Last Person To Post Wins

Believe that if you like....But why was it God made Man first? Because he needed a rough draft before the masterpeice!

:D But he needed a rib to make a companion for Adam, so she could pamper him and do as he commanded :D
Off to the bank now....BUT I WILL BE BACK !!!
:D Oh no you dont, i nip back in and steal it back :D


Yes I'm going slightly stir crazy, my baby's poorly sick again today.:confused: Whatever the bug is has managed to make her sick again this morning.:( Ah well, at least she managed fish fingers and veggies for tea yesterday!

Yes I'm going slightly stir crazy, my baby's poorly sick again today.:confused: Whatever the bug is has managed to make her sick again this morning.:( Ah well, at least she managed fish fingers and veggies for tea yesterday!

:D That means you will be busy being a nurse, so i can still be the winner, my two finish school at 1 today with tomorrow and monday off, alright for some :D
:D She will be loving the time off school, watching telly and getting waited on hand and foot by you :D I WIN!!!!

Aww no she's only 6 and LOVES school!! She's been upset because she's missing out on her Spanish lesson today! Wait till she's a teen, then she'll start hating school lol!

I WIN!!!:p
Thanks Maggie, I was hoping she'd got over whatever bug she's got - but unfortunately not :(

:D It`s not nice when they are poorly, my two still love school, luke is year 11 Sports Captain and Head Prefect:D I have been out trimming bushes all afternoon in my front garden, but i`m back, plus i`m bidding on e-bay for something, i wont tell you what till i`ve won or you lot will try to Guzzump me :D Oh and i WIN!!!
:D It`s not nice when they are poorly, my two still love school, luke is year 11 Sports Captain and Head Prefect:D I have been out trimming bushes all afternoon in my front garden, but i`m back, plus i`m bidding on e-bay for something, i wont tell you what till i`ve won or you lot will try to Guzzump me :D Oh and i WIN!!!

My son Chris has just gone into year 9. He can't wait to leave school lol!
Ok Mrs Depp when I logged on you have been winner of this thread for 14 hours. Now its time to move aside and make way for sonia.:D

I win:p:p:p
:D I only let carol think she had won, i was at footy training with my son last night, then All stars was on sky till late, then i watched a film, so i am back to take over my rightful place as your leader, master and WINNER!!!!! :p
Morning...I'll just take it back...Thank you!!

:D Not so fast lady, did you have any luck on e-bay?? i got Mrs G Series 1 - 8 of charmed for £72, it is £320 in the shops, bargain eh!, I`m off up town shopping now so keep my throne warm for me till i get back :p