Kitty Kicks Butt 32lbs gone forever.

The builders are supposed to take 2 weeks and then 3-4 days for the kitchen fitter. At the rate he's going he's going to be finished in about 2 days, not 2 weeks!
Busy, manic day but managed a good fast anyway. Probably because there's no food in the house! 6 "official" miles walked plus I don't know how many more! All the kitchen stuff is currently being stored in the living room but I still have some appliances available in the kitchen so was going backwards and forwards from living room, along the hall, through the family room and in to the kitchen. And then back again. Many times! Knackered now but I need to go and do some shopping or we'll all starve.
Total fast fail yesterday. I'm living in squalor while the kitchen is redone and yesterday they decided to dig up the floor in the family room and the living room as well leaving me perched on the piano stool in the hall playing Christmas carols.... No excuse but I'm using it anyway, stress levels are high. Anyway I decided to fast today and call this week a 5:2 . I'm out at a cookery demonstration (life in the fast lane!) tomorrow night so probably wouldn't have been ideal to fast anyway.
Fasting again today. Why is it that the start of me week goes so well and then just gets worse as the week goes on? Didn't even weigh in on Saturday things were so bad last week. Anyway, God loves a trier and I'm still trying!!