Kirsty's cruising forward & not looking back

Ah bless him, poor little mite!! if it gets too windy he could always climb inside the back pack, its certainly big enough!!

hahaha it defo will keep Cameron dry lol xxx
HAHAHAHA!! He is home later ahh cant wait to see him, its sooo quiet here !
Thanks for support re hubbys job, all of u gave me the huge reminder to focus on positives!!! He had letter from wrk saying another hearing at end june!! They have cchanged the charges a bit, still same, he will b sacked we think for defo but it means they have to deal with other emplyees who have done same as hubby (there are alot of them ) they gotta deal with them all same, we think its taken so long cos they are worried about sacking the two (hubby and other guy) and then being done for unfair dismissal as they are aware others have done same but not doing anything about them yet, 2 more have been pulled in but yet to be questioned. SOOO the massive positive is that there is a job coming up also at the end of the month! It would be perfect timing, the new job the boss already has hubbys cv, has spoken to him, and knows what is going on. He is v interested in hubby so we are hoping it will work out !

I have been feeling ill, weak, still chest pain. I figured was inflammation after throat thingy, now am wondering if it is anything to do with alot of protein? Its been worse this week, I defo went back to basics had no tolerated items like i had been, had alot of pp days (2 after blowout last sun, then I had a pv day but was busy and only managed diced carrot and onion in my spag bol for one meal) so am thinking maybe not intentionally I made myself weak and ill. Today will be a huge PV day for sure!! Just got up and doing fry up for everyone, just came on to log another weightloss woo hoo another 1.6LB happy and feeling good ,,hope u all have fab day xx
Hi Kirsty Ive just been catching up with your diary - sorry to hear of the awful stress your going through hope it gets sorted very soon you must be made of steel to be able to lose weight and cope with all thats going on - I take my hat off to you love because I would be straight to the biscuit tin ......
Seeing the lovely photos of your son brought back happy memories of my son going away for the first time ............ why do they have to grow up?
Kirsty sounds like they are walking on egg shell with your hubby and the other guy....they will have to make sure they dot all the I and cross all the t, sounds like they could be on a mine field. they will have to get it right if its going to affect alot of workers. Your doing great on your weight loss....not much more to go to get to tw. That back pack of camerons is the same size my son had when he did the tall ships adventure around the azores. he was 18/19ish at the time I think and was away two weeks OMG, when he got back and I opened it to do his washing..................his socks were stiff and I opened the bin and put the lot in hahahahah, boys.....luv um xxxx:rolleyes:
Thanks Chris, its been hard and I defo cracked' over a week ago! Its been hard, really hard not to cave in sometimes! The stress just goes on and on, today he had a call from a ccontracctors who want to recruit hubby asap! So he is currently out bak laying a beautiful patio for MY RABBITS hahaha dont ask but its wayyy to posh for my girls ! Anyhow he is mulling over what to do,, he could leave whilst on suspension and go work for this other compay, his wish is that the other job he knows is coming up for another firm will come up and he can go for that, when its available.

Or he can stay suspended on basic pay ride it out, no doubt he will be sacked but prob not for another 3/4 weeks, so another 3/4 weeks pay. Not sure what he will get if he leaves, or if sacked, i guess it depends on how they sack him, sometimes u are not entitled to stuff. We keep going over and over the positives and negatives but really not sure what to do. He spoke to the union guy this morn who said he is finding out why they changed charges, and if indeed they have gone about things correctly. My gut feeling is hubby will resign in next couple days, move on go contracting and then see what he can find.

Anyhow! after alot more pain in chest I went to see GP this morn, he confirmed it was as I thought, inflammation 'Tietze syndrome' he gave me stronger inflams 'diclofenic' but not before he pressed my ribs hard and made my knees buckle in pain ! OMG
So no work for me today, will cancel tomorrows prob too, feel I should try to go as we need the cash!!

STS 10st 3 lb the thinnest I have been for long time!! I was 10st 4lb 5 yrs ago when we went to florida I lost the weight with sw but put it back on. My eldest Cameron (16) is now heavier than me for the first time ever hes been taller for years haha!! He has one exam left tom then thats it, I am so sad, cant believe he is leaving school! Zach loved scout camp and YUK his clothes back was minging, tipped into machine and washed it all twice hahaha
thanks for listening all, PP day today feeling crap and may struggle later, the inflams make me feel hungry!!!
Hi Kirsty, just caught up with your diary after me being out of sorts last week. Soooooo much has been going on for you, you poor thing ! You sound like you are doing ok though even if you need a rant every now again it helps get it out your system for you to tackle the next few days. Can't be easy though living in limbo but it is good to see hubby is not taking it lying down either & is thinking of leaving & contracting, some would have given up !

Great to see you are back on track too & lost ! Lowest weight for 5 years too, everyone is doing so well at the moment & there are loads of newbies diaries popping up I had to search for you :)

Sending loads of hugs your way & hoping you feel better soon x
Kirsty, very well done on being your lightest for over 5 years! Your health is the most important thing, though - is this a chronic problem?

