Last Person To Post Wins

Sarah I can see why you are confused.......... I am still the Queen of this thread, I'm worried about my approach to CD at the moment cos there is a lot going on in my life at the mo, but I have no worries knowing that I am the Queen of this thread. Hiya Hedgemag, sonban, Allan, Mrs D, Becky and ALL my loyal subjects. Hope I havent missed any of you - royal wave xx
i win x
The good news is that your Queen is in the building and taking her rightful place upon the throne.....Queen Di proclaims you are a wonderful bunch of courtiers and thats official!!!!
The bad news is that there is announcement on t'internet that the fabulous Johnny is planning to marry his long term sweetheart and it is NOT MRS D. I can only hope it is royal gossip and is quite untrue ..... the deeply gorgeous, sexy Johnny should not subject himself to marriage to the wrong woman. There are too many of us who are adoring fans and want him for ourselves. I for one would like to lock him up in the castle tower and ................................................
I'll be back ........ phew!!!
Sorry Mrs D ..... he's in my dreams too!!!
oh feels so good to be back here with my crown. I kept it sooo clean whilst i was away apart from the odd splash of vodka and red bull to shine it up :D :D