Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

oh TG! i was thinking 3 points for rice crispies?! what a rip off! lol :p also, i love rice crispies so would be gutted that i've been pointing them at 1.5 lol!
u seem to be doing really well hunni and ur menu looks good.
dont forget to use up ur activity points and dont let them build up etc!!
hope totm arrives and stops hurting ya!! xxx
Hey hun glad to see you are keeping positive :) your menus sound yummy! Hoping to be back with you in a few weeks! xxx
Morning hun
How are you today? Your food menu looks lovely i could eat that right now :)
Oooh i love lamb shanks! Are those points from the ones from Sainsburys/Iceland? x
Yep. Iceland. I shared it with my son. The whole shank was 12! But it was worth those 6pts! I love lamb!

I'm ok this morning Gemma thanks. Still not my usual happy self but ok. Diet is going well at least.
Whilst I have time here is my menu for yesterday:

B: 30g Rice Krispies with SS milk (3), WW Mini Roll (2),
L: Heinz Tomato Soup (large tin) (3.5), 1 x bread (1.5), Muller Light (1.5)
D: Healthy Chicken breast (2.5), 150g Rice (3), 200g Hoi Sin and Plum Sauce (3), Olive Oil (1.5)
S: 2 Cream Crackers (1), 25g Peanuts (3), 2 squares of chocolate (1.5)

Thank you! I would like the same for tea tonight!
Im having a blowout before i start properly tomorrow and having a burger worth 10 points (holy cow lol) but tomorrow i start!

Im going to have lamb though this week definitely.
Enjoy your burger! It has got to be done ;) Goodluck for your start tomorrow.

I just had a southern fried chicken breast with low fat chips and some bread. It was YUMMY!!!!!!!! and really low in points (7.5) considering what it is :D
awh yum pure jealous lol!! xxx
Hi, hope you're doing well. Don't worry too much about your WI this week, you're bound to lose if you're eating all your points and increased your water intake :)

Your menus look so delicious I'm now hungry lol x
Mmmm sounds yummy hun, I am NOT jealous at ALL :(!! Tis my own doing though! Can't wait to be on WW again, think it may only be a week away as I can feel myself losing my willpower and that's not good news :(

Lol thanks guys. I always thought the food I ate was rubbish :D Now I look at it is does not look too bad :)

Jax, thank you. I hope you are right :) I feel lighter if that makes sense and I am not bloated either. I am hopeful for 1lb at least (although I would like more)!

Nikki, can't wait to have you back over here with us. You have done so well hun. Just keep it up another couple of weeks and you will be where you want to be :) You can do it! We are all here for you x
Thanks Gemma. I have had a good week. Stuck to my points. Drank lots and done plenty of exercise. I am feeling positive about Monday. I feel good in myself if nothing else :) I will lose this week! :D

How you feeling?
glad you're feeling better in yourself. I have a favour to ask though.. can i come for tea please? :D your meals look so tasty!
So I am worried sick this morning. I had a call this morning from my step dad. My mum was rushed into hospital this morning with severe stomach pains. I knwo she must be in agony as she hates hospitals and avoids the doctors more often than not. I spoke to her and got upset as she is on morphine and sounds out of it. not nice to hear at all. They suspect Gall bladder issues but we do not know anything. We are waiting for a phone call for news. It's awful :( I hope she is ok :(