For what it's worth I think hubby should leave and put all this behind him, especially if he can do contracting until the job he wants comes up. It's obviously entirely up to the 2 of you, though. Whatever happens, good luck! x
Hi, thanks Jo and thanks Sara ;-) am struggling :-((((( am in pain, have bound my ribs in a bandage and wrapped a blanket around tightly, it seems to help keep it all from moving which is the worst pain when I do! I have a hot water bottle on my back and had aload of pain killers and rubbed an analgesic cream on ;/ but i am wanting baked crisps and cba/hurting ,,,to go make chicken. I could / should ask one of the kids to bung chicken in oven for me, its just those crisps keep calling me! what the hell!!?? I have had crisps in the house for last 9 weeks and not bothered ahhhh man why does feeling crap mean I struggle, its like I feel crap so its ok to eat crap, well its not, someone pop round and take all t he crisps away, damn u baked crisps knew I shouldnt have bought them!

Gp said teitzes syndrome but before when I had this pain, it was costochondritis, I think thats what it is again as no swelling. whatever its bloody sore! feel better re crisp craving for coming on here! I think i need to eat some protein!!! and fast!
that sounds paifull :( hugs to you xx
HI :) ok won the carb battle yesterday! Had 3 lots of diff flav chicken and made a huge caramel dukan egg custard then became face down in it! Told myself I will have a chip butty and crisps later after my chicken if I still wanted it, got cameron to dish up their dinner, hubby was still doing rabbit patio!! Got mair to make me chicken, then the chips arrived and I reached across, Zach my youngest said 'MUM can u have chips??? No I said and brought my arm back!! It was enough of a comment for me to stop and think!! So am feeling good, thankyou all again for support, am sore still today, a bit better though, off for shower and will come on here later to catch up with everyone, see how they r doing ;-) xx
:bighug:eek:oooo Kirsty look at the state youve been in Ive been busy and just caught up with youxxxxxxxx poor bairn.Hope your a little better and sts great. Posh bunny hubby defo ready to tell them to stuff the job and go else where but he will want to see the outcome and probably see them lose the case. Great will power so proud of you, your a looser through and through keep going your doing fandabbydozy xxxx
Awwwwww poor you, can't the dr give you anything at all to help with the pain ? Well done though Kirsty for resisting the evil carbs, I am exactly the same. Stressed, run down, upset, ill, bored & I want food that is laden with calories all the bad stuff that makes me happy for 2 seconds & then I regret having it - apart from the B&J ice cream last week !

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you x
ahhhh still feeling crap, still want to eat crap, BUT have just made myself eat a plain omlette with half a thin slice of ham,,have also made another caramel egg custard and gonna eat that next!! The tablets gp gave me really hurt my stomach, so not taken any today, omg i felt hungry all time, my stomach was hurting ,so am staying on plan and fighting all the way!!

I did try on some clothes i havent worn for yrs, and they are too big!! So i had kept 3 pairs of trousers all brand new with tags all USA size 8 3/4 length gap ones, beige,brown and kahki,,they are slim fit and v comfy! They slipped on lovely wooo hoo so that was my kick up the bum i needed earlier!! My throat and ear are killing again, aswell as damn chest/ribs, so am not doing much apart from moaning!!

Hubby has found out he defo will be sacked after next hearing july 10th or 12th we got it delayed as he had booked 2 weeks hols (we were supp to be going away ;-( ) sooooo that means another few weeks basic pay!! He is busy finishing rabit patio, and looking for jobs, sending off CV etc. He can go contracting but will we working away mon - fri, I dont mind, he used to b away all time, Zach my youngest hates it though, but he will b home at weekends, he never used to b home, so I am looking forward to it again hahaha!!!

Right off to see how all of u are doing!
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Hi yes am feeling much better!! Am no longer taking the meds they defo made me feel worse! So ribs are now a dull ache, am cleaning my house so i can chill on weekend, am off out tonight!! Hubby off on stag weekend ;/ so I am going out, to sing (karaoke lol) and possibly dance and have a good time, I fully expect a small gain but i am not bothered!! I am really looking forward to it, apart from I have been bitten by a horsefly? i think,,,on my face! 2 large swollen lumps on my jaw line, so i look like a hamster with one stuffed cheek!! brilliant!
good dukan few days and more weightloss, i am making egg custard on my pp days it sees me thru the day and such a treat!

I bought the shiritaki noodles, 3 packs, they came yesterday, so i made chicken stir fry last night and had them (after well rinsing and put in boiling water) they were really nice, no taste just the taste of the stir fry. I ate the huge pan full,,way too much, then about an hour after I had all that water rushing in my mouth like i was going to be sick!! I had it a few times but wasnt actually sick,,wonder if it was those or cos i ate way too much OR just summin to do with me feeling crap this week,,ahh well never mind!
I will try them again an see. Hope u all have lovely weekend!
Hi Kirsty not quite caught up with your diary but read you are not feeling too good - think the lurgy is catching on this forum - hope you feel better soon and well done on resisting those crisps - take care love xxx
How you feeling now Kirsty ? And how was your night out - spill !!!! :) x