Last Person To Post Wins


boys and girls come out to play and all whilst Mrs D is away.
Where is she I wonder
but for now I shall steal her thunder
- and wear the crown
Im joining in too
Well I am lurking but I am feeling sorry for myself tonight cos I may have upset my sister and her friend and I am now feeling snubbed in my own house. I made a comment after the friend had sloshed the sauce on her plate go all over a table runner that I spent hours and hours making. She had had a fair bit to drink beforehand and glibly said she would pay for a new one. I merely told her that it wasnt a bought item and that I had made it. My comment somehow seemed to upset her and they have ignored me since. Should I feel this bad? I guess I take rather a sober view of it as I am a watertotaller at the moment. Sorry to place this one on your doorstep but I wanted to air my thoughts.
As your Queen I thought it appropriate to discuss it with my subjects. (trying to come back with humour)
Day 5


First week ever on cambridge is almost done. Can't wait to weigh in on Saturday as I know I have dropped at least to the next stone bracket down.

Excited, determined and (sorry) hungry!

Does it become habit forming? does it feel easier as you go along?
Is there someone you can ask for advice about odd things happening? :eek:)

keep motivated!! :eek:)

Michelle xx