Kieran's Lean and Green log :-D

Glad you had a good blow out! Four of us from this forum are meeting up in that neck of the woods this weekend and I anticipate similar bad behaviour :)

How goes the League of Nations dating?

After a weekend of drunken debauchery in Hull (I make it sound so glamorous) I shall be going very clean and green, right back to induction levels. I have not noticed or felt any gains but still, it would make me feel better.

Re: dates etc. Well...Poland has certainly freaked me the hell out. She told me exactly what she wants in detail (to hear it would make your nose bleed). From being a rather nice girl into a vampy, demanding, downright scary predator. I am not certain if I am complaining but it certainly is not what I'm used to :-|

It must be the aftershave I wear.

Now then, Iceland (not the shop). Is very pleasant and eccentric enough to be funny - we are off to the Tate Modern on saturday. Disconcertingly she said to me recently "Oh you're so short...this is probably why I like you so much". Gosh. Women are mind ninjas, masters of the back handed compliment.

Have been to the shops and stocked up on good grub. I just tried on my 34" jeans; they are in fact ever so marginally tighter than before. So marginal in fact I could be imagining it. I still look at them whilst putting them on and thinking "these will never fit me". Somehow, they do. I think I must shift fat around a fair bit, my neck size is not shrinking commensurate with everything else.

Better dash and get some pints down me (water! I NEVER want to look at booze again. Oh the idea of having a 'hair of the dog that bit you' is nonsense. I tried it and just felt worse).

Women are mind ninjas, masters of the back handed compliment

YEAH baby! :D Although that does sound like an admission too far for the first date! And LMAO on the comment about seeing Poland again :D

Sorry for the high levels of curiosity but I have no love life so have to live vicariously through you :D:eek:
I feel like I am in one of those American teen films.

Anyway, today wasn't great eating wise but far better than it has been the past few days. I didn't get enough greens and I ate a small serving of pasta (failing to prepare know the rest). Probably no more than 20 - 30g but it was a moment of just not thinking, like being on autopilot. Nevermind, I drank a few extra pints of water and will go on an especially long walk tomorrow providing it is not too hot.

Dentists on friday eeeeek.
Morning Kieran, sounds like a good weekend there mate
Ah Jim, it was carnage. Four of us smelly blokes sharing a 2 bedroom flat drinking, eating, blowing off, all day breakfasts (in a pub) battling hangovers then going out again in the evening. Was great fun, but certainly not something I could do again in a while.

Not got much of an appetite today so just had some prawns so far. I am defrosting sirloin steak at the moment.

Amazingly, I weight myself this morning and I have not gained anything.
Ah Jim, it was carnage. Four of us smelly blokes sharing a 2 bedroom flat drinking, eating, blowing off, all day breakfasts (in a pub) battling hangovers then going out again in the evening. Was great fun, but certainly not something I could do again in a while.

Not got much of an appetite today so just had some prawns so far. I am defrosting sirloin steak at the moment.

Amazingly, I weight myself this morning and I have not gained anything.

Classic blokes weekend then mate :)
Past few days I have mainly been living on roast chicken, bacon, steak and greek salad. Probably not getting enough fats, but I don't want to force food down me.

Now then, I have decided that glasses are driving me mental. I am very keen to give contact lenses a go. But...I am unsure, I think I will have trouble putting them in and taking them out.

Now to have yet another sirloin steak topped with a few shavings of parmesan. Life is good.
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We were just talking about contact lenses on the weekend with Vicky's fella - he said the first few days were awful, getting used to putting them in, but after that it worked like a dream.

A friend of mine wears glasses and just cannot get on with contacts, but she's thinking of getting laser treatment.
Worth a try on the contact lenses - everyone is so different!
I'm a big woos when it comes to my eyes and just the thought of laser sends me off on a fit of blinking! I had a trial of contacts but they just fogged up and my face started to burn from my cheeks up! Even the optician had trouble removing them lol. But I know people who just pop them in without even looking in a mirror so it's worth a try.
I tried contact lenses but I couldn't get on with them really