ok. they carry watches and have to come back every 10-20 minutes to "check in" or have to come back to let me know if they r going on someones house. of course, they do forget to check in on time and act up with the rules a bit but by and large, its a good system we have going now.

Just wondered if anyone else has any ideas or experiences of this kinda thing. how do u handle it and do u have any tips to share!?? Now is the time the kids wanna be out all the time and its a constant worry for us poor parents. Im also worried that getting the police involved may make the bullying worse. has anyone experienced that? Im hoping its done the trick but u never know if any of the kids will want to really get back at my kids for rob getting the community officer involved. dont get me wrong, i support what he did, i feel the behaviour should be on police records...it jus never really occured to me before to do it. i felt talking the the kids parents ought to have been enough but when u r dealing with crap people who couldnt care less what their kids do I guess the police is the next obvious step...

all thoughts and stories shared appriciated :)

Hey Karen I may be up for the Brummy meet depending on surgeon appointment....will have to see if Sam will be up for it.
Our Baby is now 3 years old! Had a nice little tea party for him yesterday which he really enjoyed. only his siblings, us, cousin, auntie and nanny were in attendance but it was enough excitement for him :) He got lots of pressies and was a nightmare to get to bed after he had all that sugar in his system.

After the party we got a phonecall from America to say Kevins dad is back in hospital. Apparently the doctors had to apologise as the cancer is much further along than they had thought and if he is lucky, he has 6 months. Needless to say, we are going out in the next 2 weeks as I want the kids to see him as healthy and well as possible.

other than that, not much going on here. i have been rubbish on the diet and picked all of yesterday. went to the dentist for a family appointment today. i need 2 fillings, so does hubby but the kids r ok. took kids to mcdonalds and then back to school. both hubby and me ate. both of us close to tears just staring at the table and each other. had a little cry in the car this morning out of hubbys sight. i feel so sad for everything thats going on for him right now. I feel really defeated and am never going to get on top of my weight problems. seriously considering going down the surgery route now.

Hi Karen,

I really feel for you and your husband just now, this latest news is very hard to take in... to know that someone you love is going to die in 6 months.

I can recall the moment my mum told me she was given three years and that is what she got.

I often wonder do people subconsciously live up to the time they are told they have left:confused:

Your so right to go out now and see how he is and enjoy the time with him while he can.

Please don't beat yourself up about your diet your only human at the end of the day.

Group hugs.:grouphugg:

Love Mini xxx