Katycakes Won't Give Up...

Yay Katy 9lbs, what a great loss and motivation. Well the real motvation sounds like it is those fab clothes. Nothing nicer than lots of lovely new things in the wardrobe and a choice!

Happy day 9, big hugs x
A choice hmm.....that would be nice, I'm a bit fed up of my two pairs of trousers and limited tops when the wardrobe and the drawers are crammed......I'll have to think on this.......and talking of spoiling ourselves - did I really need the new handbag? (Beautiful conker brown leather - so well made, quite small, elegant...) well no, not really........but it's really, really nice!!
I also have limited choice atm, it is wash and wear and wash again for work... Ho hum xx
Yes, you needed the lovely handbag Bess... definitely!

Had 4 packs in the end... still hungry, very odd day really... hoping for a more straightforward time tomorrow! Checking out now, hope everyone has had a great evening.

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Good morning... FRIDAY!!!! Yay!!! Day nine for me. Yesterday was a very unsettled and un-calm day for some reason, hoping for a better time today... I have a busy day with dashing about and that may help! I have just had my first shake... aiming today to hang on to 1pm before the next one! The scales didn't move this morning, so still at 12 9 but that's a whole lot better than where i was a week ago, so no complaints about that!

Hope everyone is good - wishing you all a virtuous day!!!

Great positive attitude Katy!
Have a fab day
must of been something in the air yesterday, a 4th pack is so much better than anything illegal though so you did brilliantly there
happy friday :) hope today brings some better thoughts and calm
Well done Katy, 9lbs is excellent, I will be pleased with that in a week if I ever get started and stick to it... was thinking Katy, maybe you need to get a Kindle and download your books, that way you wont have to wait to have them delivered. I have an ipad with kindle software and it is brilliant, I look on Amazon see a book I like, buy it and it is instantly there, my mum got one for Christmas too..... maybe something to treat yourself to....

Have a good day today!!
Thanks Blondie, Lelly & Greeneyes!

Onwards and upwards. Have already been out and about on assorted errands, back now to work a while, sipping herb tea. I don't feel as unsettled and 'hungry' as yesterday but early days yet... and I've been chewing gum all morning so as not to fell people with my dragon-breath!

Greeneyes, I love books - the actual book - but have been thinking about an ipad or kindle. I can see the use of it for travelling, holidays, and times when you need your book NOW! Very interested, must find out more.

Back to work then!

Afternoon, KC, afternoon everyone.

Hope you all have that Friday feeling :D

I'm a bit scared as I'm going to see my original CDC this evening. I have no idea what I weigh but I bet it isn't far from the 12st 13lbs I was at in 2009 when I first started :cry:What scares me the most is that I have tried on several occasions to CD over the last 18 months and have always failed. I am sure that this is a very familiar story to you all. I really don't want to fail again. It has been so motivating to find you all back on here.....my fellow 2009ers, so please wish me luck and please let me on the wagon/sledge with you all xx
Reaching a hand out to Chelsea... up you come! The wagon/sledge always has room for you hun, and we'll be here to support you. Don't be scared to see CDC, better to know where you are and make a start... after all, you know CD works really when once your head is in the zone. Good luck and let us know how you get on!

Best of luck CL, you can do this! I've had more failed re starts then i care to remember but something seems to have clicked this time so it's not impossibe.

Katy, i noticed on another thread that you bought the Beck diet solution, i bought it from Amazon last night too. The CBT part of it sounds good and the reviews are quite positive too. Looking forward to reading it
Best of luck CL, you can do this! I've had more failed re starts then i care to remember but something seems to have clicked this time so it's not impossibe.

Katy, i noticed on another thread that you bought the Beck diet solution, i bought it from Amazon last night too. The CBT part of it sounds good and the reviews are quite positive too. Looking forward to reading it

Thanks KC and DM for your words of encouragement. I will let you all know what the verdict is later re: my starting weight, weight to lose and what CD plan I will go on. I might even be brave enough to start my own thread/diary :eek: although not sure to put it in this section or re-starters or 100%. Help!!! Where do you think I should stick it (clean answers only please) :D:D
Hi Chels, I was looking for your thread, but couldn't find one, so sorry to hijack yours Katy! I wanted to wish you good luck tonight and to say how well I understand your feelings on trying CD and 'failing'. This was me all last year, it made me very miserable. So good luck, we are all here for you. I noticed that you moved house this week, hope it went well and that you will be happy in your new home. x
Well done Katy on sticking with it even on an unsettled day yesterday! Hope things have been better today.

Funny about the Kindle thing - a friend has one and loves it, but I'm such a book hoarder.....although for holidays and so on.....The appearance of the book on the Kindle was much more impressive than I thought it would be, not like a computer screen, more like a book.....have a good weekend. xx
Hi DM, Chels & Bess!

DM, that is WEIRD, my Beck book just arrived... bedtime reading I think. It looks GOOD. We can try & support each other with it, apparently you are supposed to get a 'Beck Buddy' or something, I have been snooping over on the 'Bring Your Head Inside' threads elsewhere on forum. Can't wait to start on it, anyway... anything that might help has to be worth a go.

Chels, on a purely selfish note would love your diary to be in this bit, but either should be fine... let me know when you've started so I can subscribe! Good luck for later hun, thinking of you.

Bess, this wagon cannot be hijacked... you're always welcome for whatever reason!

Cross posted Bess... yes, I am a book lover too, the feel of them, the smell, everything. But I too got to see a Kindle over Xmas and was quite impressed. Not an option right now, but something to think about maybe! Things have been better today... had a hungry moment at 11.30 but it passed and I waited till 1.30 for my lunchtime porridge (sounds odd, oh dear!). A busy night ahead so hopefully that will keep me on the straight & narrow!

Hope you're doing OK too!

Evening Katy. I love a book in my hand as well. I spend so much of the day, and evening, looking at a screen lazing an afternoon away reading feels like a treat.

Have a great weekend, keep up the good work xx