Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Howdy all - well last week was fun but completely exhausting! Basically 5 days facilitating on a residential course so breakfast lunch and dinner all social plus late evenings in the bar:eek:

I had been specific on my food but was difficult every meal except breakfast. Never enough protein or green veg. I regularly asked for more! And then rejected all their desserts. And then sometimes had to ask for cheese to get some fat calories...and the last straw having been careful, avoided all the cakes, desserts, potatoes etc but wasn't strict when there was a sauce - started getting spots that was probably caused by gluten/wheat/flour in their sauces :sigh:

Anyway 2 weeks with no exercise and wine every day and went from 79 to just over 80. Could be worse so as always back on the maintenance wagon. Just enjoying home cooked food at the moment, back to dancing plus no drinking on a school night - let's see how that goes

Hope you are all well. Off to do the round of diaries but apols if I don't have time to get round all xxx
You did well Katie many of us would have just given up !
Evening all. Well after a week with home cooked food, no vino, dance classes and sleeping well - I'm feeling much better. Weigh in this morning was smidge under 80 so almost back to pre half term 79. Shows there was probably more flour/sugar hidden in last weeks food than I realised.

More importantly just feeling so much better, even keeled and relaxed - good reminder of how linked body and mind are:)

Anyway, vino open now and lots of friends/meals for the weekend. It will all be low carb though as that's what I enjoy most. Forecast fab so BBQ will be in action most meals:D

Hope you all have a good one xxxx
All well here. Back off the vino this week as those empty calories just get in the way...

Otherwise life, food, dancing all good:)
Gosh a dry month sounds scary:eek: I'm working more on a dry 4 day week lol:D. But it's already working as back down to 79 this morning. Might aim for 78 by 4th April so have wriggle room for 2 weeks of Easter hols:)
Sounds good Katie, I'm contemplating a dry April. x

I did dry January (quite why, I don't know!) and blooming loved it, to the point where (at one stage) I thought I would never drink again.

That was short lived though, come February 2nd or 3rd ....!! Aargh ;)

P x
Think it was because I wanted to lose weight for holiday last summer and really pushed it, lost 10 lbs in one month with no alcohol quite easily. Funny I'm still same weight as my lowest before holiday- so a year maintain or a year fail lol. X
Morning all, just checking in to say hello. Feeling a bit sorry for myself as got a little cold/virus which is making me feel wiped out. Typically started Tuesday night when I had a ridiculous busy wed delivering a workshop up in Stratford so that was exhausting. Failed to get dancing either thu or fri and went to bed instead! Anyway, lazy weekend to try and recover then one week to crack through all my work before 2 weeks Easter hols. Very excited as we have hired a motorhome and running around the countryside visiting people - should be a blast:)

Catch up later xxx
Hope you are feeling better soon, enjoy your weekend x
Ah - well feeling better in body but sneezing madly and nose running like crazy. Guess it arrived!

Only one solution - red vino open:D
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Awe bless! Hope the virus clears up soon so you can get back to feeling great. Good news on the losses and getting to where you are happier.
Very excited as we have hired a motorhome and running around the countryside visiting people - should be a blast:)

Oooh I love the idea of a motorhome, I want to hear all about it!

Hope your cold has gone now hun, there are some nasty bugs out there :(