Kirstabubble's food diary....mach 2.

Morning all.

Pleased to report a 1.5lb loss this morning.

However, my plan for a 100% week this week has been scuppered slightly by the fact that my tummy is pretty poorly :( Was in dreadful pain yesterday and there were lots of trips to the loo (sorry if TMI!).

So I shall be doing SW, albeit with a Crohn's friendly twist and shall be noting the calories as I don't want to go over 1700 a day

Breakfast - some form of low fibre cereal with skimmed milk and sweetener. (240 cal)

Snack - 3 rich tea 120 cal

Lunch - Heinz tomato soup with packet of low fat crisps (350 kcal). Drifter 100 cal

Snack if needed - bread with spread (200 cal)

Dinner - 2 boiled eggs (150 cal) with two bits of bread (140 cal) and spread (60) - total approx 350 cal.

Hopefully if I do this for a couple of days, my tummy will settle down and I won't ruin my weight loss too much!

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Right feeling a bit better today so giving this low fibre malarky a couple of days and then I'll be SW'ing it up good and proper.

Breakfast - Malt wheats

Snack - Rich tea

Lunch - Chicken and mush soup with white bread and yoghurt

Mid afternoon snack - toast.

Forcing myself to play tennis tonight (i think the air with do me good actually), so when I get home will have some pasta with tuna and philly
