Kira's Diary (Re-start Day 5)

Day 12 (am)
Completed day 11. Was in bed most of the day as I have some viral infection causing eustachian tube dysfunction - in other words liquid trapped in my inner ear. It's been so painful that it made me feel nauseous and gave me such a sever headache I had to go to bed in the afternoon and ended up only having one pack but I managd to drink 3 litres of water during the course of the day.

Hoping I will be ok today. Feel a little better, ears less blocked but the nausea is still there and one is is slightly blocked. Just want to complete a second week as then I know I will be in the swing of it and am more likely to stay "in the zone". Right now I just don't feel hungry and can only sip my water very slowly. Hate being unwell.
Big hugs Kira. That sounds horrid... hope you are feeling better soon. Stay strong and keep your eye on the goal.

Day 12 (evening)
Almost complete. Nausea seems to have lessened so feel better. Managed to have another shake late afternoon but not sure I can stomach another one yet. Having said that I am finding I am reading recipes books and even managed to cook the kids lunch and dinner with no desire to eat! Going to have another early night and look forward to day 13 tomorrow. Hoping week 2 weigh on Wendesday will be a good one, SS seems more achievable when weigh is so close.
Day 13 (morning)

Feeling better today. Do feel very positive about sticking to CD. I can't quite beleive I've manged to get this far after so many failed re-starts! Why didn't I just stick to it before? Well, I didn't and I am where I am and that's on day 13 and I am telling myself I can lose the weight but my real challenge will come when I am faced with a social situation (which I am trying to avoid and doing quite well so far!) and of course once I've lost the weight. Of course I should not get ahead of myself and just concentrate on completing today. If I stick to my usual routine, with my water and shakes, there is no reason I can't.
Just wanted to say, keep it up, well done. (and add to my number of postings as well) Just browsing the posts for inspiration, just about to start the Lighterlife programme, end of month.
Hope you have a better day today and that the nausea is all gone... well done for staying on track in spite of it all. One day at a time... you can do it!

Hi! Kev! I wish you well on your LL journey! You will see many successes on here on all different plans. The support is amazing. Read the diaries if you can, I didnt' the first time I did CD and it really helps. The easier bit for me last year was losing the weight, the hardest bit for me was the maintenance. So the only tip I can give you is work your way through the LL so you are not a re-starter like me!
Day 14 (completed day 13 successfully!)
Can't quite beleive I have got this far! Almost 2 weeks completed! Another ten to go. Wish I could say I felt brilliant but due to this virus thing I have I feel frightful. Wake up with a headache go to bed with one. Despite feeling unwell from this virus I am doing ok and getting through the day and more importantly the evening without wavering and wanting to taste food when I see it or cook it. Very excited about tomorrow. Have to confess though, being a daily scale hopper I have weighed exactly the same the past three days so not going to get excited about having a big loss tomorrow. As long as the numbers go down I will be happy.
Going great Kira, especially with that pesky virus to contend with. Any loss tomorrow will be a good one, it all adds up!

Day 14 (evening) almost completel. Slight wavering earlier when I was sorting out the kids dinner/tea but had my shake and just had a porridge. Also kept reminding myself not to ruin all my hard work. I have a chart with 13 weeks on it and the number of days per week and I tick off in red each day I complete, seeing that in the kitchen did deter me earlier hence only a waver.... and not a slip of leftovers into my mouth! Really excited about tomorrow's weigh-in! This is my own weigh in as I like to take the morning reading and with CDC I still note the weight but I get weighed 3/4 days after I re-started. We've agreed we can do both!
Day 15 almost over!! Week 2 weigh-in and I have lost 3 pounds! I suspect that will be the most I'll lose from now on as I lost the same amount in week 2 when I did CD last year. Happy I am in control and proving to myself I have will power. Feeling inspired but still feel very cautious of the days, weeks ahead.
That's fab Kira! 3lbs is great, and you never know, it may be more some weeks. Bit by bit those lbs will melt away, and you've got off to a great start which should make the weeks ahead easier to handle. Proud of you, honey!

Day 16 completed. Whoops! Though I had posted last night? I found it difficult when I got in. Evening is dangertime. Brain kept thinking about food, fleeting thoughts of giving up CD and trying something 'easier' with food went through my mind. I had to go to bed early to prevent and temptation. Can't understand one minute I am focused, not feeling remotely hungry, then I am thikning of the food I am 'missing'? Been through am I deprived questions (KD raised in a post last week) and I know I am not because I am making a choice.

