Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Wow Katie... what a feeling. x
Morning all:)
A bit of a post and dash - off out to hatfield to see all DH family for lunch and to hand over the pressies. Tried to see if lunch will be legal - it won't be:(. So aiming to take mashed celeriac and brocolli so can add to the table and will aim to pick a few (carby) sausages out of the stew to give flavour.

BIL didn't seem very interested to be helpful - maybe he is jealous as DH lost weight really easily and was never hungry - while he has managed to lose but by focusing on calories and apparently was starving for 4 months:eek: !

Wearing my new skinny 16 trousers which will remind me not to pig out;) hope you all have great days
Wow! You must feel a million dollars in those skinny trousers! :)
Morning Katie :)
Evening all:D

Sorry been awol - trying to get everything done so i can take a proper break - getting there;). Had a good time sunday - they decided to serve roast pork so was plenty of lovely legal food. Rather a lot of wine though so i had a very slow and short evening! Then yesterday was up in town coaching, today some dancing and emails. A bit depressing to think that an hours mad zumba dancing only works off 1.5 mince pies worth of calories - i'm glad i'm on atkins and not calorie counting!!!

Generally feeling pretty well set - got to figure out what to order the tesco delivery planned for thursday and wrap some pressies. Although we've got all the real cards out, still got to do the email ones. DD has finished school but is going to Fit for sport (playgroup thing) for two days as she wanted to - luckily for the christmas elves;)

Otherwise all well - it's no longer term time so the red wine is out most evenings - life is good:D
Off to catch up
The roast pork sounds lovely mmmm - can't wait to come back to Atkins, if the truth be known :D

Enjoy the red wine, you've had a madly busy time lately xxx

Let's plan a meet up for the New Year - and what do you think to a Brum reunion in May?
Morning Katie! I've started buying some wines for Christmas! You're got it all under control ! Of course! Lol ... New Year meet sounds ace! :)