Kirsty - Determined it will work :)



I can't work out how to do it! lol , I won't need SW, I will loose weight sitting here trying to work this out!! hahah!
Just wanted to share the cutest message i got from my bf - Would just like 2 say well done again on ur half stone lose as soon as u get 2 ur target weight a will take u out 4 a nice meal n anything u want a will buy u aswell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx aint he such a cutie :)

Thursday 2nd May 2013 - EE

B - Plum, Kiwifruit, Melon, Pineapple & Grapes with ww dessert yoghurt

S - apple

L - mexican chicken soup

S - same fruit as breakfast in a tub

D - speedy prawn curry with lots of veg and half sw chips/half rice

S - hex a and b - toast with cheese and ham :)

Syns - 0/15
Weekly 0/105
Thank you Kirsty! Going to attempt a diary now GULP! :)

Let me know the link too! :D BTW - just seen your stats... I think you need to update them hun, it says you are 1 stone! lol :)

Why does my ticker never update does my head in haha!!

How are you all today??X

This is why I don't have a ticker anymore! haha! You need to put your shiny new badge in your signature!

I'm ok today thank you! Although Craig has woke up with his "I'm going to be a prick today" attitude.

Just wanted to share the cutest message i got from my bf - Would just like 2 say well done again on ur half stone lose as soon as u get 2 ur target weight a will take u out 4 a nice meal n anything u want a will buy u aswell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx aint he such a cutie :)

Awww! Why can't I have one of those!? Lucky sod!

Food is looking good today as well honey :) xxx
Let me know the link too! :D BTW - just seen your stats... I think you need to update them hun, it says you are 1 stone! lol :)

This is why I don't have a ticker anymore! haha! You need to put your shiny new badge in your signature!

I'm ok today thank you! Although Craig has woke up with his "I'm going to be a prick today" attitude.

Awww! Why can't I have one of those!? Lucky sod!

Food is looking good today as well honey :) xxx

Awww men there a pain in the ass cant ever be in the same mood for longer than a day haha just ignore him lol!!

Believe me he is not always as cute - but i am a lucky girl to have him hes incrediable but we have only been together for nearly two years so still early and nice stage lols!!

Ohhhhhhhhh how do i add it??

Made the most amazing soup for last weeks lunches -

Mexican Chicken Soup - syn free on EE :)

• Frylight
• 1 onion , chopped I used two (One red & one white)
• 4 garlic cloves , crushed
• 1 large chilli (I used two and chilli flakes)
• ½ tsp ground cumin
• 400g can plum tomatoes ( I used two tins)
• 1½l chicken stock
• 2 chicken breasts , sliced
• juice 2 limes ( I couldn’t get limes so used Lemons)
• I added extra ss food = 3 x carrots, 3 x celery stocks, handful mixed peppers and 2 courgettes also added black pepper and salt

1. Heat the frylight in a large saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and chilli flakes, soften for 5 mins, then stir in the chilli, cumin, tomatoes and chicken stock, lime juice along with veg and add the chicken – bring to the boil then reduce the heat to allow it to simmer for 20 mins until cooked through.