Keep going light headed?


Repeat Offender
A few times over the past few days I've stood up and gone really light headed. Is this a side effect of S&S?
It might be, because your body won't be used to eating so few calories. I also had this when I first started but it passed after a couple of weeks.
Get up really slowly! It does work.
If it persists or if you're worried then see a doctor- I expect they would tell you to come off S&S.
I had the same a number of times, as said by Saddlebag, your body is getting use to the big cut in calorie. It may be a side effect of ALL Very Low Calorie Diets. Try and make sure you have your vitamins and all your water.

I would try cutting up a bar and having a piece when you feel like this, but I'm no doctor! So maybe if it continues let your doctor know:)
Just wanted to check that there were other people who have had it too. I'm not really concerned about it, it only happens occasionally, don't think it's happened more than once a day and not every day so I'm sure it's fine. Thanks for the replies, very reassuring. Might try the bar idea, see how I go with that. Thanks again.
See the doctor hun

I had it and it was labarintitus. It's not a normal side effect to be dizzy

Keep hydrated and get checked out x x x
Make sure you are careful if getting out of a hot bath - I got up too quickly a few days ago and felt awful - really sick and lightheaded. Think it is just a combination of the ketosis and the hot water and moving too fast to stand up but worth trying to mitigate if you are aware of it and prone to feeling funny anyway.