Ketosis breath


Chronic dieter!!!
Hi again,

I have another question... Having read through some posts i gather that bad breath is an issue with this diet... I decided to do some internet research and came up with this and wondered what your thoughts are, and whether any of it works:

How to Treat Ketosis Breath

When the body has an excessive accumulation of ketones, it is called ketosis. This occurs when fat is converted to energy, which happens when you go from a high-carbohydrate diet to a low-carbohydrate diet. Ketosis breath happens when the ketone levels are elevated during a fast or a metabolism shift. Morning breath is a good example of ketosis breath. You can't stop ketosis breath, but you can try to neutralize it.


Drink plenty of water. Chronic dry mouth can trigger bad breath. Keep a bottle of water with you during the day, and make sure you drink at least eight glasses.

Keep mints or gum handy. Sugar-free products are best, since sugar can build up causing bacteria that causes foul breath.

Consider adding more carbohydrates into your diet. Sometimes a simple dietary change can alter your breath.

Brush your teeth and tongue and floss regularly. Use alcohol-free mouthwash since alcohol dries out the mouth. Even though, brushing and flossing won't eliminate ketosis breath, it can help cut down on plaque and bacteria.

Chew on fresh parsley. This fresh herb can neutralize bad breath. So, next time you go to a restaurant and there is a sprig or parsley on your plate, know that it isn't just a garnish.

Check your blood sugar levels to make sure you're glucose level isn't too high. Diet changes can trigger glucose changes.
Several of those suggestions (ie 2 and 3, if you're not careful) will cure ketosis breath by actually taking you out of it, unfortunately. The rest are cool, though. :)

However I suspect it's more of a (percieved) problem to the dieter, than the onlooker. Whilst it's something that we notice, I suspect it's not such a big issue for everyone else. :)