Day 17 morning. Hoping to get through today and more importantly this evening. Must watch strictly, that should keep me distracted for an hour!
Morning Kira... well done with shutting up those niggly little voices last night... day 17! Yay!

For me day two again... not really supposed to be counting, but having even one good day does help my confidence! Have a good one honey,

Day 17 completed! However, I also gave into having a sandwich of all things at about 8.30! My son was raving on about how my husband makes super duper sandwiches, which type of mustard he likes. Husband joins and then low and behold my brain is suddenly telling me one his sandwiches would be the most appetisign thing I could have right now! I've desired a sandwich so much! Luckily my husband and son reminded me how many days I had done on SS and not to ruin it by giving in for the sake of eating a sandwich!! I am so glad I didn't!

Day 18 only had first shake about 15 minutes ago! Been out and about visiting, and just didn't feel hungry. Had no desire to eat the fattening nibbles and just carried on drinking my water. I am so releived I didn't spoil all my efforts! I have tried to prepar myself for the moments of weakness and I am only well aware of the dangers (for me) of letting something pass my lips. I am determined to lose what it takes on SS to get me to the right BMI for my height. Then I will address what I can and can't eat. Well, that is the plan.......!
Stay strong Kira... you can do this. You are brilliant for resisting that butty... well done! It wouldn't have been worth it & could well have triggered more. Well done son & husband for keeping you on track!

Day 19 (morning) Katy it's so lovely to read you posts spurring me on! Hoping for another day like yesterday so planning to keep busy and try to catch up on the forum in between 'jobs'! The chart on the fridge with the number of weeks and days on it has more red crosses on it now and is really encouraging! That was my son's idea and I am so glad he suggested it. Each time I see it I am reminded of my hard work so far on SS. Anyone managing even a few days on CD proves they have some kind of will power and if one can do that surely we can stick with it and then keep it off. It's the brain training after the initial loss which it the hardest. Hoping to report another completed day this evening.
Day 19 (evening) almost complete, no danger between now and bedtime! Had a fantsatic weekend! No hunger, no desire just felt great. I cooked Goan fish curry with rice, and okra and also made meatballs in prep for tomorrow dinner with spaghetti! Really enjoyed cooking and amazed I did it without licking the spoon! Husband said food was great and the boys loved the fish curry. Right now feel I could SS to the end with no problem! BUT I am realist and I know this euphoria won't last. I'm in London on 10th Oct meeting with friends and staying overnight and I think I will have to eat at dinner. So I need to mentally prepare myself to have small portions and only food that won't knock me out of ketosis. Also, need to be able to get straight back on to SS after this planned meal. If I can manage not to eat and stick to SS i am going to try my hardest.
How has your day been Kira? Good I hope! I am back in Scotland after a nightmarish train journey... phew. Hope all is good with you hon and those red crosses are mounting up...

Day 20 - almost 20 red crosses on my chart! I don't tick my crosses off until the morning, for some reason I find it more satisfying stiking a cross on a completed day the following day!

Found today relatively easy. Again the most difficult time for me is the early evening when getting in back from work and sorting out kids food. I end up having two shakes fairly close together. Going to try and spread it out a bit more.

Slight dilemma about a weekend away coming up and whether to eat or not. I thought if I have a planned dinner and mentally prepare myself only to eat chicken I could stay in ketosis and stay on track. However, having seconds throughts and desperately trying to get out of going. I feel rather selfish but then I am not intending on being malicious just being selfish because I want to look after number one right now. It's a girls get together and I had tentatively said yes. It's also in London and would be two nights but may be able to get away with one. However, from past CD experience I know this can be a downward spiral. Last year it took me longer to lose weight as there was always a "planned" event on the horizon and inbetween I would SS until the next "planned" dinner or meal out. Then of course the dilemma of what to wear? Right now I can feel the few pounds I have lost. Whilst not noticeable to others, my clothes feel comfortable, my jeans and work skirts are not cutting me in half! Do I really want to jeoparidse that? So will have chat with husband, who has already said I should not go and re-arrange another date. Well, shor time to have a look at the recent posts and then possibly another early night, yet again!