Lauras Diary of Incubating

Bit warmer today. Hubby is away to footy and when he gets home we are gonna head out for the day. Think we are gonna go for a walk to the water fall then out for lunch I think.

Morning sickness still bad but not gonna let it spoil our day.

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend xx
Had a great day yesterday. We spent the day out and about. Had dinner out and relaxed. Didn't feel good about 7p.m so went to bed. Read my book for a few hours and after being sick a few times went to sleep. Hubby went to bed then and was coughing and coughing so needles to say a good nights rest was not had. I tried everything too for him, cough medicine, vicks on soles of feet, nothing worked. I doubht he is gonna have to sleep in spare room tonight.

The cold is really annoying me too, seems to be settling in my chest, and I can't take anything. But it'll pass.

I've lots to do today because I was so lazy all weekend. I need to do alot of laundry. I did change all the beds yesterday so at least that is done.

Happy MOnday everyone xx
My god I am so lazy today and there is no one here to talk to.

I did however finally manage to make a dinner. I made my sausage and bean casserole -

12 sausages (low fat M&S ones)
2 sweet onions, sugar snap peas and carrots
2 cartons of tomato with onion and garlic
2tsp smoked paprika
2tbsp lea&perrins
2tbsp balsamic vinegar
1tbsp rapeseed oil
- I fried off the onions, removed, then sauteed off veg, added everything else in and readded sausages, they are in the oven now baking. I'm gonna serve with pasta and a tossed salad. There is enough there for lunch tomorrow too for me and DS. Yum yum.
9+5 - MONDAY - 20/05/2013

Todays food diary

Chrunchie Nut cornflakes
Whole milk

2 corn on the cobs with butter
Whole nut dairy milk

Sausage and Bean casserole
Wholegrain spelt pasta
Parmesan cheese

2 turnocks teacakes

I was so tired today, I've told hubby he is gonna have to sleep in the spare room tonight, even though I feel bad, I NEED A WHOLE NIGHTS SLEEP!!
Today I have cramps and lots of pulling pains in my tummy. I think my baby is making space for itself. Not as much nausea today and wasn't sick once wohoo!! Still no sign of a date for my scan, can't wait for it now!
Mmm tunnocks tea cakes are amazing :)
Glad to hear the nausea has died down a little. Don't feel bad, you need sleep! My Dad has been sleeping on an inflatable mattress in the sitting room for weeks because no one can sleep with his snoring (I can still hear him from downstairs anyway sigh...)
10 weeks today and don't think I can hide it much longer


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Mmm tunnocks tea cakes are amazing :)
Glad to hear the nausea has died down a little. Don't feel bad, you need sleep! My Dad has been sleeping on an inflatable mattress in the sitting room for weeks because no one can sleep with his snoring (I can still hear him from downstairs anyway sigh...)

Hiya Sarah, sorry missed this the last day. Nausea seemed to just have taken a wee holiday that day, its been back with a vengence lol. I'm getting used to it though. Hubbys cough isn't as bad now at night so he's back in the bed again, its weird when he's not there. Did your dad ever try any of them snoring aids. I know there is a new spray out that is supposed to be affective.

Bad day today food wise, I'm can't look at anything raw still, would love a personal chief, I'd be so healthy then lol
Well the last few days have been eventful. My daughters class mate has 'slapped cheek syndrome' which can be dangerous for me at 10weeks pregnant. I rang my doctor last night and he was to get back to me but forgot. I rang this morning and he said there is nothing I can do if I contract it so forget about it. I guess he is right so I'm gonna just try and put it out of my mind and relax.

Heading out tonight with all my family and the plan is to tell then all seem as its the one time my whole family will be all together. I'm kinda excited but nervous seen as I haven't had my scan yet. But morning sickeness and tiredness is still very much with me so hoping its a good sign. Hope everyone is well xx
Aww.. That slapped cheek syndrome seems to be doing the rounds.. A woman in works niece has it at the minute too... Poor little things.. Just pack in the F&V to keep yer immune system somewhat built :)

Ooh exciting stuff.. Can't wait til I can break that news.. Tho I think I'll text my Dad.. Can't be telling him I have had sex... LOL
Tonights cancelled. Just got word from hubby, he's at the hospital, his mom has been given the weekend to live. Treatment didn't work :cry:How am I gonna tell my daughter
OMG Laura.. I'm so sorry to read this... Biggest virtual hugs to you.. That's awful..
Has she been told or are they not telling her? Oh God Laura.. I don't know what to say...
No she knows, she wants to go home to die. They say she will probably pass in her sleep because she is very drowsy. I am shaking all over and can't stop crying. Trying to get myself together for when my daughter gets home from school. Think I'm gonna tell her that she know granny is very sick and that god has decided to take her to heaven to be with him? Does that sound about right?
I'm really sorry to hear that Laura... just awful news. Can only imagine how painful this is for everyone.
I think that sounds about right for your daughter... a very nice way to put it. It must be so hard to have to hold it all together for your daughters sake. Sending love and hugs to you and your hubby, I'm just so sorry xxx <3
My heart goes out to you all. No words can make it better I know but I wish I knew the right thing to say. I can't imagine what you are all going through but try and look after yourself. You have a precious package to look after xxx
Laura, I'm so sorry, I think that's a really lovely honest thing to tell your daughter. Sending you all massive hugs.
So sorry Laura, sending huge hugs and lots of love to you and your family. Xxx
Hello ladies, thank you all so much for the well wishes. MIL is now in the hospice and is doing okay, or as well as she can. We've been up for the weekend for most of each day. DD is at school today so we aren't heading up till after 2p.m (hubby is away first thing), so I'm taking this opportunity to cook up a big lasagna and chop up a fruit salad for the lot of them. No one is eating properly and I'm getting abit worried about my SIL and hubby (MIL only has the two children). I'm hoping they'll eat the food if I bring it to them.

I am doing alright. Still very sad as well but motoring on. Morning sickness has eased off a little, just sick about 3 times a day now and not as tired. Still no word about my scan, but not sure if I could go now anyway. DD is getting on all right, I've explained it all to her and she seems to grasp it okay. She is very sad and wants to spend all her time with her granny, which her granny loves and loves seeing both children arrive everyday. They kind of lift everyones spirits really with all the running around and laughing. Good to have them there as a distraction.

I'll update everything when I get a chance. Hope everyone is well and enjoying their days xxxx