Last Person To Post Wins

Yeah, I wondered why they weren't funny! :rolleyes: That's why he needed a bodyguard, 'cos his jokes were cr@p! :rolleyes:

Right I'm off to bed, I'll let you play on here for a while longer BUT no mentioning the fact that you think you're the winner okay? :p
Right I'm off to bed, I'll let you play on here for a while longer BUT no mentioning the fact that you think you're the winner okay? :p

:D I dont think i know i`m the winner, good night, sweet dreams :D
:D Hello ladies, have you all logged on to see me win then?? :D
No can do,
we girlies are far to good at ganging up and taking over the top spot lol
:clap: :rotflmao:

:D yes Alan that is exactly like that lol:D
Always long queues in the ladies, have been known to nip in the gents if its not busy :eek: ( classy yorkshire bird me lol)

Hows the new car Alan:character00182:
Can you go away i am trying to win this.:)

Errr, NO!! :p

:D just like when you to the loo in pairs when your out clubbing :D I WIN :p

Don't tar us all with the same brush Allan. I have always gone to the loo on my own. I'm not one of those women who cram their mates into the cubicle with me - eeww!!:eek:

:DMrs D, are you telling us your a ""laydeeeeeeee" lol:D